There is still hope

Have you ever thought about learning another language, then moving to a rural area in that country (like germany if you learned german) and getting yourself a qt 18 year old gf that prefers older men in their 30s? It's not all over for you user. Just do this.

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Personally, I did exactly this - and I'm so glad I did.

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for germany that would only work if youre a crusty hairy 30 yo muslim lol

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is this a girl or a trap?

Yes, i wish i could learn the divine language to communicate with my merciful and benevolent goddess

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what language would you speak to marky in?

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intersex? who knows

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How hard is it to learn Yiddish?

fuck off agatha fag, ask byron berenstien

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I just want my queen back.

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marky loves tomatos

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I do as well, we have so many things in common

that thigh gap hnnnggg

>that thigh gap hnnnggg
just imagine coming up behind her and sticking your hard meaty dick inbetween it and humping her until you come and it dribbles onto her boots/legs

Ugly bitch. R9K has shit taste in women

she looks super cute in panties as well

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yeah she does
more please

you really think they're "in demand"

The language spoken in heaven, the vile human languages are not worthy of entering her divine ears

I always wanted to go to germany and do that, I even learn german once. But then all the rapefugges came in so I think I'd be better off going to like ukraine or poland, Slavic bitchs are like so hotttt..

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if I was an egirl id create a discord server where we all learned latin together, then later on if new orbiters wanted to orbit and talk to me, they'd have to learn latin to do so, and all my youtube videos and twitch streams and snapchat pictures and twitter dm conversations would have to be done in latin.

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marky looks so cute here in her hiking outfit. urban exploring outfit. so cute and feminine. such a girl outfit

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She even used to post cute pics like picrel on her old (deleted) tumblr. I wish we could have some updates on her life at least

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nice little bod

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Imagine her in military uniform angrily instulting you before pinning you to the ground and then punching your face while choking you with the other hand. My god i want to be abused by her so bad

i know what language to learn now

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i feel like shed be pretty dom yeah, atleast in the ideal world.

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Honestly I'd gladly trade with Asty a box of homemade cookies for a set of her version of the most popular pics of the other egirls

did she orbit all of them? or just a few

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It's hard to believe
That there's nobody out there
It's hard to believe
That I'm all alone
At least I have her love
The egirl she loves me
Lonely as I am
Together we cry

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She will show up but it will be a while. Celebrate her bd and wish her well

literal king brendino

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