TFW you're 30, just waking up to the real world, and you're too old to start something epic like join the special forces and stuff.
What can a 30yo do to find out his inner mental and physical epicdom?
I don't want to work at Walmart forever.
TFW you're 30, just waking up to the real world, and you're too old to start something epic like join the special forces and stuff.
What can a 30yo do to find out his inner mental and physical epicdom?
I don't want to work at Walmart forever.
What's the max age for joining the army or becoming a marine?
I'm a non-citizen.
If you like tech shit, cert the fuck up and get your foot in the door of IT. I'm 29, and just recently started. better pay, better for the pride, and even less stressful (usually, there are some nightmarish IT jobs)
The military sucks, you don't want to do it. Can confirm.
Depends on the branch of service.
For the Army, it's 35. Marines, 28.
Semen retention and coke mouth health is also important brush your teeth more than usual
according to Jews you become an adult at your bar mitzvah at 13 so what have you been doing for fucking 15+ years lol and how do you not have the self-awareness to realize its over
what specifically did you learn?
I'm from Finland and never did go to the army in my country.
But I'm now 30 and wanna become an SAS soldier.
Fuck my dreams are ruined.
If this corona shit settles down some, you could also look at your local community college's cert and degree offerings for trades or other specialty jobs, and start taking courses there.
fill out a linkedin, fill out an indeed, fill out a dice(if IT), get your resume reviewed at the community college
For fuck's sake, at least that is easy. Start writing. Ever heard of a 20-something year old writer? To write quality you need wisdom. Wisdom comes with age.
I'm pretty good at physics and math but since I'm a product of the modern age, I have no attention span. Literally can't focus without constant dopamine boosts.
I've actually written 6 pages of crap, but I don't think it's any good.
But honestly, I think I've seen it all in life, and I know everything about human psychology.
>post your shit
It's not in English.
>What can a 30yo do to find out his inner mental and physical epicdom?
If you had any "epicdom" inside you you wouldn't have gotten to 30 before finding out.
You're just a boring fucker who is too afraid of the world.
t. 33y.o. KHV loser.
I don't believe this is true. That's only what people tell themselves so they can justify giving up.
How do I know this?
Because I gave up at 20 years old thinking I was "old as fuck". At 29 I woke up and realized I had no reason to give up, and jinxed up my own game. I had tons of potential.
>30 year old
yeah no
If I live to be 95 what justifies giving up at 30?
People these days mature slower, has something to do with not marrying and shit. There are tons of 30-40 years olds in universities these days. Back in the day itwas unheard of
Just turned 30 last month
It's probably because the little interaction with people which is on the internet seems to be with teens-20 somethings, but I feel old af...
>At 29 I woke up and realized I had no reason to give up,
And what have you achieved?
Notice that the OP didn't ask about losing weight/getting fit, getting a job, perhaps getting a gf, forming a family.
No, he asked about teenager level delusions of "epicdom".
>has something to do with not marrying and shit
marrying doesn't make you mature, unless the person you marry is significantly more mature than you and teaches you shit, but even then your marriage to that person wouldn't be what makes you mature.
the lack of maturity now is more due to social media combined with overall higher education requirements for jobs, so less young people starting to work in specialized fields, and having to take some years to get a degree or w/e.
or somewhat older youth who want to change job/career, but again due to higher ed requirements end up having to go back to school.
OP here, I'm already fit. Being 30 and single doesn't always mean "lol he's fat". Will never get a gf though, so there's no point asking advice.
Bored of my current job, because I know I could do better.
What I'm asking is if you guys know interesting career paths you can start at 30, such as volunteering in the army.
People these days are immature because they grow up using the Internet 12 hours per day, spending all of that time in echo chambers like Yas Forums, reddit and other social media.
Mature people aren't on the Internet so only stupidity goes around here.
yeah, i noted that in my previous post. i'm certainly not exempt from it myself
>What can a 30yo do to find out his inner mental and physical epicdom?
You can still be an athlete, there's plenty of ameture sports leagues. You could still become a cop or fireman or something. There arent really that many "epic" physical things you can do, even if you were young. You could also just do a brainy job like doctor or engineer, but get really buff. I think if you are buff, everything you do is just a little more impressive.
>You can still be an athlete, there's plenty of ameture sports leagues
What sports can you start at 30? I already do jogging, swimming and snowboarding but I'm a noob.
Reading and practicing a trade like woodworking or sculpture
Damn, I genuinely got the feeling I should start writing.
I'm over 30 and my strong suit in life is that I've tried out so many things, I've walked through Hell and seen depths of the human psyche that only pain can reveal. I've tried out 7 different majors in school and known people ranging from physicists to criminals. I never did get educated, but I do have some experience of absolutely everything on this planet. I've even been in court, I've had family members kill themselves, I've been doxxed on social media.. You name it, I've felt it first hand.
My biggest problem is that English is not my native language and writing in a foreign language is never encouraged. It will be tacky and not eloquent at all.
You are still capable of getting TOPPED, just have sex with DILFS on Grindr
I'm 29 and going through something similar, though I didn't "waste" my 20's like OP. I did, though, give up all my creative hobbies at around the age of 20.
I'm trying to learn piano and music production now. Sucks to feel like you need to "catch up", but nobody looks at a 35 year old who's good at something and thinks "oh yeah but he started at 29/30, so he sucks".
Get a creative hobby, OP. Or find work in tech and work your way up like I did.
I'm just going to work out more, get covered in tats and just fuck whatever female comes my way. I'm just so beyond done, no problem moving forward alone
t. 30yo
Just work out 3-5 times a week and eat protein. Nobody who is muscular looks like a loser. It doesn't really matter what you do or have done, if you're buff nobody questions you.
Your body represents your mind and if your body is toned, it's like a billboard saying you have mental persistency and determination. Being buff alone is enough to land you a job in some places.