

I guess it really do be over

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if you're 5'6 and can't get laid it isn't because of your height its because your a repulsive loser. when women say they don't like short men they mean people shorter then them, at 5'6 you're taller then the majority women.
absolutely pathetic

>if you're 5'6 and can't get laid it isn't because of your heigh

uuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm proof?

yeah pretty much
6'2 btw and get laid with a different chick every night

shut the fuck up
i'm 6'2 but a 3/10 autistic and retarded
3/10 while shaving and having good skin

Im 5'7 and no girl has ever cared about my hieght or thought I was short

>friend is 5'5
>face full of acne at 26
>tooth missing on front
>has a cute gf
i doubt you have it worse than him

Same but I'm 2 foot 6

>he thinks im memeing
When you're as tall as me you get women coming up to you asking you out.

>white but with brown eyes/hair (worse of both worlds)
>poor social skills
>small hands and feet

sorry, but i've go it 10x worse

Um try again sweety you're insecure if you think I'm joking

>When you're as tall as me you get women coming up to you asking you out.
most people guess that i'm 6'3
still no gf

Well I'm also fit, have a good face and a well paying job.

>Well I'm also fit, have a good face and a well paying job.
yeah so get off my board and stop saying it's about height you retard

Is that it? Sounds pretty average to me bro you must be really sad and your dick game must be wack af lmao

It is the worst fate a man can have

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Help I'm 5'3 but am built well and have good skin

hey at least you can be a trap and get paypigs

You'll be fine. Your friends will jokingly call you small and that's the worst of it.

Because I am 5'6" and have fucked three women many many many times.
actually I might 5'5" but it says different on my ID

>normal things are now considered like they are some crazy unattainable objects
literally just go on a jog every day fatass

>not fat
>decent face
>Still a virgin at 21 because I'm mentally fucked and socially retarded

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>8 inch dick
>still no gf because i'm black and all my friends are asians

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>literally just go on a jog every day fatass
i do you faggot kill yourself and get off my board

Well you can always transition and get TOPPED by real men

>doesnt exercise
>doesnt have good genetics
>didnt work hard in school
>'wtf why no pusy for me?'
Its all your fault kid.

>Implying he is even a man

I bet you and him have boiclits

Haha, user It could be worse you could be a 5'4 spic

I think you could find a good home on Grindr go get your boipucci stuffed

lol fucking manlets should get TOPPED

>>doesnt exercise
>>doesnt have good genetics
>>didnt work hard in school
>>'wtf why no pusy for me?'
>Its all your fault kid.
good goy