/r9gay/ - #998

Generic cat boy edition, n-nya

Previous bread:

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What is it that you gaymers are playing today?

Been playing mordhau and total war today. Too tired to play anymore now though

I'm playing the game where I listen to mallsoft and clean my gun

tried shogi today
it's way too smart for me, I'm going back to mahjogn

Based prefrences, you wanna play together sometime? Kekero#8157

Tired yourself out from all the vidya?
Cool, hope you're having fun with that.
You'll get it, user.

sure I'll add you in a bit

I'm tired because I went running and I don't really eat properly so no more vidya tonight

Not gay, but bumping because FUCK trannies

i've been going to counselling and *boom* im suddenly gay. like super super submissively gay. is it worth maybe talking to other gaybots to try to make friends? i dont have much success anywhere else

>running and still eating like shit

You misunderstand, I meant that I don't eat enough food not that I eat junk food. I'm underweight so I get tired sometimes.

tfw no femboy twink crackhead heroin addicted bf

What time is it for you, user?

Wouldn't know the feel, I'm a lanky fucker but tall, so I eat a ton and, coupled with exercise, just break the normal BMI range.
Running is like 40% diet so you need to get that under wraps.

I'm probably going to play Bannerlord but I'd rather be playing DayZ or Fallout 76 with someone who'd show me how to play!

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Sounds like fun. Hope you find somebody to play with you, user!

It's nearly midnight here but my sleep pattern is fucked

I should eat more, my bmi is 17, but I am scared of getting fat so I restrict calories. Its stupid I know but bad habits are hard to break

Thanks user! Have a kiss.

What games are you playing?

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>my sleep pattern is fucked
I relate to that. Hope you sleep well if and when you go to sleep.
Thank you, y-you too. I'm not playing anything right now, but I was playing some Terraria a little while ago.

Hi-quality Homo

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add me on discord as well. Bannerlord is Better now that they fixed the lag issues.

Finding a perfect bf will make you happy don't fall for the meme pair bonding is real and really strong in a lot of people he's making me feel better than a drug I don't even understand it.

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>tfw he keeps heavily hinting that he wants to get more serious
>tfw he doesn't know that i know that he's been looking for someone else secretly

tfw no bf to attend online lectures with

>tfw no cardio bunny bf's hot, sweaty body to ravage

I want discord cuddles...

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru! - 11 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.22_[2016.09.16_00.53.29].jpg (450x714, 88K)

>tfw no dumb cute nerd bf who lets me brush his hair after he gets out of the bath and is too tired to do be bothered with doing it himself, but then enjoys the unexpected closeness of the act and makes sure it becomes part of our routine

ah, another thread
and only 5 images... hmmmmmm...

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Would you hold their head close to keep a steady hand?

now is the time to post boys kissing

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>Manages to actually get someone to like him
>Acts like a piece of shit
Go and stay go, thanks.

I really want this life

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or perhaps boys touching chests

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Reading comprehension isn't your strongest trait I see.

I want to give them

How do hets/bis find women romantically attractive? Do they have to shut off their brains?

Yes, probably lying on my lap or against my chest, though I would have to try it to see what the most comfortable position would be