I want to marry my bf even though we haven't met yet

I want to marry my bf even though we haven't met yet

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It's definitely not going to work out, how many other girls has he been talking to?

none, how could he? we are always on call

hes cheating on you or will end up cheating on you

you fucking stupid retard

nice original user

I know I am but I'm in love

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Does he not spend time off the call? Happened to me plenty of times, no one you meet online is loyal.

it's ok op me too

do you ever have fake conversations or pretend he's there, just doing something mudane like laying on the couch and reading

same :) we're meeting whenever corona ends then getting married and moving in together.

only when he's asleep

yes, all the time. when I make food, I imagine hes there and serving it to him. I daydream about cuddling with him before I sleep. If I have to go out I think about him being there and holding my hand.

that's our plan too.
I hope it works out well for both of us femanon. How far away are you two from each other?

>do you ever have fake conversations or pretend he's there, just doing something mudane like laying on the couch and reading
>yes, all the time. when I make food, I imagine hes there and serving it to him. I daydream about cuddling with him before I sleep. If I have to go out I think about him being there and holding my hand.

>tfw nobody will ever feel this way about you

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thank you!! I wish you guys luck :)
he lives in europe and im in the USA sadly but hes moving here since he hates his country

>he lives in europe and im in the USA
same for us but I plan on living over there with him.

I think there's times when he could be talking to someone else, might just be hooking u with some other girl.

What is so great about him? Is he handsome?

That could be true for a relationship that wasn't established on the internet too. No point in me living in fear

get a real bf lmaoo literally download tinder and u can have someone who will actually give you real life attention before he cheats on you. bet you esex with him on discord

The difference is you don't get to know everything online, the could still be hiding things.

people can easily hide things irl too lol

Have you tried this with other people online? You get to understand it with more experience.

Do you think that a man who betrays his country won't betray you in the end? Do you think that a man who flees instead of fighting for what he believes in will defend you in your time of need?

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ive had a real life boyfriend and a couple expierences with internet ones that didn't go anywhere

he wont betray me he's incel and im his first gf whos also a virgin. there's no other girls like me around him especially irl. He wouldnt cheat on his young virgin soon to be wife with some whore.

fucking foul whore

>doesn't fall asleep with her bf

Every gf I had, we fell asleep together on the phone. I used to have 36hr long calls with my high school gf, where we stayed in bed all day talking to each other.

So you don't have experiences with guy's putting up a front on the internet and only showing there good side only for you to see it when you meet IRL.

You clearly don't understand incels if you think they won't betray you, there narcissists and will always view themselves as the victim and try make you change to accommodate there needs.

Incels arent bad people they're just hurt from how society + woman have treated them all their life. I know him more than you do :)

>I know him more than you do

t. probable grooming victim

Most of them are bad people though, I've meet plenty of people who aren't attractive without sexual experience and they aren't anything like most incels I've meet.

The bad incels just stick out the most and get the most attention since thats how people WANT them to act like. In reality most of them aren't like that at all and society just wants to demonize them.

So how long have you two been together?

You sound quite timid, some of the people I've known who dated these people have shared similar experiences, they generally aren't the most intimidating people but try to emotional manipulate and gaslight you so you have to look after them.

>she thinks incels are human beings

Wait until you try to have sex with him and it's just a Ken doll down there.