Weekly Family Thread

Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.

Archive(still not updated)-
pastebin.com/3G5CJ4xZ (embed)

Previous Thread-
boards.Yas Forums.org/r9k/thread/57638173#top

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Whats the best way to beat degenerates who think incest is okay? With a stick? Shoe Horn?

A hammer should do the trick.
Cringe thread

Salmon is delicious if you bake it with some sea salt and pepper then put some melted cheese on top after it's done.

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Bumpity fuckity faggity the truest path to happiness is to realize that you can only control your own actions

Bumpity fuckity faggity
>When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Bumpity fuckity faggity other philosophic quotations

Bumpity fuckity faggity
>It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.

>doing chores
>finish and decide to shower
>looking for clothes in our dresser
>see his shirts
>decide to claim one cause whats mine is his and his is mine and all that
>take shower and put on his shirt
>one of those thick cotton shirts
>feels and smells nice like laundry soap
>go sit down
>he just looks at me
>keeps looking
>"I'm just looking at your panties."
>go back to watching fox videos on youtube
>really cute foxes making cute fox noises, I love them
>he is still looking at me on occasion
>ask him to stop cause it's making me nervous
>"You can't just sit like that where I can see all that and not expect me to look, thats unfair."
>adjust myself
>"I'm still gonna look at you."
>try to focus on videos but feel the staring
>ask why
>"My shirt looks good on you."
>still nervous cause he keeps looking at me

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>>still nervous cause he keeps looking at me
Hes gonna give you a smooching

Bumpity fuckity faggity
>Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.

I'm back and just wanted to let you all know everything's going well for me.

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Just how well is it going? Pic related isnt your mom, is it?

No, I wouldn't put her tits on the internet. That'd be horrible. Some user wanted to know how big her breasts were though, and I don't know cup sizes, so about that size.

>Just how well is it going?
I tried groping her again to gauge her reaction a second time and it was much more direct and positive.
>we cuddle in bed again in the dark
>she's wearing her robe instead of nightie
>try the same trick from before by turning up the heat to get her to let me take something off
>doesn't work and I feel stone walled
>Caress her waist subtly while we cuddle anyway
>no reaction
>eventually lose patience and slowly slide a hand through the neck of the robe
>slip in before realizing I should make sure she's still awake
>whisper "Love you, mom," and get a "Love you too" back
>this happens as I'm still reaching inside
>realize she's not wearing a bra, explaining why she wouldn't take off the robe for the heat earlier
>can finally feel her bare breasts
>can hear her breathing heavy
>kiss her neck
>I'm 90% sure the noise that comes out of her is a moan
>eventually just reach around, pull her robe open, and squeeze and grope her breasts until we go to sleep

It feels really surreal, like a wet dream or something. I'm honestly a little tense and anxious. I don't know if I should go further or wait and just enjoy the progress. She's acted normal and happy during the day.

>I don't know if I should go further or wait and just enjoy the progress
I think that things are going very well for you, and I doubt that there are any negative feelings about this from her as it is, but you might want to slow down and stay where you are for at least a couple more days, at least to prevent moving too quickly and scaring her.

>Literally dying because FF7 remake is in our house and I'm not playing it
>Must finish P5 first
>Plays Animal Crossing all day instead
Hate it. Also I dreamed I had my nipples removed, how's everyone else doing.
How are you this cute.
Wow I super wasn't paying attention to you and I thought you weren't actually getting anywhere. Uhhh good job??? I think???

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do you have to be an asshole to anyone who takes attention from you?

No? I don't? I'm sorry you somehow got that from that post? I'm thoroughly confused now.

Seems rude but thanks, I think. Good job, whatever it is you do.

Oh geez I get it now. Sorry I didn't mean that in a mean way, I just meant since it's hard for me to keep track of thread stuff during the workweek I only had you vaguely registered in my mind as "Wants to fuck mom?", and I missed the part where things were actually going well.

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Did you make another one after the last batch got burnt? Really craving salmon atm
Man's shirt + panties is a really powerful combo, the fact that he didn't pounce on you right there and then shows his self-restraint
I was the user asking about size, those are not sweater puppies they're full grown dogs! But yeah, it might just be me being a coward but I feel like you're moving a bit fats, but she does seem to have a positive reaction so I guess it's fine?
>Also I dreamed I had my nipples removed
Fun fact, there are fetishes about that. (i.e. nipple removal is one, nippleless boobs is other)
But yeah, this
>Wow I super wasn't paying attention to you and I thought you weren't actually getting anywhere.
does come of as rude, like say, although it might not be how you actually meant it.

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Yeah, I'm not going to push it any further for a bit.

It's cool.

It's definitely going fast, too fast for my comfort. I need some time to just live with this.

He already did. I got a surprise kiss before he went to cook.

Just be careful.

You have too much going on, focus on one thing then maybe you won't make your nii mad at you for not finishing things.

We made some more after we thawed some more out. It was pretty good I love fish in general but who doesn't. Also yes I'm realizing now my mistake with the shirt but it's comfy and breathes well.

We are watching Somali and the Forest Spirit and she is so adorable.

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>She's acted normal and happy during the day.
Is she continuing to not wear a bra around you?

Bumpity fuckity faggity asomething or other on the topic of philosphic bumps

i am 6-2 and built like a bear, usually armed because why use fists when something else can do the work?
Incest is fine when it is consensual.

I watch my sister's kids often and they love me dearly. They come to my house and spend the night in my room sometimes. I'm in college and i've had sex but i've never brought a girl home or had a long term relationship. I'm too awkward to make anything work. The entire family knows this. I also don't socialize and don't have many friends. The perfect storm formed around my siutuation and now I need to face it. My sister believes her kids are showing signs of molestation and abuse. Her husband never keeps his eyes off me when i'm over at their house watching their kids. He follows me around the house when i'm making sure the kids aren't getting hurt. A few months ago, they stopped asking me to babysit entirely. I need to know the truth. I'm confronting my brother in Law directly tomorrow in person. I need to know if they consider me a suspect and if they do, I plan to remove myself from them entirely and never see my sister or her kids again. I believe he thinks i'm a fucking pedophile.

My only saving grace is that the kids always want to be around me and miss me constantly and I don't think they'd do that to an abuser.

>I will never have this

Why live?

Do you think you've done anything to incite this? Like, any specific behaviour that may seem suspicious to others? Obviously the stereotype of the weird lonely uncle molesting children plays some role here. How old are you, the children and their parents?

>I watch my sister's kids often and they love me dearly. They come to my house and spend the night in my room sometimes.
>My sister believes her kids are showing signs of molestation and abuse

get the fuck away from them

>I'm confronting my brother in Law directly tomorrow in person

this is like when someone confronts the killer in a murder mystery instead of going to the police or telling a friend

>My only saving grace is that the kids always want to be around me and miss me constantly and I don't think they'd do that to an abuser

it sounds like you're not sure if you've molested them

I'm 21. Her kids are 10 male, 3 male, and a few months female.