What compels you guys to constantly hate on girls in videogames? do you think you are a big cool guy for doing it?

what compels you guys to constantly hate on girls in videogames? do you think you are a big cool guy for doing it?

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I don't, but I don't play video games with other people or interact with others most of the time anyway. So how could I be hating on gurlz

>do you think you are a big cool guy for doing it?
yeah, i do actually

Attached: 1587207360244.gif (498x278, 1.02M)

you know it wont get you a gf right?

neither will simping, and it's not as based.

Attached: e girl bat.png (1457x1080, 588K)

because there is no inbetween being an asshole and a simp right?

I dont recall ever making fun of a girl in Stalker.

Well, I hate girls. So it makes sense to hate girls on video games as well.

Anything that is not repeatedly slamming your junk into a wall screaming BITCHES AND WHORES! every time you crush your nads is simping. Yas Forums science has proven it.

share your story with us op, what happened

are you actually this retarded irl?

>game starts
>2-3 guys start screetching their lunges to shreds
>constantly blaming me for doing well
>constantly being assholes for helping them
not much details to the story really

>>game starts
-3 guys start screetching their lunges to shreds
>>constantly blaming me for doing well
>>constantly being assholes for helping them
are you a tranny?

Your probably playing incl tier games, there just other slow minded people like you.

incel not incl

that just sounds like an average team based game desu

No, I'm actually very high IQ. Unless you are wall-thrusting at least 4 hours every day maintenance and doing a good 6-8 hours after you have any form of online contact with a female, you WILL simp at some point, it's only matter of time. Only repeated blunt trauma to the genitals can keep simp thoughts at bay in low-test males like you. And once you simp for one women you will, in a matter of picoseconds, start simping for ALL women. And at that point becoming a cuck is inevitable.
Look, staying based and trad and masculine isn't easy. It demands that we spend most of our time consumed by hatred and rage at people who have done nothing wrong. But that, and a crushed sack, are sacrifices we have no choice but to make to keep evil things like cross-gender friendships and anyone ever having fun ever from happening.

I dont, because I dont remember ever playing with one.
Maybe because smart woman who actually enjoy the games they play know they dont have to scream their gender every 5 minutes.


is mainstream games incel tier?
im not slow minded, why would you think so?

so people just decided to randomly screetch at someone when the game begins?

so you like to hurt your balls to avoid the thought of just not being an asshole? nice

what makes you think i screamed my gender? i used voice chat to say hi to the team

yeah pretty much, welcome to the internet

Literally everyone gets harassed in online team games. Men and women get harassed exactly the same, it's just when women get harassed it's SEXISM so people see it as a much bigger deal.

I barely ever experience people who screech like that, incels tend to think in black and white and not being very bright as well as extremely narcissistic. Thus I deduced that you are playing video games that people like this play.

One of my best friends is a hot girl that I met through a game. She lives in a different country and we even took a holiday together. Great chemistry, but neither of us wanted to move and long distance sucks so that didn't work. She has a bf now, but we still game/talk almost daily.


Cool blogpost, but what does that have to do with the thread?

Incels are the smartest people on the internet though. You are probably a dumb bitch.

I'm a dude though, but yes I'm bewildered by there extreme intellect.

Thats not wrong, but you know mainly kids, teenagers and nerds play games, you will always get worshiped, harassed or bullied, with little middle ground.

What type of games do you play? Is voice chat vital yo them?

>so you like to hurt your balls to avoid the thought of just not being an asshole? nice
As a high-test male, I have other methods of avoiding simping behavior. I'm just here to judge and mock all the simps here who think that low-test men can come into even the briefest contact with women and not be instantly converted into her white-knight beta slave. They'll say something like "I wish I had more female friends" and I'll say "GET YOUR NARDS ON THE WALL RIGHT NOW KEKBOY OR YOU'RE TO END UP A DICORCE-RAPED INCEL VIRGIN LOSER FOR LIFE!"
I find that capitalizing every word in my posts makes people think I'm shouting, and shouting is based and trad and masculine so that's good. It would be better if we all used all caps all the time.

What game do you play ? I am interested to know what games out there thats not intel tier.

I don't. I have several female friends in VRchat and they all give me hugs and headpats for hours every day and one of them talks to me like I'm a baby. Imma start calling her mommy at this rate...

this, incels are there to prevent the world from its demise

so trannies or landwhales?