Black Twitter Doxxing another Racist (A white male)

The same kikess who doxxed the two high schoolers is signal boosting this one.

What can we do about this? Not even a roastie this time. Or are we just gonna be cucks and ignore it again?

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who cares? its his own fault

It's simple. We, uh, kiII the niggers.

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Who gives a shit, if you gave attention to what every retard on Twitter said you'd have no time in the day and you'd spend all your time in a pissy mood because the online world is an exaggeration of the real one, get a life. Nothing anyone says on twitter matters.

>I should care about a normalfag Chad
I think you mean to post this on Yas Forums or something.

Did Kaleb pick on some kpop'er?

>What can we do about this?
keep getting fucked you dumb racist

I'm surprised they are smart enough to find anyone's personal information but I guess it isn't all that difficult

People put way too much personal info out there nowadays.

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There's a big handle on twitter (i forget the name) that 'collects' reports from people and makes it go viral. Also there are facebook/insta and snap accounts that collects these and spams them on all the social medias.
Everythings connected these days and it sucks.

>, if you gave attention to what every retard on Twitter said you'd have no time in the day and you'd spend all your time in a pissy mood
Yeah almost as retarded of a mistake as doing that but with Yas Forums, hahaha....

True, I don't use social media but I see relatives with their entire lives on their Facebook page

damn I didn't think it was that bad. I guess I'll stick to being racist here then

I say super controversial shit irl and nobody even approaches me to say they have a problem. Why are people so emboldened to deplatform people online? It's really quite disgusting. The only time I dox anyone is to make fun of them for stupid things they've said. People are so enraged

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>What can we do about this?
forget about it. it's normietard drama.

Probably everyone realizes you're low iq edgelord

everyone probably thinks of you as *that* guy and probably avoid you out of embarrassment. you're just too dense to pick up on it.

Holy fuck any other black people laugh at this fucking video? Fucking KEK

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Don't worry, the kid is standing his ground, niggers can't do anything.
Niggers shitskins, you'll burn in hell for being abominations of mankind.

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Say the N word, face the consequences. It's that simple

>BLACK Twitter
>Giving a fuck about what happens on some normalfag site
>Caring about what chad does
>"What can WE do about this?"
You can't start by necking yourself immediately.
FUCK Yas Forums

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Why do these people want others to experience pain and suffering WHILE at the same time considering themselves good people and heroes?

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He didn't say the N word, buddy.

He offended young kings all the same...buddy

>Normalfag gets BTFO'd for being retarded

Why the fuck do u care, OP? Go back to Yas Forums

whats wrong user? scared you cant be a racist and hide behind your anonymity, pussy.

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Guys, when can we as a site admit that our racism/antisemitism/homophobia/nazi worship isn't ironic. I'm tired of pretending. Why can't we just rebrand this site? I know we claim it's all satire but we all know that we just say that to get normies on our side. I'll be the first to admit that I originally came from stormfront during gamergate. Why can't you do the same?

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hating black people is natural

Because you're saying it to a few people who hate you and know you're a retard rather than saying it to a huge mass of people who could take the words at whatever value and run away with that. It's like how passing nudes around with your friends isn't going to be the same as posting it on line.

And that's why your country is falling, when a nigger, a literal different species from your attack your kin and you do nothing, in fact you even laugh then you failed as a human, you are an evolutionary dead end.

You call this doxing?
Bunch of nazi larper underage faggots over here, it's crazy. Don't cry about doxing until your address and all your posting history gets revealed you pussies.

take this faggotry to pol, we hate everyone equally