Letter Thread

Write a letter to someone who may or may not see it
Bait only edition

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I want Melody to come back to these threads.

Dear, A, B, C, D, E, F G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Fuck you.


This is directed at me, I know it.
im sorry user

Hey M,
I can already tell you're losing interest. But honestly, we could never ever fit together. You're just too different from me, way too extroverted. I could see the fall coming a mile away. Not that it matters, I'm sure you catch dick just fine on your own, this probably doesn't matter at all.
But it was nice to have the attention of a cute woman for a bit. Thanks for that.

*I move away from the mic to suck dick*

You are a terrible person Yu.
Selfish, egotistical, careless, full of yourself, narsisistic, and an hypocrate specially, you know how it is to be attacked by others yet here you are doing it yourself.
You don't care about people, you just use them.
Also this guy looks more feminine than you lmao

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Dear H
I wish you were in pain and suffering like me. I wish you truly went through and felt what it is like to lose it all after you thought you found home. I wish you were as paranoid as you made me become. I wish you were as closed up as you sewed me up. But you're not. You're all lies and deceit. You have plenty of friends, plenty of gaming buddies, communities, a home and no problems finding new ones.
So thank you, thank you for taking away what I wished for for years. Thank you for crushing my hope after it took me years of coming to acceptance. Thanks for making me go through this again while playing the victim and seeking attention. I wish you were dead.

dear r,
i don't have a boyfriend anymore, actually. i fell asleep before i could reply to you in that thread saying that. i suppose it doesn't change anything but i wanted to make that clear so i don't appear anymore scummier.
stay safe.
you know who.


Dear D.
Suck my fucking humongous cock.People actually liked me and I got invited while the only time they talked about you is how ugly you would be without make up,how much you look like a serial killer,how much you look like a witch,and how entitled and bitchy you are.You have 0 ass and 0 tits and have the largest nose I have ever seen
To this day, i sincerely have 0 idea how you thought you were attractive


F to U FBI

marry me and let me breed you

If you don't want to appear scummy reverse course and do the right thing.

I came back in case you really are confused instead of the little greenthumb doing everything she can to bring my worst nightmares to fruition. This obviously causes me apprehension, but then again you seem to be gone now too. I wonder what happened.

you might see this, but i don't know if i want you to. i know how pathetic writing in these threads is.
i miss you so much, you know. i don't think i'm even any less in love, you just piss me off far more than before with half the things you say. mostly it just makes me sad. what do you even think of me? i know you've moved on but i kinda suck at that.
i wish i could go back and do everything differently. i wish i was a different person. i know i fucked up badly so many times and you were far better to me than i deserved with all that. i'm sorry i made you unhappy. i hate myself for it.
it's such a waste of time feeling everything i do because i know nothing is going to be the same again and i get the impression you don't even want me in your life at all, really... but i miss you and i just want to talk to you and hear your voice and see you again and i'm so sorry for everything.
i love you.

you arent my r
how can i do the right thing?

If you don't want to be in a relationship, fine. But don't just cut people off and disappear unannounced.

The right thing is keeping your promises, and providing proper closure. Either extend an offer of friendship if you wish to remain friends, or say that you can no longer be friends. Deciding for someone what you think is best for them is not kindness, it is selfishness. To not do that shows disregard for the person, and that the time spent was not worth anything to you.

i was wrong to comfort you when you ere slitting your wrists in the tub. had i known better, i would have encouraged you to keep going, and hopefully you would've done enough damage to yourself to end your life.
sincerely, N

it doesn't seem like her writing style but I swear to god if this is you

last letter of either name?

>but I swear to god if this is you
what if it is?

not a C, don't worry user
i wrote the letter, not this person

I'd be flattered, i guess

i wasnt saying i wrote it. i was just asking what if it was a C writing it

E for A, H for N

i didnt think it was unaccounced? my last message to you on discord was literally 'i just don't want to talk to you'. besides, i tried reaching out and you (rightfully) ignored me.

thank u for replying

oh. is it A then? sounds more like how she talks
if not then i'll stop guessing.

yeah its an A :|

lol I suppose I am a bit crooked. I seem to find a lot join in your pain /muahahah as they say.

I am sorry it came down crumbling. I just sorta let me grief drive me. I should not have doxxed. That was a step too far. Maybe you can relate to acting without all the cards lets say. You are not a bad person. You got a bad deal.

if this is who i think it is,
please don't think i hate you. i don't. you know how you say i helped you through rough times? believe it or not, you did the same for me. i appreciate you and i'm glad you're alive.