Tfw girly girl femanon

>tfw girly girl femanon
It feels like we're a dying breed. Guys are all into tomboys, and girls that are emotional, clingy, cry easily, and are devoted to their boyfriend or husband rather than being independent career women are considered antiquated and eyeroll-worthy.

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Except if you dropped a means of communication, you would be swamped in adds almost immediately.

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This, OP is just an attentionwhore with retarded standards

Are you an actual woman or a tranny? Two very different things.

tomboys are fun to hang out with though

Yeah I don't understand why girls would say they don't want to be lonely yet they do nothing about it, especially when they get to pick. It's baffling how they complain while having the plate handed over to them.

>girls that are emotional, clingy, cry easily, and are devoted to their boyfriend or husband
That is exactly what I want my girl to be like.
The eyerolling and 'b-but that is so antiquated' talk is what you will get from media and, by extension, from other females who swallowing said media wholeheartedly.

Just go on r/femaledatinstrategy if you can stomach the site; you'll be fed one hell of a blackpill.
It's easy to tell ourselves that foids are only after the best man out there, but it's something else entirely to see foids telling eachother it's better to die alone, than marrying an equal or lower quality man.
F*males, not even once.

Girly is nice and I find it attractive, but they always seem beholden to traditional gender stereotypes and I can't see myself ever being able to completely let my guard down and be vulnerable with them.

>guys only want tomboy girls who are weak clingy and cry easy
>not girly girl career women
I unironically believe that op is a woman because of how retarded she clearly is.

I think it is more likely that your reading comprehension sucks even more than her sentence structure did.

I don't know why you associate girly girl with those things, none of them are qualities.
Girly girl is more about being stylish, very skilled at crafts and involved in the community that being clingy and crying.

Note the comma after tomboys.

this is why you should find someone who likes you instead of trying to appeal to as many people as you can. while i care more about if it's fun to hang out with a girl more than about what type they are, if i were asked my type, i would say the girly girls, at least looks wise. but usually we don't get along because video games and nerdy stuff is mostly male hobby so girly girls aren't usually interested in them. also you being independent is pretty much a requirement since i'm not really good at giving my attention to people and you're probably smarter than most people if you actually can be independent and work well. but i'm sure you have your standards too which is why even if you were liked you might not like the guys back

adapt or go extinct

>girls that are emotional, clingy, cry easily

Because those behaviors are fucking annoying and associated with children, not grown women.

Im bothered it fees that way for you , but its untrue

>fucking annoying
To you maybe.

sage 2145632

I'm sure you're a big girI.

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this opinion is retarded

They're considered feminine traits regardless of age.

I thought girly girl femanons didn't exist! :O

As you can see from the image attached you guys are wrong the world is so evil with girls, fucking misogyny

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And yeah I went to plebbit because I wanted to prove my point not my proudest moment but still

Hello Turbie
Original INFJ

If she has big tiddies like that she can be whatever she wants

Attached: 190588_jBBWq17S.png (600x600, 237.87K)

H-hello! You... recognized me! OwO

A-are you a fellow INFJ? :3c

Every "girly girl" I've known has hopped on trashy fuckboy dick first before complaining about never finding a good man.

Of course, Turbie Turbine Turbster.

Attached: 760917.jpg (1080x2160, 591.99K)

Tomboys can make for good friends, and housewives can make for good wives.

No free rides. Either get a job or fuck off. I'm sick of tradthots using conservatism as a smokescreen for their laziness.