Why do robots refuse to date (not have kids with) brown women?

why do robots refuse to date (not have kids with) brown women?

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what's the point in dating if you don't want kids/a life together? you're just setting up to inevitably hurt at least one and probably both of you.

You cannot love someone forever.
You enjoy it will it lasts...

As a guy with no real identity I couldnt date a brown girl because they have too much identity or not enough

What does that even mean and originally of course

I literally have a thread up looking for a gf and no women approached me, only several wishing me luck because they thought I was nice. It's definitely not my refusal.

It means Im not stable enough and vice versa

They just stop being attractive once their skin gets too dark. White passing latinas are cool though

because they are ugly af compared to aryan angels t.sudanese muslim

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Yes you can.
But that takes actual effort and most people are thinking of themself as too good to put any into an relationship now. Women even more so, imo.

why are dark skinned men considered attractive but not dark skinned women?
self hating white praising faggots opinion do not count user.
also Allah doesnt agree.

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>tfw secretly racist
>but my attractive indian coworker keeps flirting with me and asking if I'd date a brown girl

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I would love to date a brown woman, but I don't know where to meet them. i find them more attractive and kinder. A brown woman would make a good wife.

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give it a shot. maybe it will help cool off your racism

This, especially with the Chicana or "WE WUZ" shit with spiclettes and nigresses respectively.
At least I would date an Asian girl of any region that belongs to East and SEast Asia since I think they are cuter than the ugly and hairy mexican girls I know, as well more conservative with regards to the muslim ones.
t. lightskin mexican

Because they don't like white guys with light eyes/hair even if you're tall/muscular.

t. 6'1" muscular white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes that's a KHV living in South Florida because of this.

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>KHV living in South Florida

i don't, for some reason it's mostly been brown girls who were into me, not that I'm complaining, i find them attractive.

Coming from a brown man, I don't find brown women attractive. Typical, right?

kids are fucking cancer, and while I'm not opposed to spending a life together with someone there is nothing more fun and exhilarating than a short fling

Like every brown man on Yas Forums, so, yeah typical.
It is okay user.
We dont care, live your life, be happy :)

stay mad you whore. Brown men dont want and White men cant stand your presence

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One time I had an Indian girl at work who kept getting real close, looking in my eyes, and telling me she loved me, asking me if I love her, asking why I wouldn't look back into her eyes.

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At least respond with an attractive white woman.

if youre a virgin because you refuse to date certain skin tones you are not a true robot.
being a robot means having no chance at a gf

>At least respond with an attractive white woman.

she is gorgeous

now respond with a picture of a good looking white (male) if you can call them that

Was she literally
>I want to kiss ur pinus for 2 hrs and then put my 1 cm vegana on ur pinus u will happy

mister mama where you at

Because girls don't like you if you're a white guy that doesn't sell/use drugs and if you're quiet.

>now respond with a picture of a good looking white (male) if you can call them that

oh..you are that kind of black person.

>Because girls don't like you if you're a white guy that doesn't sell/use drugs and if you're quiet.
cope, the issue lies within yourself

some women prefer quiet men tho.

This pretty much.
I don't see the point of kidless relationships , probably because i like being alone and enjoy my privacy and living with someone just for nothing seems pointless

Just marry white but in another part of the East Coast like rural Georgia or so.