How does anyone find this retard funny?

How does anyone find this retard funny?

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by watching him and understanding that he's funny

>understanding that he's funny
fuck off underage

he says poo poo and pee pee, is there anything funnier than that?




Yes I'm 26 and am unironically subscribed to Pewdiepie.

ok boomer. getting salty?

Kek, how young are you faggot? 12? 13?

you wish pedo virgin XD

Well im 26 and started watching him in jan. He is legit funny, not all of his work, but most of it

Link his one recent funny video

I enjoyed his videos while he was a gamer. Like 7 years ago

He literally just reposts facebook memes in video form. There's your audience I guess.

he used to be funny, now he just mumbles the same joke all over and over

You're probably too old senpai

This post brought to you by ceiling gang.

It's literally a case of being popular for being popular. All of content is completely uninspired, unfunny and unoriginal but he always went with the zeitgeist and thus managed to get on top.
And nowadays he could probably take a video of him taking a shit and little kids would find it entertaining because "haha it's pewdiepie"

What are you, ceiling gang? Thats kinda cringe.

I like his more serious videos where he says it how it is but his other videos are very substandard.. especially for someone who hires multiple editors, but I guess they can't fix the shit he gives them.

He's a retard and I never want to meet him in my life

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The only funny thing he did was that joke about killing the jews.

Non-anglos love him. Seriously, everyone in Russia, not just young people, adore him.
Anglos have a very different sense of humour; more more heavily based around irony.
Non-anglo humour is more slapstick and silliness. Pewdiepie appeals to that.

I dislike his stuff but I do like him as a countercultural figure; he winds up mainstream media liberals.

I wouldn't call him funny, but I do find him handsome and extremely likeable. I haven't watched many videos but I did like his DDLC playthrough.

No one on Yas Forums liked this faggot until he said the nigger word.

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He was good until he went on break after minecraft series,have not found him funny since then.Also seems really insecure about his dick and im pretty sure he fucked Marzia's brains out during the hiatus

t.Pewdiepie viewer from the Happy Wheels days

He overreacts and plays it up for the camera like other youtubers

>Owns a subreddit
Yup, hes cringe

I don't necessarily find him funny but his videos are strangely comfy to watch

And? Pewdiepie is literally the symbol of our white nationalist movement. He is a god. Soon when we vote him into office as president of the united states the deportations will commence ad of course if the untermench don't comply, then harsher methods will be enacted. America will once again be an all european utopia. No crime, no suffering, no poverty. And Felix will smile upon us as you're put in the camps.
allt hagel felix vastens anglo gud

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yep. definitely underage. MOOOODS!!

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pewdiepie is based. he is lightly red-pilling the younger generations. you can tell he lurks Yas Forums by his "ylyl" series, the mainstream media hating him because of his his anti-pc jokes, and when he accidentally blurted the n-word on accident.

the bad thing about pewdiepie is that he is starting to move away from being anti-pc and just conforming to an audience focused on le memes.

What exactly did r9k mean by this?

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>How does anyone find this retard funny?
Demographic. Look at the thread, they all genuinely are pewshitpie fanboys. Why do think the "boomer" insult got so popular? The targer demographic have evolved, the new generation is dominating the places so of course the shit that gets popular is what they want like this retard or shit like tiktoks.

Just deal with it, nothing we can do at this point. But it's funny to see how the world is turning to shit because of them, I'm genuinely curious to see how things are going to be in the next 10 or 20 years when those retards will be in charge.