
>no friends cuz im antisocial and really weird
>actually made a friend for once
>gets really excited, and we talk about nintendo stuff and our passions
>he starts asking some fucking lewds
>told him i just wanted a friend
>tells me im a "Stupid spic roastie cunt"
>mwf i cant make decent friends

Attached: pfp6.jpg (666x750, 128.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't make friends from here, there all human trash.

kys attention whoring faggot
remember, all fields

omg can we talk about nintengay together please
i promise im fun

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you will have more opportunities to make friends

it's better to have no friends than bad friends

Well, want to try being my friend? I don't care about your body.


robots are robots sadly

And, what exactly did you expect?

I'll be your friend desu. In a relationship so I don't want your nudes. I'll probably talk about country music a lot though

>user adds me and messages me to call me a nigger
You mad wite boi?

did you and gummy break up
also op if you're into fire emblem please be my friend

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Not presenting yourself as female would solve the problem to a good bit.
If you want friends when why do you show the thirsty fucks around here that you are a target?


I should have expected nothing. Me being a stupid dumb bitch, lmao.

Yes we did a few weeks back, got tired of it

wanna we be friends user we can talk about nintendo and bitch about pokemon

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At least you've learned from your experience,what are your next steps going to be when making friends?

Be a stoic wall

Birb is always happy to meet new frens

I'm not sure your making the best choice there, I meant finding relationships by other means or something. I don't think it's healthy to be alone all the time, though I'm in the same boat.

this is probably a larp but i am fellow femanon and would like to be friends (if you're okay with having other female friends)

>want to be friends with a girl
>99.99% sure would catch feelings sooner or later
>there's no reason to even try since it'll definitely end badly
it looks so comfy to have friends of not your gender but it just feels so impossible

Attached: this is comfy.png (869x978, 459.03K)

no thank you, i learned my lesson

Do online friends count? I have a female friend whom I only see as a friend.

Were will you try to make friends next time?

> spic

Where are you from OP?

And you shouldnt get sad about it, its obvious that some assholes you will meet will be wolves in sheep clothing, trying to get some lewds or any kind of thing to fap to.
Dont give up.

>tells me im a "Stupid spic roastie cunt"
based as fuck

atleast he knows who to insult

im 1st generation Chicana

Naturally, the only decent post got no (You).
Here it is, OP said in the first post she's a woman and look at the brainless horny retards flooding the thread.

Cool, but double hard to fit in I guess.

Advice: if you want people to play vidya with, you should try to aim to find female friends.
The reality is that you will have it really hard to find an anonymous male to play, because again, chances are he is thirsty as hell (so either harassment or worshipping).
There was a sub on r*ddit that was exactly for that.