I wish i had a big fat dick

i wish i had a big fat dick

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Me too.
I wish I had a 8"x6" dick so I could please women, instead of having a 6.5"x5.5" dicklet that will never please a female due to being too small for women's standards.

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This is the dumbest LARP I see on this website. Why are you trying to make people insecure? Women who aren't turbo sluts don't care as long as you're average or above.

I just wish I wasn't circumcised.

>Women who aren't turbo sluts
In the same category as pigs that fly.
Unless we go into underage territory and even then we would have to go into under 14 to find a reasonable representation on non-sluts.

>average or above.
Actual average 5", what women consider average (small) 6.5".

Oh, sure, there's no reason for anyone to be insecure.

jesus chist dude youve either never been with a woman or it was a really shitty one if you have been

same, all we can do now is not to that to a possible future son

I think my dick is a little over 6", and even when I had a slut for a gf, I had absolutely no problem giving her several orgasms in a row, and frequently hit her cervix (which she found painful). Maybe you can make a case that thickness matters, but anything past 6" is useless. I'm unironically glad that my dick isn't longer because I never enjoyed bottoming out. It requires you slow down and stop going as deep, which doesn't feel as good.

>same, all we can do now is not to that to a possible future son
Other circumcized user here. I really like this outlook, making a positive out of something shitty. We can make the world a little less shit anons, count on it.

Upward curve banana bro reporting in.

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Bro this just means she wasnt turned on. Vags can take 10 inches easily when actually aroused.

If I had a dick that fat, I would not be able to penetrate half of my girlfriends.

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>his penis is thicker than his wrists

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I seriously love sucking dick. I look at this and I can taste it. I can feel him push down on my head and jam it down my throat. Im gagging on it, convulsing a little bit, but staying down. I can feel his cock. I am filled with his cock. I want him to cum so badly. I want his cum.

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Bro did you just rewrite the book on female anatomy? Holy shit, you are the einstein of vaginas

I have a big fat dick but it means nothing, im shit at chatting up girls online and i cant meet women in real life.

Due to phymosis (the surgery was cancelled cuz of the pandemic, hopefully gonna be in may) I've been jacking off my whole life wrong, with the foreskin on. And appearantly the head is extremely sensitive, to the point where just blowing air on it causes strong pain. How am I supposed to lose my fucking virginity now? All guys are complaining about their dick being too insensitive and not being able to feel anything, but I'd rather have that

Look at his skeleton hands, legs and narrow lanklet hips. That isn't a fat dick, just average.

how thin is the dick on the left then?

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>Imagine not being the top 1% in girth

I can only get half of the tip into a toilet paper roll. Do I pass?

>the head is extremely sensitive
>let's cut away the protective skin
You're gonna have a bad year user.

i wish i had a big fat duck

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as a cock lusting megaslut i will tell you that this cock is not average. its pretty goddamn big.

If I had a dick that fat my ex would still be with me

at least that is what she says

But without cutting it away I can't retract it when I'm hard, so sex (oral or real) isn't gonna be possible (and it seems like I'm gonna get rid of my virginity this summer, with a literal trad cutie who literally fell for me cuz I would joke about >society)

Sorry for unneeded info

The word unneeded looks like a piece of shit word


So if you don't have a skinny dick you're pretty much laying pussy out if you fuck a girl.

lmao sucks bro. find a girl who is more sexually compatible with your dick? im pretty small but i can make a girl squirt

>Imagine getting bj without your girl making a big fucking deal about how sore her jaw is afterwards

>I can't retract it when I'm hard, so sex isn't gonna be possible
Why not ?

Also I couldn't retract my foreskin when I was a kid. My mom noticed and explained to me that I should try to do it until it hurts everytime i'm in the shower. I obeyed and little by little I could retract it further until I could do it fully.
Thanks mom.

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Retracting the foreskin isn't the main problem. The main problem imho is that the head is too sensitive. Is there a way to make it less sensitive? Cuz I think if I try to put it in her mouth, for example, I'll pass out of pain

Doesn't sound like a good virginity loosing story to me

I had this exact problem. Got to 16 years old before I realised I had phimosis or that it was even a thing. Managed to stretch it out myself over a period of a few weeks (mild case I guess) and yeah the sensitivity was insane. It really didn't take too long for it to normalise though, maybe two months post being able to fully retract the skin? It loses a lot of sensitivity rubbing in your pants and shit.