What is Yas Forumss opinion on pedophilia? I remember seeing lots of CP posting on Yas Forums back in 2011 when I first discovered this website when I was 13, so I'm just kind of wondering. As a victim of child sexual abuse myself, it doesn't bother me. My abuser stuck his dick in my mouth and ejaculated in front of me. But I was never mad at him then and I am not mad at him now. If he recorded it and posted it to the internet, it still wouldn't bother me. Why? Because I'm an ugly incel who never got laid, that guy was honestly doing me a favor. If my photos were floating around out there and people were fapping to it, I would find that quite flattering desu, because that means that at least some people find my ugly ass to be attractive, even if I was just a kid. And the abuse happened around 2003/4 and it was from a relative.
What is Yas Forumss opinion on pedophilia...
People who harm or exploit children should be killed.
Most people think the loli/ young fetish correlates to being a child abuser as well as someone who wants pleasure at the expense of other people
Doesn't help there are a lot of Reddit crossposters, people who barely speak English, and and trolls who denounce pedophilia.
Sure. But I experienced far worse during my childhood. I went to a Christian daycare between 2001-2 where I was insulted by other kids while the teachers said nothing, was stomped out for trying to sit next to this boy, I was carried over the shoulder by a teacher there, I was once picked up by the ear lobe and dropped on the floor because I was distracted with a toy truck during class, I was chased around by bullies, I was once even locked inside a shelf outside on the back porch where I could barely breathe and the teachers would lie to my dad and he would spank the shit out of me and not buy me anything. That scarred me far more than having giving and receiving oral sex. But yet when I told my counselor about this, guess who she had me file a complaint against? Not the daycare workers who abused me so badly, but it was my relative who was only 14 at the time. Do you see how fucked up that is? The system doesn't care about the physical or emotional abuse of children, they only care about busting pedos.
So youre a fag, and youre radical pro pedo?
You a guy, right? No one cares when a guy is molested. But if you were a girl it would be a huge deal because it would lower your marriage value significantly even if it didn't cause any psychological effects
There are two types of pedos
>I fucking love children
>I love fucking children
Indeed, but there's a striking difference between people who simply have sexual attractions to children (paedophiles) and people who actually act out on it (child molesters).
I think pedophilia is the sexual attraction to kids around puberty. that said, both IRL and hentai (loli/shota) can have pedophilia since the sexual arousal is still there, so it doesn't matter if pedo content is fiction or not. I also think that pedophilia gets a lot of bad rep now, ~100+ years ago people were getting pregnant when they reached at young ages (~14), but because of feminism the age of consent rose (depending on where you live, it's mostly 16 I think). brief and potentially inaccurate history lessen aside, pedophilia (as it is now in 2020) is a sexuality (akin to being gay) and shouldn't be demonized. in civilized society though, enacting on this sexuality is a crime and now gives you the title of sef offender, which should be demonized.
tl;dr- don't demonize pedophilia, only do it to the people that enact their fantasy to real people.
pizza gets old after a while. you won't hear this because there is no dialogue allowed about it and most people involved in it are beyond coomers.
it's something you grow out of because at first it's just shocking, then you realize you prefer big tits and fat asses and women who can actually fuck and suck dick.
>But I was never mad at him then and I am not mad at him now. If he recorded it and posted it to the internet, it still wouldn't bother me. Why? Because I'm an ugly incel who never got laid, that guy was honestly doing me a favor. If my photos were floating around out there and people were fapping to it, I would find that quite flattering desu, because that means that at least some people find my ugly ass to be attractive, even if I was just a kid. And the abuse happened around 2003/4 and it was from a relative.
Yeha, definitely not a CSA victim, because your lack of botherment by it would more likely due to the fact that traumatising acts doesn't always leave traumatising effects on victims, and some people come out of it perfectly fine (while others obviously don't).
Another CSA survivor
Older people who prey on children/young adults disgust me. When I was 13-15 I considered an older guy my best friend. Turned out he was using our Facebook group to take advantage of children, people younger than us. Hindsight immediately made it obvious how he was trying to do the same shit to me. Then my new (actual) best friend in the world got involved with some older guys and they abused the hell out of them. They're fine now, but shit was bad, and emotional scars stay forever. Whether it's an old man raping a child or the 23 y/o who's dating a high schooler, there's a reason that that older person is going after someone so much younger: they're fucked in the head.
As opposed to people who are simply 18+?
I don't know, man. You sound like one of those virtuous pedophile guys trying to change people's opinions on pedophilia. Just saying. Also all pedophiles, offending or not, should be tortured and killed. I'm talking about waterboarding, non-lethal electric chairs, flayed skin, pulled teeth and nails, forced sodomy, feminization, amputation, all that good shit.
>there's a reason that that older person is going after someone so much younger: they're fucked in the head.
What if it's a 50 year old going for 21 year olds? Are sugar daddies fucked in the head too, according to you?
You're a psychopath. How the hell can you torture someone that has done nothing?
I feel bad for the non-offending ones. It must be difficult having to keep life destroying a secret like that from everybody. I don't blame them, it's not like they chose to be that way. All people that hurt children (under 14-15) should be killed slowly, though. I'm fine with a twenty-year-old fucking a fifteen-year-old.
The prevailing opinion on here as well as the rest of this site (can't speak for newfag colonies like Yas Forums) is that pedos are fine as long as they don't actually hurt kids.
One of the easiest ways to spot a /r/edditor is if they react negatively to lolicon or partake in those "IF I SAW A PEDO I WOULD [insert very edgy painful thing] TO THEM" circlejerks. I'm assuming the latter has already started somewhere in this thread and I'll see them when I scroll down.
Fourteen y/os know perfectly well how to not rape children. Your cousin or uncle or whatever was fucked up, regardless of how it impacted you or how much worse other things were.
Yeah, usually. That's not to say that that should be a crime (inb4 fallacy of the beard), but have you ever actually met/spoken to a "sugar daddy"? They're losers cheating on their wives with a college student so they feel less worthless. Also they're paying for sex, or even worse, just attention. That sound normal to you? Regardless, my point was about adults who wanna fuck teenagers.
>waht is r9k's opinion on pedophiles
I was also, a victim of child abuse.
Kids are cute, literally any sexual contact between two people that is consensual is ok in my book, but kids are not sexual, at least in the copulation sense, so it's 100% not consensual.
Knew it. Go back
I'm not a psychopath. In the case of pedophilia, they have done something just by lusting after a child. A child isn't emotionally prepared to be looked at like that. Say pedos got their way and we were all forced to accept them "as long as they're not hurting anybody." How do you think a child would feel just knowing that some creep wants him/her sexually? How would you have felt if it was you being lusted after by some old dude?
They deserve it because they're the most damaging thing to a normal society.
>How the hell can you torture someone that has done nothing?
Tie them up real tight
your glowing. *POW* one dead glowie.
Pedophilia is fucking cringe, if you absolutely have to get off to someone younger just beat off to some teen porn or something. And an extra fuck you to all the fucking anime profile picture "Do you want to jerk off together in a call?" Lookin ass fucking scum of the earth. Nothing infuriates me more than the thoughts of all the poor underage kids using discord to escape from the horrid reality that is their life just to be sexually assaulted by a hive of pedophiles. God I hope every discord pedo is sexually assaulted by an overweight, reeking, 12" leaking pus cyst clad homeless Sicilian man with HPV, herpes, and gonorrhea.
Every girl who was abused in her childhood is a nutcase, this is not a meme and it happens to men too which can manifest as a clingy cuck or a criminal (those kinds of women go after this type of dude).
And you really think the place where you are right now has nothing to do with that incident? Hard to say without backstory, but there's a chance that you could have grown up relatively normal without it.
Also this
This is an imageboard for anime/manga enthusiasts. Complaining about anime only proves that you are a newfag /r/edditor who needs to go back where you came from.
Pedos get the shoelace, Dexter style.
>I'm a believer in justice. Let's torture people who have done nothing.
does anyone has that greentext of the dude who raped a dead boy after a tornado destroyed his town, and wanted to commit suicide afterwards?
We had a thread about this a few days ago and it was filled with a samefagging retard doing what was talking about. I wonder if he'll do it here too
there's a difference between having impulses and acting on them. Pedos who never molest kids or consume real CP are not a problem, though personally I would never associate with anyone who openly expresses such proclivities, and neither would most people. However, once that line is crossed, no mercy can or should be shown, and in fact we as a society need to do more to abolish the more subtle pedophilic rituals we still engage in. circumcision for one, my dick was permanently mutilated thanks to ancient kike fag pedophilia