Questions to fembots

Do you fall for the bbc meme ?
Do you actually think a bigger dick is required to able to satisfy you ?
Would you dump a guy over his dick size ?

I used to be very insecure of my dick size and because I am white, however after some research I discovered I was wrong. On average black guys are about 2.5mm bigger than whites, on the extreme side - the difference between the top 5% white and the top 5% black - is of 2cm, 19cm for whites and 21cm for blacks.
You can read more about it here :

So now what worries me about this is that there as been a growing popularity of bbc cuckold porn and a spread of memes related to it which I fear will probably infect sooner or later the normies population. What will be their response to this ? Will we see more women dating blacks ?
I am not shilling for the cucks, the facts clearly proves they are wrong. What I fear is the spread of mass hysteria among the normie populace and that their idea are normalized into the mainstream.
Please guys tell me I am wrong and I am just a repressed faggot who obsess way too much over this.

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After being on Yas Forums for several years Im convinced that women of all races no longer find white men physically attractive

black people, especially black men, disgust me. i only read the first three line because i wasn't that interested so here are my answers:
>Do you fall for the bbc meme ?
no, see first sentence
>Do you actually think a bigger dick is required to able to satisfy you ?
as long as its not a micropenis its fine, big dicks hurt
>Would you dump a guy over his dick size ?
depends if the sex was good or not. if he had a micropenis, then....

That's false, white men are beautiful (I think all race are beautiful on their own way) and way way more likely to end with a white woman than any other race.
But I understand you, after spending so many years on Yas Forums you must have fucked your brain and can't have any nuance on anything so everything must be black and white to you, women must HATE white men, there can be NO exceptions, all blacks are EVIL, asians are insects, jews controls the world, etc..

Attached: cuckseternallybtfo.png (588x300, 25.83K)

>black people, especially black men, disgust me
Explain why please, so far every girls I have met have told me the same thing, especially white and arabs.

>big dicks hurt
Did you actually ever took a big dick inside ? If not, you cannot actually answer this question. I have seen girls take massive dildos up their ass and vagina and enjoy it, it means girls can take big dicks.

>so far every girls I have met have told me the same thing
Very clearly dont live in the west

I live in the West in what most people consider to be a "multicultural hellhole", what I think you got right is that white girls are more tolerant of interracial dating than other ethnicity. Arabs girls seems to hate blacks like the devil, but they love white guys tho.
However "more tolerant" does not mean that they only date black or arabs guys.
I made this thread specifically so like mindded individuals could help me destroy this meme-paradigm that "all white girls want a bbc" once and for all. This shit as been around for far too long and seem to be only getting worse. I'm pretty sure at least 50% of all racists are racist because they fear their women will date blacks.

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>I'm pretty sure at least 50% of all racists are racist because they fear their women will date blacks.
Not wanting the decline of civilization because of race-mixing is one reason but majority is racist because black people actually deserve it, violence and low iq is still the main reason for why they are hated.

>Do you fall for the bbc meme ?
No. I don't find black guys attractive anyway.
>Do you actually think a bigger dick is required to able to satisfy you ?
No, penetration is overrated anyway.
>Would you dump a guy over his dick size ?
No that's insane.

>Do you fall for the bbc meme ?
No because I actually know how my vagina works so even if they did have bigger penises I wouldn't give a shit. The obsession with dicks is almost exclusively a male thing.

>I don't find black guys attractive anyway.
Why ? Is it their smell ?

>No that's insane.
Well, some guys are retarded enough to reject a girl over her breast size so I guess some girls could do the same thing over a guy's dick

>No because I actually know how my vagina works
Ok, how about girls who like huge insertions like I mentionned in my previous post ? Aren't there girls with huge vaginas that need bigger cocks to be satisfated ?

>The obsession with dicks is almost exclusively a male thing.
Agreed, I've never met a sizequeen irl. I'd even go as far as to say that it is a gay-only thing.

>Why ? Is it their smell ?
Eh I'm not sure if they smell but I just don't find them physically attractive, it's a stereotype as well but I don't like the demeanour of a lot of the black guys I've known.


i only date white men lmao

>Do you fall for the bbc meme ?
No i hate niggers
>Do you actually think a bigger dick is required to able to satisfy you ?
no i feel like big dicks (6.5+) would hurt so 5-6 inches seems perfect but im a virgin so idk
>Would you dump a guy over his dick size ?
if he had a micropenis yes.

>Do you fall for the bbc meme ?
>Do you actually think a bigger dick is required to able to satisfy you ?
>Would you dump a guy over his dick size ?
bf of 5 years has a dick that is approximately 4.5

No, most races are basically equal down there I think. If I remember right it was like iceland or something that was actually the biggest at like 6 inches.

Eh dick size doesn't really matter too much id say a bit above average is best, like 6 inches or a bit more. I think hardness is much more important at a certain point, if ur really big but soft like a waterballon it doesn't do much for me.

I think the whole alpha black meme won't affect people much, maybe if it was true. but im sure the majority of black people hate the big dick stereotype considering they're mostly average.

To be honest i'm usually not attracted to black guys, I don't know if it because they're black though. most black guys i meet are short-ish and usually overweight.

>I don't like the demeanour of a lot of the black guys I've known
What do you mean ? Are they too wannabe-gangster-like ?
There are a ton of good black people, even here, there are cool black bots who are pretty chill and are nothing like these thugs. Or do you mean something else ?

>No i hate niggers
Wow that's rude !

>bf of 5 years has a dick that is approximately 4.5
Did you ever use a dildo that was bigger ? Did you like it more ? Would you say 4.5 is enough for most girls ?

>If I remember right it was like iceland or something that was actually the biggest at like 6 inches.
No the biggest was DR Congo at 17.75cm, seconded by Ecuador at 17.5cm. But I wouldn't give too much credit to all of these studies because they were done in different conditions, if the studies are volontary, the average can go up drastically.

>most black guys i meet are short-ish and usually overweight.
What do you mean by short ? At which size does a man fall in the short category ?

>Did you ever use a dildo that was bigger ? Did you like it more ?
i bought a giant 7+ inch dildo bc it looked cute and was cheap for a full silicone one. it was way too huge. i only used it like 3 times, it was really uncomfortable to use and it could barely fit in. this was years before i met my bf though.
>Would you say 4.5 is enough for most girls ?
i cant speak for anyone but myself user.

>What do you mean ? Are they too wannabe-gangster-like ?
Most of the time, yeah. They try and fit in with that crowd at least. It's dumb and I find it abrasive.

>it was way too huge. i only used it like 3 times, it was really uncomfortable to use and it could barely fit in.
Did you use lubrificant ? If you didn't maybe you should try with it and see if it fit and feels good.

Okay, thanks for your input.

shouldn't you ask what race femanons are too? i know there's at minimum a few ethnic femanons on here i've spoken to them

The congo and all those ones that said african were super big are self reported. actual studies put africans around average.

Just guessing but depending where, blacks average around 5'8"(mixed black a little higher) compared to anywhere between 5'10" to 6'1" aveage of the white population.

Good point, I should have included it in the OP, but I am assuming most of the respondents are white since they are the majority here.
Even then, it doesn't really change anything, as I know it there are no study showing an actual difference in vaginal size between women of different race, if there is one feel free to link it here so that I can check it.

>Did you use lubrificant ?
i did a lot of research on sex toys prior to buying and yes i had used lube. i bought a huge 16 oz bottle to save money in the long run lol. it was just not sized right for my vagina. it was also a waste of money in my case.

what if they weren't? would you still be disinterested?

>The congo and all those ones that said african were super big are self reported. actual studies put africans around average.
Interesting, I didn't know that. But I guess it makes more sense now when re-reading the study I linked in the OP.

>Just guessing but depending where, blacks average around 5'8"(mixed black a little higher) compared to anywhere between 5'10" to 6'1" aveage of the white population.
How tall are you ? Would you reject a guy because he is 5'8" ?

>i did a lot of research on sex toys prior to buying and yes i had used lube. i bought a huge 16 oz bottle to save money in the long run lol. it was just not sized right for my vagina. it was also a waste of money in my case.
Interesting, this remind me of when I bought a fleshlight to "train my stamina" and ended up not feeling anything when fucking it. I wasted 100 euros for this shit. Sex toys are absolute trash.

Nice question, seconding this.

Most likely yeah, for a few reasons.

>Ok, how about girls who like huge insertions like I mentionned in my previous post ?
Porn is not real, user.

>Most likely yeah, for a few reasons.
Why ? Are those similar to what mentionned ? Would you reject Asian the same way ?

>Porn is not real, user.
Maybe not professional porn studios, but how do you explain the high number of amateur videos that include a woman inserting a huge dildo in herself and taking pleasure in it ?