Male anons: What's it like having a sister?
Female anons: What's it like having a brother?
Male anons: What's it like having a sister?
Female anons: What's it like having a brother?
my brother is only 7. i've already noticed how aggressive/angry he gets though. its very different compared to how my little sisters were.
>i've already noticed how aggressive/angry he gets though
He just needs to be mommied.
Even though we live under the same roof, I only talk to her about once a week and it's usually about videogames or her making fun of me for not having a job.
Apparently I was super close to my sister when I was very very young but we grew apart. I had a little sister too who we picked on a lot.
>what is it like having a brother
He used to treat me like shit most of the time even though I was just trying to mind my own business. He got more experiences in life than I do.
She's 27, I'm 25. Its really just like having a good friend who was always around until they weren't. Fucking incest fags are weird though.
Most sisters fall in love with their brothers first.
>Male anons: What's it like having a sister?
Shit, basically cuckoldry you have no choice in. She ever has romantic or sexual contact with another man and I'm cutting all ties with her.
>Male anons: What's it like having a sister?
No idea, my onee-chan was stillborn.
>Female anons: What's it like having a brother?
really fucking annoying. he always eats my imported asian sweets without paying me back and he leaves piles of pubes and puddles of water on the floor of the bathroom we share.
also I have to try really hard to forget when I was 8 or 9 and he made me get naked with him in the shower (he's older) I don't know if that counts as some sort of abuse or not
>when I was 8 or 9 and he made me get naked with him in the shower (he's older) I don't know if that counts as some sort of abuse or not
I think my older sister made me do this with her, I completely fucking forgot about it until you brought it up. I remember our parents getting pissed when they found out and we didn't really know what the big deal was, so I'm assuming it was pretty innocent.
Sounds like petty things to get angry about.
yeah I'm not trying to imply that it was abusive or not abusive, I'm genuinely really confused about it
it seemed innocent but whenever I have flashbacks it makes me feel dirty and used and I feel like that's a bad sign
I mean repeatedly stealing my food and not paying me back is theft but w/e
Jesus now this is making me feel like this could explain so much about how I am now.
He's family you dumb bitch.
Those flashbacks are just you being a whore for other men.
bruh I'm khv. you're getting angry at me for reasons that don't even exist.
I only have sisters but we get along pretty well.
>Female anons: What's it like having a brother?
i gave mine a handjob when i was 12. awkward. next!
Did you enjoy watching him coom?
>What's it like having a sister?
she feeds me, clothes me, and sends me memes.
I shit post her IRL.
I've got 6 sisters. Not all from the same parents, family is pretty fractured.
I can't think of anything weird or particularly annoying about it, if anything there were plenty of benefits. Being the only boy in the house, I had a room to myself and didn't get hand-me-down clothes. Also didn't grow up awkward around girls or with delusions about what girls are like. Only downside I can think of is that I'm kind of the 'black sheep' of the family. Parents want to say things like "why can't you be more like your sisters" then realize how dumb that sounds.
Ask me anything I guess, there is probably stuff that is normal to me that I'm overlooking.
not really. i just felt kind of disgusted.
If you didn't want to do it, why did you do it? I'm trying to get into the mindset of why a lot of women just go along with what a man wants sexually out of fear. Not trolling. Is it a "if I do this then maybe he'll leave me alone" kind of thing?
i did until it actually happened. i wasn't scared or anything... just wanted physical affection, i guess. and then he asked me to do it and i said ok and then it was really awkward and i felt super bad about it.
>just wanted physical affection
Sexual or just physical but non-sexual?
both... i guess. nice digits.
This makes me feel bad about having sexual thoughts occasionally towards my own younger sister.
>Female anons: What's it like having a brother?
To have a 'good' brother? I have no idea. My older brother is very obnoxious, unhygienic and addicted to drugs. Although I will say, I feel somewhat protected knowing that if someone broke into the house, he would probably defend me. Other than that, we don't talk much and whenever we do it usually delves into an argument about his substance abuse or me asking him to please leave me alone. We are not close at all. I think it would have been better having a younger brother sometimes. I do slightly envy people who are close to their siblings. Seems like a very valuable and rare friendship to have.
>He's family you dumb bitch.
Hey user, I don't think it's okay for him to steal her things just because they're related. He could at least ask first. Her annoyances with him seem reasonable to me. It's quite selfish and entitled to not clean up after yourself, especially in a bathroom that you share with the opposite gender. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that, sister user.
>Female anons: What's it like having a brother?
It was very nice when I was very young. I looked up to him a lot. We cuddled with each other, I followed him around, tried to get into any hobby be had, played games and watched TV together. then he began puberty and told me to fuck off when I tried to be with him so we grew apart and now barely talk.