Where would you take your gf on a date user?

where would you take your gf on a date user?

I'd like my bf to take me on a picnic date (and then fuck me in the woods if I'm feeling horny) or go to an arcade or play board games

If I had a gf I'd probably feel weird about kissing her in public because of perverts who want to watch 2 girls kiss

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We'd go to a special hole I dug just for her.

Do we have to have a 'date' I hate being around people so I'd rather stay home and play vidya. I guess going on a picnic could work if not man people are around.

>tfw you've never been on a date

if she was an antisocial autist like me, the perfect date would be right at home, I would cook a nice meal for the two of us, after that we lay on the couch together and watch movies, then ending in us snuggling in bed

but of course, that will never happen

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I wouldn't take her anywhere. Either we mutually decide to go somewhere together or we don't go at all.

We could drive around in my car and complain about minorities we see.

>where would you take your gf on a date user?

Skydiving, always.

If they say no, they weren't ready or the type of person I'd want to spend the rest of my life with AT ALL.
What exactly do you mean

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We'd go out to a museum or maybe for a drive in the countryside.

This is also why I don't have a gf.

dang man, sorry for ya. That is comfy
LMAOOO based

I mean I dig a hole for her and then we go to it. Can't get more clear than that, retard.

a boy took me on an arcade date once then and got mad that i kept beating him as guilty gear x and mvc2 so never again

good, that's what the fuck I thought you meant

keep it that way

Go to a bad movie we can make fun of afterwards.
Pic unrelated

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what makes it even worse is I dont even want sex
I just want someone to love mutually but the world says that is stupid and that you should always have sex

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Dang that's autistic. The reasonable thing is to sigh and propose something else to do

Just for your faggotry, I'm going to show her your stupid ass posts and blame you for why I am burying her alive.

At least one date I'd like to lay out a blanket out on the grass somewhere in the country one summer night and go star watching with my prospective gf.

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yeah it was pretty bad. i mentioned i liked video games so thats why he wanted to go to the arcade and then when i was better than him he got insecure. there was no second date

I literally eat omelettes all the time. Some milk and salt mixed with some shredded cheese. At least 3 eggs mixed together though.
Then I eat it with pickles coated in vinegar. Very yum

Never had a gf but had girls take interest in me, just blew it cause autism now it's a bit late.

A theme park sounds great or an arcade, something that makes you move around a lot.

funny thing is I would like it if a girl was better at me in games
would give me a reason to improve, and a challenge is better
don't take this as being flirtatious, I am just stating this

i'd prefer to not go out since i don't think there's anything fun to do outside really. if we had to go out i wish she would take me to a game shop or something or maybe just a walk alone together, preferably somewhere where there aren't a lot of people. if she's okay with it i'd just prefer her to come over or me to come over at her house and just chill and play games or cuddle or something. if there were arcades here that would be my #1 spot but there ain't, maybe i'll move to japan so i can have arcade gf.

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a picnic would be nice, but i'm always worried that most girls would get out of breath after like 5 minutes of walking outdoors to a good spot
my step-grandparents run a resort by a lake, I'd really like to take a girl there
also a shooting range

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I would too. But if games were something I took seriously and prided myself on, I'd probably feel a bit dejected.

>29 years old and just realised I've never thought about this once before in my entire life
thank god i'm going to die alone, just thinking about taking a fictional woman on a date is giving me anxiety

Bro I want a bosozoku gf.

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Aquarium, walk around with my arm around her and enjoy seeing the the different kinds of sea life.

That picnic (and fuck in the woods) sounds amazing.
Of course it'd depend on the girl, but I think it would be fun to go to a rec center and play badminton and then get a nice lunch afterward. It would probably be a better double date so the badminton wouldn't be so hard and so we could play together instead of against each other. Maybe that's not exactly a date though.
If I stuck to a more intimate, one on one date, I'd take her on a nice walk through somewhere green to a quiet restaurant. Once we were done eating, I hope she'd be up to take the scenic route with me to some of my favourite places in the area. There's one hill I really like to sit on top of at night. You can see the whole city skyline, and it's far enough away from a lot of light to be able to see the stars on a clear night. I love the way some clouds look in the night sky.
I think the nicest feeling date I went on was the one time my girlfriend and I dressed up and went to a fancy restaurant. I was actually surprised how nice such a stereotypical date was. We had really good conversation, I felt like we truly were closer for it, and we had good sex when we got home. I'd like to feel that with someone again.

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I'd probably take her around town then go to a cafe before either taking her home or taking her to my place to play vidya depending on her mood.

Nowhere, because my gf doesn't exist

dated someone virgin white guy from r9k and we almost had sex but stopped because he thought my nipples were too small.
i wish i was trolling.
not recommending it, do not go on dates with robots.

some* not someone oops

Kek, you gotta post them now. Or at least give us a diameter. We have to know how big a retard this guy was.

honestly no fucking clue
coffee/food somewhere then a walk? or the other way around
then later more generic shit like movies

If we have a date in my home city, then I'll surely take her to my first secondary school, because it's a beautiful place with some good memories. The reason why I sort of fit in was because everyone there was weird, so I actually had a decent time there. It's located up a small hill, with a building that is more than a century old, it really does look nice. We can walk along the pathways and talk about happy memories and funny things in the past after dinner, maybe each carrying an ice cream cone. Would be such a delightful experience no doubt.

What race are you then, also was he just retarded?

found this on google. this is pretty close.

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half middle eastern half white hoe.
guess he was but he was funny at least

i'd suck on them for weeks desu

What a picky faggot he was. I'll take what I can get as long as she's decent looking. But most importantly I want our personalities to be compatible. I don't like the idea of empty sex.

Did you notice something wrong earlier? Also I cant seen whats wrong with the pic.