Do you guys hate that the Yas Forums slang became mainstream.Every fucking normie now use words like chad and based...

Do you guys hate that the Yas Forums slang became mainstream.Every fucking normie now use words like chad and based.How the fucked this happened?

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i never thought all the chad and stacy stuff would get so popular. fucking everyone knows about that shit now

i guess thats why we keep updating our slang, i does serve as a reminder of how influential Yas Forums is on the internet (the whole of internet culture came from here), i does annoy me that normies know of it though, it removes our elitist position.

normies come here for the purpose of ruining our fun, and they only partly accept the cultre and words that aren't offensive.
besides op, you're aware that there is a huuuge virgin vs chad subplebbit right? well, there's your answer.

they stole our culture

No they dont you tard. I said based while talking to a normie the other day and he said based on what?

This is the inevitable fate of all successful Yas Forums memes, they will first be appropriated by reddit, and then eventually trickle down onto instagram, snapchat, and whatever the hell else normies are using these days.

The only thing reddit knows how to do is be a faggot leftist and steal Yas Forums and ifunny memes

At least we'll always have nigger.

They appropriated normie too. The real word is normalfag.

Yeah one of my friends was comparing two things in a vidya and said "think of it like a chad and virgin meme" and I wanted to leave

We need to nuke reddit. Its the link between Yas Forums and normals.

it's because Yas Forums has been an incredibly popular website since like, 2007. people thinking Yas Forums is even predominantly incels or even males is so out of touch it's hilarious

but then reddifags will come here

There are no girls on this board retard. And if there are, they are as ugly and fat as all the dudes on here.

Do you really fucking believe every person that LARPs as a girl on here? jesus.

yes because i've probably met 50 of them through discord exchanges personally over the past year. Yas Forums is a crazy popular site, and there are tons of girls here just like anyone else. there's a few who are fat but most of them are just introverted or outcasts for other reasons. we also have 6'2 dudes who work out every day and have sex like it's nothing, but come here anyway. you're delusional if you think otherwise

thanks for coming to my ted talk

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yes we do lmao idk how you can be this willingly blind

that's implying you're female, and unless you present timestamped pics claiming it's you, you're a LARPer. it's the law

I dont know about the girls but I often have sex, every day is too much of a strain, user - deadlift pleasure > average sex by a long shot, I gotta do something very risky to get adrenaline pumped up so high so id rather just hit the gym. Also I am 6'0, 6'2 is overrated, I'd say 6'1 is perfect height probably.

stop feeding the troll my man

i truly don't care enough to do this rn, i've done this already like a thousand fucking times. the fact that lolcow and cc exist should tell you everything. don't be mindless

oii don't bring them to lolcow. CC is dead and ruined but lolcow still seems predominantly cis female, which is how I'd like it to stay.

no it's horrible and i want to sink it dead. it makes me loathe what other girls are like when they're anonymous, i have an actual complex about it now

Incel is a reddit word. You are a redditor exposed


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i don't use reddit and i've been on Yas Forums since we referred to each other as "gentlemen". sit down

>How the fucked this happened?

Because normal scum like you came here, thought you belonged, and went out of your way to draw attention to yourselves.

Anons on there have only ever been nice to me. What boards are you going on? I've literally teared up from the kind interactions I've had on there. If they really hated other women, they'd be here, not there. I don't go on the drama/gossip boards because it's just nonsensical drama over boring attention seekers imo. The vent thread on /ot/ has left me with some really kind interactions when I've vented on there myself. It's so nice to receive genuine empathy and good advice. I'm sorry that you've had bad experiences on there, user. Care to share?

This. Only absolute fucking retards think Yas Forums has been anything but mainstream for at least the last ten years.

this is the precisely kind of kindness i'd never expect to find there :/ the rest of the boards have major leakage from the drama/gossip "heartbeat" of the site, and while there's a lot of "you got this!" sort of energy, it all evaporates once you become an actual identifiable person. i've seen multiple people completely unjustly emotionally destroyed by it, similar to kiwifarms. it's fucked up, at least Yas Forums owns that it's for kicks, lolcow has a thing about being morally superior and righteous that reminds me of tumblr but in the fucking shadows

i'm genuinely happy to hear you've gotten something good out of it though and your response was very kind to me. thank you for that