Why are women so obsessed with marriage?

Why are women so obsessed with marriage?

The charitable interpretation is that this is something drummed into them when they're children. They view it as a marker of success and develop a weird insecurity around it.

The uncharitable interpretation is that they want to lock down a man so they can get fat and quadruple their nagging rate.

What's Yas Forums's verdict?

Attached: fds-faqs-marriage.png (987x181, 26K)

I want to be with someone for at least three years before I commit the rest of my life to them. Eagerness to get married and have kids is a major red flag.

jesus fucking christ, I would not marry a woman in "1.5 years" if she was 20/10

either this person is 40 or they're completely insane. imagine being young and having this mindset. where do you think you'll be in 1.5 years?

I don't want marriage at all, unless it's to a significantly richer woman. Too risky otherwise.

This depends entirely on what you want I guess. If you want a woman to raise your children, it's entirely reasonable for you to offer some collateral.

So females can divorce and milk the fuck out of men for all theyre worth

Attached: sad dog.jpg (400x400, 14.61K)

There really isn't any down sides to marriage for women. Basically you get a person that supports you as much as possible and likely asks for little or nothing in return. Physical, emotional, and financial support. It's really a lopsided partnership where one side doesn't really bring or contribute anything to it. I guess that's changed a bit since women are more likely to get economic contributions since they're more likely to go to college and get offered jobs by some trust fund baby that got the job from nepotism and is probably aged out of being a yuppie and is just some middle aged jerk off that wants to try and bang the secretary or new office girl.

>6 weeks to exclusivity

Does this actually mean talking to him and for 2 months you continue hiding the other men youre pursuing from him? What does exclusivity mean to women?

Is this serious?

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I thought it was 6 weeks to expect exclusivity from him.
I personally would only ever talk to one person at a time and would expect the person I'm talking to do the same, but I think that for normalfags they date around a lot.

It means you're wasting your time. Every hole is a cheating literal whore.

Meh, a lot of people, women included, are not serious about marriage nowadays.

i'd be serious about marriage if i met a unicorn
except i can't even get a train wreck gf

This post is so fucking retarded, you stumble upon the premise of marriage being a shit deal for women is wrong halfway through yet stick with it, this is a microcosm for womens decision making process and why the future literally doesnt exist

Women are literally incentivized with cash and prizes to leave the second theyre not satisfied

>Why are women so obsessed with marriage?
So that they can divorce you and take half your shit

>women rush you into marriage or they say they'll leave you
>leave you anyways and take half of your stuff because that was their plan all along

Women who rush a marriage or pregnancy is a huge redflag. Setting timelines and deadlines is controlling and manipulative. If a girl does this dump her.

Because then they can get fat.

>Love is more than a feeling or an instinct. Of its nature it is self-giving. In marital love, two people say consciously and intentionally to one another: only you--and you for ever. The word of the Lord: "What God has joined together" corresponds to the promise of the spouses: "I take you as my husband...I take you as my wife...I will love, esteem and honour you, as long as I live, till death us do part." The priest blesses the covenant that the spouses have sealed with one another before God. If anyone should doubt whether the marriage bond is ontological, let him learn from the word of God: "He who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said: for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh."
Secularization of marriage was a mistake. It means nothing if you don't consider that it is a covenant and creates an ontological bond between the man and woman involved.

>Why are women so obsessed with marriage?

I am also obsessed with it.

t. man

Why are you obsessed with it? Keen to give all your money to a woman?

>Why are you obsessed with it? Keen to give all your money to a woman?

I want my own family.

>I want my own family.
Had any luck finding a woman that won't ruin it?

>Had any luck finding a woman that won't ruin it?
of course not

I know this is Yas Forums and you guys have zero experience with this but come on, dating someone =/= a relationship

I didn't say marriage was a shit deal for women. I said it was a great deal for them. It's men that get the sharp end of the stick. At best you maybe get a pretty house pet that might blow you once in a while and do some household chores, more likely you'll end up with some narcissistic fascist that complains all the fucking time about everyone else while mooching off you.

>why are they obsessed with marriage
they are not. they are cold hearted, dont want kids and hate affection

That post is from a subreddit of very damaged women who have thrown themselves at men much more attractive and high status than themselves, are very bitter about it and so look to get revenge on weak men by dominating them.

Being reddit, it's a circlejerk where ideas are circulated further and further into the extreme, so it goes from not waiting forever for marriage, to waiting a limited time, to a shorter timeframe, etc until quickly settling on some ridiculous expectation.

Also they are obsessed with marriage because it enhances their status in the eyes of other women. A woman with a high status husband who is submissive to her gives her a lot of power over other women.

Normal women want marriage because they want to feel loved and protected unconditionally.

why are you on that retarded subreddit, user?

Figuring out how they think so I know what to watch out for.

Women use marriage as a way to make single women feel bad. They one-up each other by marrying a high quality man. Why else do women commonly talk about the house that their husband bought them or how good looking he and their kids are? They want to make other women feel bad because women feed off of the pain and suffering of others. That's also why they support the fashion industry, which relies heavily on eastern slave labor. They WANT people to suffer. They are genuinely evil.

what pathetic middle school moment caused you to hate women, user

It's a little bit of both.
Marriage is drilled into them from a young age, and they grow to realize that once they get married they don't have to try at all anymore and their husbands can't/won't do anything about it.

>thinks that one moment can alter a person's mindset

Trust me, outsider, the kinds of people that you are pretending to despise were forged through a lifetime of pain, ostracism, and emotional torture by those around them. Did you think that the losers and loners in school just magically vanished? They still existed, whether you wanted them to or not. This is where they come to be with each other. Why do you think you have any place here?