Anyone here see suicide in their future?
Anyone here see suicide in their future?
im getting killed/dying from organ failure fuck suicide
Lucky 45777
just do drugs dude its fun and is gonna kill you
It'll happen but in a decade or two, right now I'm on disability living a relatively cozy life. When my parents die I'll OD on Nembutal, I don't want to make them sad.
Recreationally a lot of drugs aren't that bad, I've spent weeks binging on drugs straight and still look healthy and don't feel physically bad.
That sounds just like going to sleep is that the idea?
I know it'll happen eventually.
Yes, that's the idea. You take 10 grams of Nembutal and you peacefully fall asleep within a few minutes as your central nervous slows down until you die. It's painless, it's the best suicide method by far and it's the one that's used for suicides assisted by the state in some countries. You hear it quite often "I hope I die in my sleep" but overdosing on Nembutal is just like that.
no. i know i'm too much of a pussy to do it. even if my life is irreparably fucked, i'd still find a way to keep living. i can't kill my hope completely, there will always be a small sliver of it in my heart and it will prevent me form doing the only sensible thing in this life.
Depends on how you look at it. I am taking the slow and scenic route of likely lung cancer.
I feel like killing myself every so often, but I'm afraid to actually do it. What if I mess up, or somebody tries to stop me, or keep me alive when I don't want to?
>i can't kill my hope completely, there will always be a small sliver of it
No, because I stopped thinking about the future a long time ago. And I'm too much of a coward to do it right now. Problem solved.
I overthink my way into suicidality if I would just live in the moment I think would be better
This also has its disadvantages. I wake up early and try not to think about anything, otherwise I can't manage to get up. I brush my teeth, take a shit and shower - without thinking. Then I work all day long and sit down at the computer after work - without thinking about it. As soon as I think, I get depressed. When I have a lonely phase in the evening, I drink alcohol to sleep better. So every day passes and every day is like the last. The worst are the weekends, because boredom almost kills me. When I come home Friday after work I am always in a bad mood and I only wait for Monday.
I'm ugly and always friendly. Unfortunately the latter doesn't count for much in this world.
Yeah if things keep getting worse.
Suicide is for betas you actual fucking degenerate
Not sure about suicide, but I do not see myself living past 35.
hopefully soon. i want to die. im too scared to do it but i just want to leave this place so badly
I might be dead by the time I'm 50.
This reminds me of that old article:
>man tries to kill himself
>gets caught at the last minute
>is "saved" but gets serious brain damage
>cannot speak anymore but learns to communicate by blinking his eyes
>two blinks mean yes
>is asked if he still wants to die
>blinks twice
Inevitable so yes. For decades now my main motivation for doing anything important with my life has been looking for alternatives to suicide.
That was my main reason for doing college, that was my main motivation for doing an enlistment in the Marine Corps, that was my main ( least half, the other being spending cash) motivation behind every job I've ever held.
I serve no purpose and have no real place in this world. I'm just playing a waiting game of waiting to die and finding something to do in the meantime.
same here...i'm going to 41% myself at some point before 35.
Possible, but kinda unlikely.
it's just a matter of how and when
Me. Pretty soon probably. Parents are kicking me out after my mom went batshit on me because i told her screaming at fox news was unhealthy. She said the most horrible things anyone has ever said to me. Thenwhen i thought she was going to apologize, she told me to leave by august first. Now she treats me like shit, and is laughing all day. Ive been on this cunts side my whole life listening to her bitch and moan about my dad who she refuses to divorce. She turned on me in an instant. All women are whores with no loyalty and will turn on you in a heartbeat. Im going to end it all. I cant go back to my job because rona, and i cant put up with this anymore. I just want to not exist anymore. But i dont want to do this to my older brother and my 3 friends. But i cant handle this anymore
Never suicide. Turun to Jesus and ask Him for help.
My GF wont fucking stop trying to kill herself. I do not like this meme.
It's all I can see
If you didn't already want to kill yourself getting cucked by christianity will make you
i seen a lot of suicide videos online, those actually make me not want to off myself
Yup. Not making it past 19.
would be able to move in with your older brother for a bit until things smooth over? im sorry your mam did that to you