Why are zoomers all so stupid?
>most believe fullheartedly in intersectional wokeness
>huge percentage are communists
>all the guys are simps trying hard to prove to women that they're "one of the good ones"
>ridiculous amount are trannies
>fuckton are nonbinary
>fuckton are in open relationships
>fuckton have ridiculous amounts of casual sex
>fuckton take all sorts of drugs
>every woman who hits on me asks me if I want to do psychedelics with them and has an incredibly high bodycount
Are zoomers just the new boomers? Boomers were this degenerate in the 1960s.
Why are zoomers all so stupid?
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I guess this only applies to city dwelling scum cause i have never ran into these kind of things in my entire life here in TN.
>psychedelics are bad
Yeah I'm gonna go with kys for 500
My parents are pretty religious and conservative, I'm not even that conservative and thought they were overbearing (they want me to remain a virgin until I get married and got mad at me for having light beer in my fridge at my apartment) but this degeneracy is too much for me.
What is intersectional wokeness?
also this
>What is intersectional wokeness?
being woke basically just means being an SJW
Take 2-3h of really watching the media they grew up. Or in many cases "they were raised by" might be the more correct way of putting it
Like what, the office? The Mindy project? Brooklyn 99? I can't tell the difference between these things, I just know that Mindy Kaling is probably a hypocrite.
>Intersectionality has been critiqued as being inherently ambiguous
So in other words nobody knows what it is. And people just throw it around as a meaningless buzzword. That's hard to imagine.
It causes infighting within feminist groups so I'm fine with it. Nonwhite feminists shitting on white feminists for being white and the like
It's like how no group of communists can last a month without splintering into groups hostile towards eachother
>Boomers were this degenerate in the 1960s.
Myth. Hippies were maybe 10-20% of the youth population.
The rest lived and looked like Hank Hill and they HATED hippies.
>describes intelligent people living interesting lives
Sounds like they know their shit. Keep bowing to authority and keeping your head down. One day Jesus will reward you in the sky.
Zoomers are unironically the worst generation. A bunch of spoiled, insecure, narcissistic losers that are scared of everything and think that having a mental disorder makes them more interesting. They have no talents and actually believe that people who are bad at everything should still get appreciation for the dumbest shit. They are the embodiment of what happens when you give everyone a prize just for participating
>Keep bowing to authority and keeping your head down
I don't like the government though
>One day Jesus will reward you in the sky.
Not a christcuck either, I'm atheist
>describes intelligent people living interesting lives
Sure if being a cuck who complains about how unfulfilling their open relationship is and complaining about student debt while spending your money on copius amounts of drugs is high IQ, sure
No, that sounds like the later shit.
I mean earlier, during their whole childhood.
This is the most pathetic tweet I've ever read
>Myth blablabla
You sound like Dwight Schrute
have you ever considered that maybe you're in the wrong?
You mean the american/western zoomers? I mean there are degenerate zoomers in the eastern countries as well, but it's not that bad.
Destroyed values and morals. Literally nothing matters and there is no "normal and good" so you can be genderfluid muslim tranny vegan treehugger and all zoomers believe it's cool and unique and beautiful. It has nothing to do with being "open minded" unless open minded means accept everything and never think
>tfw in ten years, the zoomers will be complaint about the generation after them
its all so tiresome
>you're in the wrong
I don't see anything wrong with wanting to live a straight edge lifestyle. I quit drinking because that shit is bad for your liver and your body in general.
Nothing good happens when I drink, last time I did it some woman invited me to a threesome and I declined
Thats why i showed it here, this sums this clown generation up
I love my generation!
I'd say that zoomers are half degenerates or half redpilled. It really depends on what side of the internet they grew up with.
>Sure if being a cuck who complains about how unfulfilling their open relationship is and complaining about student debt
You don't have to complain. If you're worried you'll become a whiner if you live a less rigid life I mean that's on you.
I'm not saying you have to fuck whoever you want and open all avenues of your brain to be a cool person, but if you're choosing not to do those things because of "those darned zoomers" you're missing out for no reason. You aren't religious so you know you won't be reincarnated to do it over, so live it up.
There is no need for values and morals in the modern day. Keep that broken outdated shit in the past it came from.
The problem started with the boomers. Each generation got worse and each generation of parents is worse than the previous one. Also being the only child in this clown world doesn't help, they become narcissistic when they never have to think about anyone else and they can focus on their social media presence. All factors combined the liberal main stream culture. They are weak as shit yet all of them think they are strong and unique
Classifying what "normal" is by some 1940s government propaganda doesn't give you any morals or make you a great thinker.
Toeing the line and doing what you're told is probably the biggest brain-off NPC behavior there is.
I'm not saying every hyperfluid otherkin on tumblr is right or even good, but at least they're doing what they want.
Living a life that wasn't dictated to you by authority is a great thing, so is being true to yourself and who and how you want to fuck.
>I'm not saying every hyperfluid otherkin on tumblr is right or even good, but at least they're doing what they want.
Two questions: Are they really doing what they want or are they doing what they are brainwashed to do? And if there is no normal or right or good then how can you say that being a genderless tumblr vegan is not right or good?
zoomers are probably the least happy people on earth tho
>Are they really doing what they want or are they doing what they are brainwashed to do?
They might genuinely have a desire to be that thing or maybe they're drawn in by a fad, either way no one expected it of them and they'll work it out as time goes on (aka growing up).
>how can you say that being a genderless tumblr vegan is not right or good?
I just meant I'm not fighting for their cause, I don't really know all that much about them. Maybe they are whacked out and desperate for attention, maybe they're cool. I can't speak from experience on that topic.