Posting this to get an e-gf that will play Bannerlord

Hi, Asian user here again. If you don't recognise me, I'm the user who enjoys soccer, classical music, and military history. I'm calm usually but I like cuddling (not that I have had any experience) because I'm stressed out and filled with repressed emotions. My dreams are a good outlet though so don't worry about lashing out at you. I'm never gonna lash out randomly because you'll be the best thing to happen to me. :) Plus we're gonna laugh at Catholics molested by priests and humans being retards in general, it's gonna be great! Most of all though, I just wanna get some conversations going and make some friends. Getting a gf is secondary at this point.

Now for some basic info about me:
>University student
>Can play sports and music
>Likes action vidya

Attached: 14577888.jpg (600x519, 95.94K)

>looking for an egf on r9k


Attached: that post is an embarrassment to all.png (453x470, 265.92K)

KCD was such a fun game user, i wish that we get one from another historical crisis

Pathetic kid. Stop trying.

i have nothing useful to add to the conversation but that reaction image is so fucking funny carry on user

Yeah I like how they made a somewhat historical story out of a crisis. The closest thing we have is Warband with some historical mods but it doesn't have a story and combat is a bit eh. I wish KCD could improve on their combat in the late game tho and it'll be the best game of the generation no doubt.

What do you mean improve the combat in the late game? I've never had easy late game combat, especially with the interloopers who were fully armored, and gang banged you if you got off your horse

In 1 on 1, it pretty much only relied on who having higher stats for the counterattacks, and it was pretty easy for me because I'd always get those. As for in 1 vs multiple enemies, you really need to get your footwork right so that you are facing only one enemy at a time. Early game was more fun because my character didn't know about counterattacking and I had to manually dodge attacks and try to slash at weak spots, but later on having those counterattacks was just way too convenient imo.

One on ones are easy, fighting multiple bandits and peasants with no armor is easy. Now, fight 8 cumans, 200+ peasants with halberds, and heavily armored robber barrons is a next step difficulty. Also did you do that exorcist quest?

what other games do you play? origidesu

I can be your bannerlord e-gf but I'm a 6'1 and 200 lbs wizard.

I think I know you, OP.

Best of luck in finding a gf, you're a really awesome person it shouldn't be hard.

I've been playing Super Castlevania IV recently. I also own Dark Souls 1, minecraft, Red Orchestra 1+2, and Morrowind.

Oh wow, another HKer on the internet that speaks English, and not on a super political thread.

Hello there, our kinds are rare. But yeah I don't understand why someone would post in a political thread on this website, or any website at all. Discussing politics online is dumb and usually leads to nowhere.

Yeah sorry I want a gf(female). Best of luck to you though!

Hehe thanks, I think I know who you are. I think it's never easy because I really want to make sure it works and both parties can have a great time, but I appreciate the thought!

i dont think theres hope for either of us user.

have you thought about using tinder or tantan to get a gf?

Waah I realized what HK meant in your post and I do indeed know you, and I gotta say, sorry.

Still though, I wish the best of luck for you in the future, you really are an amazing, fun, kind guy and if you look in the right place you will surely find someone who will love you for who you are.
As you are a loveable cool person who's fun to be around.

You're a thoughtful good guy!

Don't lose hope, user. Statistically it's quite likely for us to have someone compatible with us!
I tried but I have difficulty communicating with normies lol.

Yes that's very true. Feels like it just divides people and puts them in an echo chamber, especially with Hong Kong. How did you learn English?

does it count if I pretend to be a girl?

addendum: I'm great at Captain Mode

Haha thanks, I'll keep looking for the right place.

I once tried to correct someone for spreading misinformation and it just led to nowhere. It's a lost cause really. I learnt my English from books, cooking shows, and video games. Certainly not schools lol, they're terrible.

Sorry I can't deal with penises :( I dunno why it's taking me so long to get used to the new combat though. I used to be quite good at Warband.

so much samefagging in one thread is ridiculous

How is there samefagging? I've only been replying to anons who leave replies here. The only thing I'd do is bump the thread.

Wow, it's always impressive when people learn languages like that. I just know English because went to an international school, so my Canto is pathetic lol. I'm pretty curious how your dreams are an outlet, mine are usually kinda lame.

I also studied at an international school but it was during the final 2 years of high school. Regardless, my Chinese is behind my peers because I focused on English. As for my dreams, they can get violent or just very heated. Let's just say there were some issues between my parents and I. Usually I feel tired after those because I got very angry in those dreams.

Bump while I'm having my German lecture. I'm still new to the language though. Only taking my 2nd German course.

Oooof bumping for more femanons

the reason why you dont have a gf is because you do embarrassing begging shit like this

Pathetic scrawny twinks, typical for Southeast Asians.