You wake up tomorrow in this body. What do you do?

You wake up tomorrow in this body. What do you do?

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Isn't it crazy how important eyes are for looking attractive?

why does cock fucking disgust me

Step 1: cry because I'm going bald

Feel pleased that I am finally skinny

Do whatever I can to get my own body back. Life is already bad enough.

Report it to the mods because posting images of ourselves is prohibited

Finally, finally feel whole because I have my foreskin back. After that, I'd have all the confidence I need for life's other challenges.

Smoke weed and play grand theft auto in my basement while waiting for the sweet release of death, but now skinner with a bigger cock and less hair

probably feel better as he is probably taller than me I'm short asf

probably kill myself since i look disgusting as fuck

this isn't my photo

Probably kill myself over my lost gains.

Kill myself because I use to be a good looking robot that girls found attractive and now im a balding ugly npc that is so boring looking people don't realize im there

Be real pissed because lost all of my hard earned gains

>buzz my hair to mitigate balding
>actually lift and eat so i don't look like a malnourished 16 year old
>grow beard out like a man instead of spending an hour and a half shaving a shitty pattern onto my face
Ta-Da. But this is good advice for almost anyone, not just this hungry faggot.

He has a bigger dick than me but my physique and facial structure is better + I'm 6ft3 and he doesn't look very tall. I'd probably try to find some way to become my old self again.

Hang myself because I lost my hairline

I'd probably jerk off a little bit and suck some more dick

> Buzz and beard
Lol, coping much man? It is what it is, get over it and don't grow a fucking beard, nobody likes beards anymore

why did I get downgrade?

Can I keep my face?

Honestly this wouldnt be bad at all, i could cope with going bald if i had a facial structure like that, it could work, plus id be taller

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exactly. the bald and beard cope is reddit-tier bullshit. nobody cares about a little "recession" in your hairline. as soon as it happens the idiots go "zOMG I CAN HAZ HEAD SHAVE AND BEARD???!!11"

Ask god why he turned me into a balding manlet.

Stop worrying about being a dicklet

>nice cock
>gross everything else

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go do a bunch of athletic shit

I was going to say
>Shave my head
But after looking more carefully...better not, would end up looking like a Xenomorph.

Hair plugs.
It will cost a pretty penny but he looks like a prime candidate.

skipping chest day might be even worse than skipping leg day