I need some serious practice photoshopping. I'm taking all requests, as long as they aren't coomer requests

I need some serious practice photoshopping. I'm taking all requests, as long as they aren't coomer requests.

Attached: am0al2jz_700w_0.jpg (640x612, 45.46K)

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Photoshop Alex Jones face onto Hila Klein

Can you replace the blue guy with Garfield sitting on the rock?

Attached: lcdfq4hke0i41.jpg (1920x1080, 122.99K)

Photoshop Joe Biden sniffing Michael Jackson

Can you photoshop Biden onto this screen?

Attached: clowny.png (1232x651, 942.67K)

Could really need some good images of Anders Tegnell.

Attached: Believie in the Herd Immunity.png (1000x939, 409.33K)

Sorry that it looks like shit, couldn't find any good images of Hila Klein.

Attached: AlexKlein.png (600x600, 326.6K)

Here we go. Hope this suits your needs.

Attached: jclown.png (1232x651, 801.25K)

Can you make him very angry and his face red

Attached: 71505B1D-C28D-4276-B481-DC01FA384566.jpg (720x720, 83.94K)

Done, hope it looks alright. Sorry that I couldn't get his eyebrows very mad, it's a little pixelly.

Attached: mad.png (720x720, 396.9K)

Thanks lad you're a demon. I have to ask, where do you learn to photoshop? I only learned through just doing it over and over again. Is there an actual way or place to learn it?

Thanks! I took media design in highschool, which is the only formal class I took. I used to be smart when I was a kid, and have been playing around with photo-editing since I was about 4 years old. Now I'm an idiot but still know how to photoshop.
Here are the best beginner tutorials I know:
Best of luck!

You're a fucking bro, thanks.

No problem.
Discord RCE#1687 If you need tips.

Make the background transparent please.

Attached: bernds meetup.jpg (3840x2560, 1.18M)

This was a tough and tedious one, but it's done!

Attached: MeetupNoBackground.png (2048x1080, 1.83M)

oops, here's a version without the annoying artifacts

Attached: MeetupNoBackground.png (2048x1080, 1.82M)

Can you give this cat ears?

Attached: DSC_4294.jpg (3071x1626, 1.19M)

orginal commentnttntntnt

Attached: snifmj.png (789x460, 410.09K)

Merci user, wishing you all the best with your future endeavours !!

Can you add gurren lagann sunglasses?

Attached: images (6).jpg (310x163, 6.35K)

Here we go, sorry if ear placement looks off.

Attached: CatWithEars.png (1500x800, 1.21M)

I'll pass. That image quality is utter shit.

Impressive, you have some serious talent

Can you please give him a corgi's head?
Like make it come out of the collar and everything

Attached: Delegates.jpg (1200x905, 205.56K)

Thanks! Compositing is all about matching tones, contrast, brightness and saturation. If you just get really good at that and passable at everything else, you will still be good at compositing.

Not op, but here you go user. Why is he looking so sad?

Attached: garfieldrock.jpg (1920x1080, 466.44K)

No glasses pls

Attached: Sumire_Yoshizawa_Persona_5.png (524x616, 153.14K)

Just look it up. Photoshop isn't for 2D whores.

The fuck do you mean coming out of the collar? Do you even know what a corgi looks like? Thing is a circle.

Not sure if it's what you're looking for in the way of practice, but I'd appreciate it if you could photoshop some Wojaks and Pepes praying here.

Attached: Baptism.jpg (1920x1080, 384.6K)

I don't thinks there's any full body pictures of Pepe / Wojak praying. If you can find any, I'll be glad to do it

Couldn't find any, sadly.
Go wild with this, then. Anything you want!
It may be good practice to figure out how to keep the spotted-printer effect.

Attached: Escape to Paris.jpg (1920x1080, 463.37K)