
ISTPs are too pure for this world edition

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The previous thread is still alive! OwO

It will be ded soon

INFP suicide tier. Yeah that'll sum it all up personally

>successful tier
>all le epic E
No thanks, *vomits*

ok im tired of the lack of enfps in every thread. every single thread its like lucky to have even 1 enfp in the thread. i test mostly as enfp, but entp once in a blue moon, so im enfp. whats up. ama

What are you doing on Yas Forums?

ENFP here but I am a nazi. Although I feel like Nazis are just right wing SJWs so maybe your graph is correct
>t. Social Injustice Warrior

>Just did 2 tests to be sure
>both are infp

we are far and few between. while you won't find a lot of strength with us, you will find solidarity in your pain. we're a dying breed of 'emo' kids


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Subjugate selves to local entjs, they will make better decisions for you.

Why are the enfps gayest type? they display highest rate of being willing to experiment with opposite sex,why are you gay?

Meme uses life satisfaction + financial + academic access, i think.

Fact: 16 personalities are just horoscopes for people who think they are smart

ENFP is the chad group, ofc they're not on Yas Forums. not sure what you expected.

Correct, but tests that actually use the cognitive functions are accurate and reliable

>tfw no nice weeby virgin bf
Fuck this life.

Well I'm definitely not an sjw that's for fucking sure lol

>prove me wrong
How about this: astrology was based on aristotelian cosmology, according to whom planets moved in the firmament in ethereal spheres, whose position could influence the destiny of us humans, all things that today we know are wrong unless you want to go into flat earth territory
So with astrology it's not even a matter of not having proofs to back it up, it was downright proven wrong

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Me either.

t. infp

what're your political views like?

There's right wing sjws. Hitler himself was INFJ

12 hours of sleep a night and it still doesn't feel like enough

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I'm still confused by the cognitive functions. What the hell is Si? What's the difference between Ti and Ni?

ENJF here, pretty happy to see that I'm considered successful tier lmao

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Do you really consider Hitler to be a sjw?

>There's right wing sjws
Lol ok Sargon

There's different garden varieties. I subscribe to slave morality.

I don't get it. It says I use certain cognitive processes, but three out of four are actually used less than their alternative.

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>What the hell is Si
Introverted sensing, much like Se it perceives the world according to the sensory informations your body gives you, but unlike Se which focuses on the sensory stimuli directly from the outside world, Si focuses on those you have already internalized and are accessible through your memories
In short, it's the function that makes you value remembrance and past experiences
>What's the difference between Ti and Ni?
They're very different, one is a judging function and the other is a perceiving one, for instance
Ti is you analytical function, it makes you use the information you get to come up with your personal system and to compel you to understand the primal reason of why things are the way they are, you'l often hear that Ti makes you ask "why", as opposed to Te which makes you ask "how"
Ni is close to what we refer to as intuition is everyday language, it's about your gut feeling and spontaneous idea of what things are or are going to be, which you may act upon with whatever judging function you have