>have $15k in my bank account
>so lonely I think about paying a woman to talk to me
Have $15k in my bank account
Pay user. You'll either gonna spend it on drugs or vidya anyway right
How old are you user. I have about $40K. Been thinking about just peeling off some change and fucking an escort, but I'm too nervous for the initial text/negotiation.
You should also put some of that money in a CDC or something to at least gain some better interest or invest. It's not good to have all your money in one place.
Why would you spend that money on a roastie. Just buy a high quality sex doll
I am 24, user. I prefer keeping my capital liquid because one time I was homeless and I have this unnerving fear of somehow becoming homeless again.
You are completely right.
>Paying a woman to talk to you
Absolutely degenerate and unacceptable. Do you really want to lower yourself to the same level as those pathetic fags who pay sluts for pictures on OnlyFans? Supporting "sex workers" in any way perpetuates a disgusting cycle of awful female behavior. I'm sure you can think of something better to spend your money on.
no need to pay, ill talk to you right here user. how are you? :)
Only do this if its in real life face to face.
Dont do this shit online, thats just fucking retarded and dumb.
I am doing very bad, user. I feel so lonely I could kill myself.
I am so lonely I would do it, user. It makes me feel more comfortable about myself that someone is acknowledging me.
I'll talk to you user
the loneliness is soul crushing but I welcome it and all the depression it brings. it seems the longer the pain goes on, you end up finding some comfort in it and its familiarity
I'm going to end up killing myself someday LOL
what do you do for fun
Mostly play guitar and read. I am reading a book on Taoism and Notes from Underground, by Dostoevsky, right now. I tend to start books and give up on them halfway through.
oh neat, what type of songs do you like to learn? I bought a guitar but I have no motivation to do anything so it's been collecting dust
why are you interested in taoism?
excellent taste nigga
I'm reading girl in a band by Kim Gordon. idk if you like sonic youth, the book is kind of irritating. she mostly namedrops famous people 90% of the time. well she is a musician so it makes sense I guess. I'm finally reading 1984 as well
I'll talk to you for free, I haven't spoken to anyone in months
Mostly folk songs, some shoegaze songs. I don't know, I couldn't understand it that well from reading the Wiki article and I am interested in the Vedic religions so I thought it would be a little similar. Turns out Taoists make really nice music. I like Sonic Youth a lot, but I could see why she could be pretentious.
Do you have any family? I only talk to my little sister really, but recently I can tell over the phone that she's on drugs and it gets really annoying. She gets very aggressive and argumentative.
I understand this feel.
I've been thinking about just finding a street walker when I'm out of the army and see how I feel doing that. Probably finally kill myself shortly thereafter.
I'll talk man, I got some time
I don't care about sex, but I really like falling asleep with a girl, in person or over the phone. It makes my whole day better. I had someone to fall asleep over the phone with each night, but then she left me and now I have really bad insomnia. It makes me feel so lonely at night having nobody to talk to.
Sex without intimacy is irrelevant yeah, I mostly want to be able to feel someone else's touch and pretend they actually care about me.
I've heard there are websites that offer gfe, but I'd like to at least have someone pretend to care about me in person.
user i'm a woman who would talk to you i promise!
if you really need to talk send a message to this discord account temp#2186.
I live with a relative. I'm mute because of my autism, it's hard to form relationships even with my family. I usually only talk to people on anonymous forums or Yas Forums. I hope your sister's ok, I have a few relatives that struggle with drug addiction, it can be difficult to support them through it.
What do you want to talk about, user? Normally everyone posting an anime girl reaction is a guy.
anything you'd like! i'm pretty bored with the corona virus and spending all my time alone in my apartment.
yeah, everyone always thinks i'm a gay male. but i just want to be cute!
Once the lockdowns end, just go out and start spending money on women in person maybe one will stick.
It's 100000% better than wasting it on ethots.
I'm assuming you are somewhat taking care of yourself and are decently groomed..
Post your contact OP, I'm sure people will reach out.
user, i'll talk to you for free. my email is [email protected] :)
i look forward to hearing from you
My discord is sleepy.bot#8071
Okay, I'll email you.
We all wanna be cute, I guess.
Where do I spend money on them? I get really shaky and nervous talking to girls. I have some beta blockers I could take, though.
fuck my life
>Where do I spend money on them? I get really shaky and nervous talking to girls.
I was hoping you would know
I was gonna try once I got out of lockdown myself. Be generous at bars/events, iunno..
It's something I personally am holding myself too because I almost found myself spending money on onlyfans just to get some female attention
I can comfort you and provide some evidence that I'm a biological female
I don't know much about spending money for someone to spend time with you, but I've heard a few hookers use craigslist.
If you pay her enough, I'm sure she'd be more than willing to hangout and talk over being railed by another ugly loner.