Any anons who like guitar and/or guitar gear? I'd love to have someone to speak to about it. Anyone?
Any anons who like guitar and/or guitar gear? I'd love to have someone to speak to about it. Anyone?
No. That garbage died in the 90s. No one plays guitar no one forms bands
That's not true user! Lots of people still play guitar, it's a fun hobby.
>Solid state
>implying that it isn't a shitty solid state amp
I play bass I've got a really old fender tube amp (fender champion?) and that's all.
Oh that sounds nice user , what bass do you have?
Go on Yas Forums, search /gg/ Guitar General in the catalogue. Why the fuck are you posting this shit on here?
buy an AC15
>he thinks playing an instrument is shit
Yea fuck off b*ck to where ever reddit clone you came from, norman
I have Schecter Blackjack ATX C7, it's a 2009 piece but it's still in good shape, except the neck piece just fell off so I need to hot glue it back lol. I play on headphones cuz I have some trash amp I got with my first guitar
>Go on Yas Forums, search /gg/ Guitar General in the catalogue.
My entire rig is solid state now.
Get with the times.
>recommend where to go
>think playing and instrument is shit
>doesn't realize i've been playing longer than the zoomer has been alive
I think that real amps are outdated. Digital modelers are on par with their sound quality and you can program them and tweak them in every way. Why have one or two valve amps when you can have 200 for the same price. And to that 100 effects and 2000 cabinet ir. The only advantage of the real amps is that it's possible to repair them yourself, thanks to their fairly simple construction.
A lot of guitarists are switching to solid state. I made the switch and I love it. It's not like tube amps require constant maintenance, but it's nice never having to worry about getting new tubes.
The boss Nextone solid state amps are incredible, the Jazz chorus amps, and the orange Crush pro amps. I got a 2x12 orange crush combo amp and it does everything I need it to.
So what exactly is the problem with talking about it on Yas Forums?
I'll tell you what I think about playing instruments, it sucks, you put a lot of effort into learning but in the end it's not fucking worth it. It sucks, you may think, sure, I'll learn how to compose and record myself, create something unique only to realize that now you have to learn about producing/recording, okay, let's say you do learn all the tricks and gimmicks you can learn about recording and mixing, etc. (you won't), you're ready? Right? Not really, you've been playing for so long every shit you try to create is not good enough for your "musical ear" and lots of good songs or riffs you could have recorded in the past are not there because you progressed, and let's face it, your shitty band won't be like Metallica or Iron Maiden and anybody who listens to you play is just thinking fuck this, is it over yet? You're stroking your ego and think that people will understand the nuances and perfectionism that has been put in a simple song, buut no, every other guitar player thinks he can do better, or thinks he can improve it, and random people who listen to you play prefer a shitty blues with some hammer ons and bends here and there than something complex like classical music, you either in it for life and pursue some sort of career in it, or just admit it, you play guitar congrats, every year thousands and tens of thousands new guitars are sold and with that guitar comes a dream, the dream of making it ...
well, I don't think anyone here with GAS wants to talk with someone who has a vox it's made in china
Is this a copy pasta?
You should play music because it feels good and it's fun. You shouldn't play because you want to be famous, that's just gay.
disgusting and retarded zoomers detected
Any guitarists need a bassist to lay down a track for them? I don't have a fancy DAW but I've got a decent interface and a couple pedals.
Jerking off about gear is gay desu
Not even a theoryfag but jerking off about your bootique guitars and pedals is missing the point of playing guitar or writing music
Yas Forums is for hipster fucks that listen to music for the wrong reasons
that's Dylan Carlson's rig in that picture. He's like 100 years old...
jesus christ, that guy was old when that guitar and thrash metal was popular
now he's ancient
and a nobody
you are such a massive fucking faggot
If you're going to play with amp modelers or amp sims, why even bother playing a physical instrument? Just cut out the middleman and make computer music.
He played at Hellfest, opened for Boris, Sunn O))), and he's still really active.
How is he a nobody? Why don't you post your music?
the guitar practice is the easy part, its wrestling with my mind thats always a step ahead of me telling me im not progressing fast enough, that ill never be where i want to be.
I said to myself, this time ill just learn a few songs and be content at that, it took me 4 weeks to get to the same point again where im depressed again.
i hate this circle
I'm content doing it whenever I want to; I almost never do regimented exercises and when I tried I burned out from boredom quickly.
i enjoy learning from tab and videos, but i also know that i need to learn the fretboard if i want to improvise. so practice comes into it at some point.
my mind and attention drift when im doing it. i think there needs to be a guitar forum based on just the mental aspect of it. the drive to keep going even when its not enjoyable.
>the drive to keep going even when its not enjoyable.
Then take a break nigga, idk about you but I have no intention of becoming some virtuoso, especially not at my age.
>i enjoy learning from tab and videos,
I prefer using pdfs or books whenever possible but I tried to avoid using online courses and YT videos as often as I could; I have this thing where it feels less genuine if I'm just going off a youtube video, less feeling more sterility and pointless analysis.
no i dont want to be a virtuoso, they practice like 8 hours a day or something.
i barely do an hour a day, like i say the practice isnt hard, its just what my mind does in that space, telling me im never going to be able to do it. then i set being miserable for half an hour. i dont wanna quit, i just dont know how to stay mentally positive. thats the thing id like to learn, the thing i dont hear anyone talk about.
>I have this thing where it feels less genuine if I'm just going off a youtube video, less feeling more sterility and pointless analysis.
Not him, but I feel this if I'm not learning by ear. If I use tabs, I make sure I know what the notes are.
Use both.... Better yet, learn by ear then tab them, sometimes I mistake certain notes for another in their respective minor chords, but you gotta git gud and spend a lot of time on a song.