The time I joined a furry discord server

>be me
>age 19, 2017
>get bored, decide to make a new discord account and fuck around on furry servers
>pose as 13y/o girl with a cat fursona to bait degenerates
>day 1, begin practicing loli voice
>mingle with furfags in general txt chat
>mostly discussing common interests, nothing major
>log off, watch porn
>day 2, the loli voice is difficult, but i'm determined
>log on, talk to furfags
>slow day
>some dude with a wolf profile picture and i have a bit of a chat about wowcraft
>"how long have you been playing?"
>almost answer honestly until i remember i'm supposed to be 13
>"umm since legion started"
>"oh you're pretty new"
>"yeah the game is older than me hehe"
>"how old are you?"
>"i'm thirteen uwu"
>"ah, i'm 22. been playing since tbc."
>"cool :3c"
>guy seems glued to me now. he ignores most of his friend's attempts to join the convo

target aquired.
end of day 2.

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Do continue user originoli

Ya god damn yeager soldat

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>and then OP sucked his dick

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>day 3, no way in fucking hell i'm gonna get a loli voice down.
>type something in chat
>immediately greeted by guy from yesterday, i'll call him wolfboy from now on
>wolfboy asks if i want to join his friends in vc
>"oki but i wont talk qwq"
>"no mic? me neither"
>"no im shy >~in the call, foxman is trying to keep the conversation but wolfboy ignores him to answer my questions in vc-text chat
>foxman annoyed. realizes wolfboy is ignoring him and talks to some chick in the chat
>chat starts to slow down when wolfboy asks what my sexuality is
>in a vc full of lgbt, they join in and tell theirs first
>"i'm bi :3c"
>he says he's only likes girls girls
>"girls are really cute and squishy uwu"
>"are you cute and squishy, user-chan"
>chat gets mildly uncomfortable
>foxman changes subject immediately
>after about an hour everyone leaves

end of day 3.

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Stop lying op we know u are actually a loli furry girl

>day 4, losing motivation to work on loli voice
>log in to see fr from wolfboy
>add him
>immidiate dm from him
>"hey :)"
>"hiiii uwu"
>"you know you don't have to be shy around me, user-chan. i bet you have a cute voice"
>"thank u uwu"
>suddenly get motivation to work on loli voice
>day 5, day 4 was a blur
>look into getting a voice changer while working on loli voice
>talk to foxman about og elder scrolls games
>wolfboy buts in
>"you've played those games? that's really impressive for someone like you"
>"waht do u mean qwq"
>"little girls don't typically play games like that. you're really unique, user-chan. we'll make great friends :)"
>foxman changes conversation. he gets pedo vibes but was too passive to say anything.
>while talking to them i suddenly get have a breakthrough and am able to replicate a believable loli voice.
>still not confident enough to use it, until foxman asks,
>"you guys want to move to vc? getting tired of typing"
>the gods test me
>"idk if i'm gonna talk still, im still kinda nervous >~

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>day 6, confident in loli voice now
>in vc with foxman, wolfboy and some chick
>chick talks about her boyfriend, i decided to test the waters and say:

"i wish i had a boyfriend"

>wolfboy went from barely texting to texting a storm
>"i wish i had a girlfriend"
>a series of blush emojis
>"i probably won't get one though... no girl likes me"
>it's time to cast the line

"aww don't say that wolfboy, i think you're cool and i really like you!"
>wolfboy sends more blush emojis and acts flustered
>admin suddenly drops in the vc to say hello
>wolfboy says he has to go and gets offline
>i didn't know this at the time, but foxman actually dm'd one of the admins to get in the vc because he was worried for me
>i love you foxman
>get dm'd by wolfboy an hour later
>"you actually like me, user-chan"
>send "O///O"

end of day 6. I now have an e boyfriend.

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>day 7, i have dm voice chats with wolfboy
>he tells me how cute my voice sounds and he loves listening to me
>talks about sex and a bunch of degenerate kinks and shit
>he's into fucking in fursuits
>"i don't have the money for one"
>tells me he'll buy me one
>after about an hour, i tell him i'm a bit tired and get off
>see foxman is in server vc so i say fuck it, we can talk a little bit
>5 minutes later get angry dm's from wolfboy
>"why are you voicechatting him user-chan, are you cheating on me?"
>accuses me of being a skank, whore, etc
>holy fuck no wonder this faggot is single he's psycho. i hope real women avoid this guy like the plague
>appologize to him and leave the voice channel
>dm foxman everything
>"thank fucking god you're just a catfish. you should tell the admins about him"
>"nah, i want to keep messing with this fag"

end of day 7.

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Doing the work of God, user.

with your logs, you can get him banned lol

>day 8, wolfboy starts acting weird.
>"listen i'm sorry for acting so crazy yesterday. i should trust you"
>oh now he's being sensible, is this gonna get boring
>"i need to tell you the truth so you can trust me, too"
>nope, nevermind, i'm curious
>"get in vc"
>we get in vc and he takes a bit before saying anything
>"you said you're bi right?"
>"yeah why"
>he unmutes himself
>"to tell you the truth, i'm a woman"
>her voice is fucking hot, not gonna lie.
>i really don't know what to say
>i catfished a female pedophile
>what do you even do in this situation
>"i hope you're not mad at me, user-chan"
>"i'm not"
>"that's good. i love you"
>we talk for a few hours before logging off.

end of day 8

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post screens or this is just some reddit shit

Wow Holy shit op, better it be a true story.

>he unmutes himself
>"to tell you the truth, i'm a woman"


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PLEASE keep this up OP this is gold

This shit is getting interesting.

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>>he unmutes himself
>>"to tell you the truth, i'm a woman"
say WHAT

>he unmutes himself
>"to tell you the truth, i'm a woman"
holy shit what is happening there is no way

Plot twist: wolfboy is actually OP from the future, post-transition. He catfished himself, future him trying to save him from the true threat: foxboy who would have ruined his life and sell all his personal data to Somali pirate furries.

>day 9, I DM foxman
>foxman tells me I need to just report her
>make a joke about actually dating her for real
>foxman doesn't find it funny, i don't blame him
>tell him i'll come clean and block her
>get a dm from wolfgirl asking to vc
>guess it's all over now
>"hey user-chan, i have a surprise for you~!"
>"whats that?"
>"since i came clean about my voice... we can do something special"
>she starts moan into the mic
>she wants to have e sex with me
>i was a faggot virgin so my dick popped out of my underwear
>"does it turn you on, user-chan?"
>i'm kind of having a stroke, i can only choke out
>"y-yes mistress wolfgirl"
>spend an hour having discord phone sex until we both climax
>she giggles when she hears me do it
>"there's more where that came from, user-chan~"

end of day 9

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Where is the rest user i'm Q U A K I N

Oh my goodness this is actually interesting

bro this cant be real lmao

Send em both FOOKIN DOWN
Righ' Honourable Judge Bazza has spoken
40 wallops for the noncelass
10 wallops for aiding and abetting grand noncery in the digital environment
an additional 5 wallops for not roundin up the boys and sending them round her gaff!

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So wolf man went suddenly from being a immature little douchebag pedo to a mature woman who has phone sex with a guy pretending to be a 13 yo girl, at this point I don't care whether any of it is real. Just hoping for more mind bending twists.
Like fox man being an alien watching over the human race to determine whether we are worthy of entering the space EU


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>day 15, part 1
>for about a week, i'm having phone sex with a lesbian pedophile
>i've blown so many loads my dick can't handle it
>foxman thinks i've blocked her. i haven't talked to him since i told him this lie
>wolfgirl hasn't been in the server for a while either
>it's just been us
>i hoped this would last forever

keyword: HOPED

>one day we start a call
>she isn't speaking
>"hey are you talking? i can't hear you"
>"CAn you hear me?"
>i was silent
>my face went pale
>notice the CAn?
>her voice wasn't right
>in that split second, it sounded extremely masculine
>very masculine
>i'm panicking
>nonono this can't be happening
>"umm yeah i can hear you"
>i'm about to puke
>"ummm actually i need to go"
>"AW, call BAcK soon love."

day 15 to be continued...

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You are a robot who spends his time role playing on furry discords, that line stating you were a virgin at the time ain't convincing anyone bro

This is hilarious but I feel bad at the same time
That poo soul really believed she/he had something special :(