Anytime a guy is even remotely nice to me i immediately become obsessed with him

>anytime a guy is even remotely nice to me i immediately become obsessed with him
any other femanons know this feel? how do i stop?

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yes, I tend to fall in love with any guy who gives me enough attention. I stopped adding guys on discord or using any kind of dating app because I realize it's super unhealthy

You guys are just starved for affection, you need a cuddlebuddy or something.

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Yes! Well, a little bit. I think it stems from my daddy issues.

the worst part is when you're just another discord rando to him

I refuse to believe these types of femoids exist.

as a child I was given little to no attention/affection so maybe that's true

it's called being ugly and having little to no social skills, user.

it's also called being mentally ill

Yes, this has happened a lot with guys I have talked to online. If they are nice to me at all I want to rush into things and become super clingy. Obviously everyone hates it and ghosts me.

yes, bu t the feeling fades quickly. i hope i can meet someone someday that i feel that way about forever

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I'm a guy. If I post my discord here would attention-starved femanons add me?

I am actually a horrible hopeless romantic and if someone in this thread wants to chat I will promise not to fall for you even if you fall for me.

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Yes. I'm not attention starved though. I just like boys who are nice to me.

Alright, screw it. Guy here

where are you from? this is important.

>tfw anytime i add a robot on discord and we get along im convinced hes my soulmate and i imagine us getting married together even if i don't know what he looks like and we only have talked for an hour

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I think you are very beautiful, OP. There is a nice way that you write your posts is very attractive. Nice image! Great post. What is your name? Tell me more about yourself.

Attached: 1578362502452.jpg (1080x1920, 271.03K)

Haha, that is so funny! Tell me more about it. Nice reply by the way. Very funny and relatable!

I can almost guarantee at least of couple of them are trannies.

I think that is a great quality in a woman. Very attractive. Tell me more. Very nice way you write your sentences by the way, very grammatically correct.

Thank you, user. I'd feel better if you weren't saying this to everyone but I appreciate your reply. Grammar is important to me.

I'm from the southeast, but I'm neither of those posts.

of what? what country?

Reminds me of Baby Elephant Seals who get abandoned early and will seek the attention of ANY LIVING THING including humans

I think you are the best replier in this thread, even besting OP. There is a nice way that you write your posts that leaves a person feel warm inside, very syntactically correct. I can tell you must be a reader, very well-read too.

>everyone hates it and ghosts me.
weird, don't robots want a super clingy gf?

The United States of Originality

You should be careful with that femanon a lot of people will take advantage of that. Giving someone your heart and then ripping it out can really mess you up trust me on that one.
Holy shit these things are so cute. I love how big their eyes are they are like anime water dogs

They are so much more lively when you swim with them; however, their bites can cause necrosis. Fortunately, I didn't know this at the time or I'd have been shitting bricks.

I bet they look like wonderful animals glad you did not get bit fren. I used to swim with baby seals just regular ones in San Diego and they are a lot of fun. It was a very happy memory for me. Thanks for that user I needed to be reminded of something nice in the world today.

thank you for being kind. i'll try my best.

You're cute, user.

>don't robots want a super clingy gf?
I don't think they really do. They want someone who will be there but they don't want to put in the time or effort to reciprocate. Or most likely I'm too dumpy for them to want me.