Post your scales and favourite video game. For me? its Fable 2

Post your scales and favourite video game. For me? its Fable 2

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i dont really play much vidya i guess either stalker or mount and blade

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Nazbol is the way.
>also stalker

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Why don't you believe more in revolution, user? Nothing ever changes unless you take action and spill some blood

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Do you play stalker to emulate communist life?

cant decide for a favorite game
based flag

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I never had a true favorite game but I play a lot of roguelikes and I've been playing a game called Caves of Qud recently so I'll go with that
Also if you know good classic roguelikes please recommend

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because the modern machine is so tremendously powerful outright dissent, right now at least, would be counterproductive
yet it has a place and a time may come for it
id remind you that none of the prominent fascist regimes came into power through revolution

was just about to make a thread
not a socialist but not a pushover for the corporates either

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i don't have A favourite game

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Mount and Blade is based. you can do whatever.

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You're only a pushover for corporates if you don't eventually become one yourself, user

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based gulag
its not just individuals that should avoid corporate fucks
they have no right interfering with the government like they do
capitalism is good when its controlled

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Crusader Kings 2


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oh yea i forgot to say, favorite game is terraria
gmod sand niggers from syria, kys dumb commie

VtM Bloodlines

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I've mostly given up video games but I still play Wii Fishing Resort occasionally so I'll go with that

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Mount & Blade: Warband

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>Capitalists getting the rope
undeniably based.

>Missionnary : for you religon is important, especially yours. It is therefore appropriate to spread it as globally as possible.

Probably EVE Online.
I don't enjoy it as much as I used to, but I still have a lot of good memories.

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Bring back monarchies and nobility. Have the first generation picked based on meritocracy and later through inheritance.

Skyrim & WoW Classic.

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tranny spotted

Roughly the same as last time I took it. Pragmatic Monarchist that's a centrist. I like Monarchy sue me, feel like the British got the right idea with a Constitutional Monarchy.

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Oh forgot to say favorite game. Fallout New Vegas.


I usually go NCR or House. Only complaint with House is killing off the Brotherhood. I mean I understand why, but still. He doesn't try to let diplomacy play out. Or consider The Courier being a part of them might be able to convince them.

In the past, Zelda OoT or Shenmue
As of late, Rimworld

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Civilization series, also rimworld

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Been playing Skyrim like fuck recently

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