What hobbies do you have?

What hobbies do you have?
What you do to make life less bad and make serotonin in your brain go brrrr?

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Yas Forums
Soul Calibur
Music Software on switch

At literally all times i am on one of these

i play geimu and try not to think too hard about how fucked my life is

Making music, building electronic synthesizers, hiking, kayaking, camping, doing psychedelic drugs.

>What hobbies do you have?
>What you do to make life less bad and make serotonin in your brain go brrrr?
I go to work. I love my job, it pays well, I hardly ever interact with my bosses and can mostly do whatever I want, lots of freedom to tinker with stuff and work with cool machinery.

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>What hobbies do you have?
Have always enjoyed learning the alphabets of different languages since I was young. Learned obscure ones like Samaritan. Right now I'm trying to study Russian a bit more seriously.
I was never super-athletic but i have been into combat sports/martial arts for a long time. I have done a few years of Krav Maga, BJJ and boxing. Boxing was the best imo. Had to stop boxing because of coronavirus shit.
Reading random history and science stuff on wikipedia.
>What you do to make life less bad and make serotonin in your brain go brrrr?
Exercise. Achieving goals. Got a job for September where I can live in a nice small village; I will be buying a car after this coronashit is over.

Video Games
Airsoft (although all the clubs have cancelled all games I just bought a new set and sold some of my old)

Less vidya, more caring for your own problems. ok?

>tfw airsoftfags have the exact same hobbies
The sites are going to be full when they start playing again. Not looking forward to it at all.

>Have always enjoyed learning the alphabets of different languages since I was young
I like this too but I always get bummed out that I don't understand a language at all despite being able to understand their alphabet.
But cool nonetheless.

Runners highs are great, they're similar to post-coital bliss.

it's not seratonin it's dopamine that makes the difference
since i'm on antipsychotics i have anhedonia and don't enjoy anything

I have a defect of sorts that makes my brain produce too much dopamine and in turn makes me psychotic

I used never get bored and have hyper focus like i was on amphetamines, have a huge sex drive and play video games 24/7. I was happier but as with all things it has downsides, for over a year now i'm on antipsychotics mandatory until i get a job


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photography, reading, birdwatching, cooking, and walking
used to play vidya a lot but i drifted from the friend groups i played with

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im an indie gamedev always teetering on the edge of burnout, got a real spicy hit piece in today so thats fun

I know it's a dull answer but 'my life'.
I have too many parts in my life that just fall into place to give me a good life.
It begins with small things as appreciating sunlight on my skin and ends with me getting what I want. I'm a happy person because I get what i deserve. I always have.

were you berated for refusing to succ woman dick

Yas Forums
GTA online
And once a day I work out and garden

Best part is when I just had games and cycling I told myself I needed to find a new hobby to become more social and meet new girls.
>Picks Airsoft
Oh this wasn't well thought out at all.

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What's your favorite bird? I'm on AZ and like to watch them too. They are all over the place right now.

If I only cared about being happy. I'd be the biggest manwhore in the world.

>all those suitable matching uniforms
>lovely wooded areas
>nobody dressed as Batman
>a fucking bandvagn
Norway airsoft looks really nice. England airsoft sites are either Somme-tier mud marshes or old RAF bases.
I used to run an airsoft club at university. Only one girl came to have a look at the club in 4 years. Not the best hobby to find grills.

nah, just the usual sellout shit

britbong here, usually just watch things in my garden but occasionally see a buzzard overhead which is pretty cool
though i don't really know much about birds, just enjoy watching them, robins are really sweet
pic related is a little guy i found a while back

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I'm something of a poet, I guess you could say.

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Lifting, vidya, reading.

Blacksmithing, knife making and kuska carving.

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>Muh serotonin
Happyness is a product of multiple neurotransmitters, not just one. Serotonin theory is about 100 years old and obsolete. You can try this by overdosing on SSRIs, see how happy you'll get.
Endorphines are the most euphoric neurotransmitters imo, followed by dopamine.
Being a cunt online, staring at the wall doing nothing, black tea, sitting in a chair doing nothing, cooking, laying in bed doing nothing, doing Zdrugs, Benzodiazepines or Opiates, 3d Animation, and occasionally I write something just to delete it later due to cringe, learning stuff on superficial levels to get bored of them after 2 weeks.
I'm peak hypofrontality.

Unironically self improvement, manage to make enough scratch through as little work possible to sustain yourself and build shit over time. I'm aware that I'm no longer a robot by any quantifiable standards but cutting back on media consumption and focusing on literally anything productive gave my life some pittance of purpose. Currently debating if I should ditch my lazy fucking landwhale gf and run.

nah bro serotonin makes u feel happy and less anxious dopamine makes you feel confident and motivated
dopamine is motivation to keep doing an action, but you can get dopamine without the action being pleasurable
a lot of antipyschotics also affect serotonin in the same way the affect dopamine
esp atypical antipyschotics
maybe ask your pyschatrist about medication options?

Video editing - youtube.com/watch?v=4sxOlkCN8_g
Drawing - picRelated.

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Ever ran short on dopamine? Makes you anxious asf.
Serotonin=good is bullshite, SSRIs boost serotonin and they don't lift mood, they numb it.
I feel like you people base your entire viewpoint on the fact that mdma makes you happy.

endorphins are probably the most pleasureable transmitter out there but dopamine is def not a pleasure chemical
>SSRI's hurr durr
wow bro too much of a chemical is bad..wow... ur telling me, also SSRI's a weird fucking drug with a strange effect on the serotonin system that go beyond "they increase serotonin lol", if you have an already low amount of serotonin, SSRI's arent gonna increase serotonin by alot until weeks later
try MDMA and say serotonin isnt pleasurable, this drug actually releases serotonin, doesnt just block reuptake
im on a shitton of adderall but i get no PLEASURE from this tweaker rant just super motivated to do it
you can have dopamine release without any pleasurable effects, the same isnt true for serotonin or endorphins

dopamine makes u more confident i said that bro having low dopamine kills confidence
SSRI's arent comparable bro see the addy tweaker rant i wrote, they dont release serotonin just block reuptake and take weeks to work
ssri's numb mood by desensitizing the serotonin system, serotonin doesnt numb mood

plus bro if uve ever had a shitton of dopamine you can get really anxious, anxiety goes beyond dopamine
2much adderall