Women are not holes. Stop using us for sex when we just want to be loved and committed to

Women are not holes. Stop using us for sex when we just want to be loved and committed to.

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lol im gonna cum

No but sissies are they are cocksluts and they need to be TOPPED

women express their longing for love and commitment in irresponsible ways that get them sexually objectified.

>we just want to be loved and committed t
Than why do women recoil when I am upfront about wanting marriage?

awww its so cute when the hole gets sad

I mean, you should choose a guy who also wants love and be committed, every girl I know dreams of dating me but we both don't try because I want kids and they dont

>Stop using us for sex when we just want to be loved and committed to.
If woman really wanted that, they wouldn't bang bad boys and Chads.

"we just want to be loved and committed"

Bruh wtf do you think we want

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>Stop using us for sex when we just want to be loved and committed to.
Alright, I'll do that if we get along and the affection is returned.
Wanna bet you won't go for it?

>commit to her
>she leaves after chad texts her
theres no point - committing is a waste of everything with nothing to show for it except bitterness

>Women are not holes
Yeah you are.

Get off my board cunt


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Problem is people that acc respect women are fucking ugly. Chad's are the only other option

>Stop using us for sex when we just want to be loved and committed to.

You sure do go well out of your ways to prove otherwise.
>Huge amount of sexual partners
>Violent degrading sex
>Nudes leaked
>"Sex work"
>Daddy issues
>"Choke me harder"

stop dating the wrong guy then. hell take some time off and dont date. go do shit you like

>hurr le troll xDD!!1
someone needs to hear this, im sure

>why all waymen do this xD
there's too much unknown about you to even side with you on that one friendo

people are more complicated that this board cares about desu. unless they actually like that life, they will change.

And men are just dildos with credit cards attached.

>Problem is people that acc respect women are fucking ugly.
That's not true and you know it.

we already knew that though

>watches porn
so this is what women are like :D

You realize the only girls who do all the shit you listed are e-thots right? Says more about the type of women you solely pay attention to than anything else.

>people are more complicated
No they aren't. That's you thinking people are more complicated then they actually are.

(If this is op) Then why the fuck do you reject people that actually want to offer you respect and instead sleep around and cry about "getting hurt".

you sound complicated

How on Earth would that be OP?

shut up. I'm dumb

Not OP but none of those apply to me.

Who's using you for sex? We're all virgins here?

Taking what women say they want at face value is the fastest way to cuckery.

most of the guys on here don't care about sex they care more about intimacy. Stop comparing us with chads who pump and dump stacies, thanks.

Based and fucking checked (originally of course)

shut the fuck up whore everytime i try to befriend one of you you treat me like shit.