Imagine acting like a bootlicking pussy who wants to destroy the global economy for the next 10 years over something...

imagine acting like a bootlicking pussy who wants to destroy the global economy for the next 10 years over something less harmful than the flu because the media told you it's the end of the world

and to top it off it all off they say it's all to save a bunch of shithead boomers who should creak anyway

the combination of smug and cowardly is truly revolting.

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I hope all those people get Coronavirus tho.
Since that was their choice.

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America is the only country where idiots protest in the middle of a pandemic

Everyone already has the virus at this point.

>Waaaaaaaahhh I need to go make mr Shekelstein more money! It's a priviledge!

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We need to lock these coofers into sickness camps. It was their choice, after all

as an european i can only hope they continue

keep those numbers rollin baby!

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>Americans getting what they deserve after shitting on socialism for 200 years

I feels absolutely no pity for you idiots.
Meanwhile I get comfy paid 70 percent of my last wage here for one year but I guess you will rather go working and die because the alternative would mean "communism"

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It's Darwinism in action.

>something less harmful than the flu
the coronavirus death rate can be anywhere from 10 to 100 times more deadly than the flu. remember that our initial understanding of the mortality rate was based on the false reports china gave at the start of the outbreak. coronavirus is also way more contagious.

fucking based
freedom gooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tanking the global economy is absolutely based though

The global economy would go to shit anyway if everyone got sick at once. And the mortality rate would spike pretty badly once healthcare systems get overloaded and people who would've been fine die because there was no room or equipment free to care for them.

>hurr coronavirus is no threat at all literally only boomers are in danger
I hate you retards almost as much as the alarmist "AHHHHH THE WORLD'S ENDING" retards

>my body my choice
Much like smoking, it's a personal choice that also pottentially affects those around you. So if you want, you can do it, but stores and other public places will also be able to deny you entry and expel you if you do it. With freedom comes personal accountability and the need to make smart decisions after all.

lol yeah trump recently said something like "it's not right that some people don't have access to healthcare"
everything has been completely turned upside down

Aren't these the very same people that were prepping like a month ago?

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Yas Forums has been screeching about the end of the world since this whole shit started in China. I would bet there's some overlap between the two groups.

Why do retards think their opinions on whether or not a virus is deadly or not, outweighs every single health researcher on the planet's advice?

i think you mean it's a right, numbnuts

Maybe because "researchers" are not infallible people and humans have this thing called critical thinking.

A comedic part of the Michigan protests was the notion that the governor-imposed shelter-in-place was impacting the protesters' ability to stimulate the local economy (auto industry) when almost every vehicle in the protest was some clapped out XJ, K15, or grand caravan.

It was pretty clear that the entire protest group were a bunch of welfare leaches from the sticks proudly wielding their Chinese-made rifles, wearing their Dungarees made in Vietnam in factories run by an Singapore holding company, driving decades old cars that haven't stimulated the local auto industry since the first Bush administration.

Poor whites are disgusting.

outside of the totally retarded and conspiratorial, i think most of them realize it is killing people

It's just there's 2 very bad options - shut down everything for a few months, economy tanks, 20%+ unemployment (worse than 2008). Or leave everything open, 2-3% of the population dies, mostly old/sick/fat people. There's no fucking win case here

Based and truthpilled. Ignoring negative externalities is a hallmark of American conservatism. Lmao have the protestors even read Thiel or Hayek. I bet they haven't even read Rand lmaoooo

It's not end of the world, but it's going to be very bad. Fed has been printing money since 2008, blowing a huge bubble in the stock market despite no underpinning economic fundamentals. Now it's popping, next recession, next bust cycle, and some people have a convenient excuse (blame the virus, blame china, dont blame the bankers and politicians like in 2008, system is fine)

Your critical thinking does jack shit when it comes to analysis of a virus' infection and fatality rates. You do actually need a background in virology and/or epidemiology to be making these kinds of assertions. Otherwise, you just look like a dumbass getting himself infected at best, at worst, a deliberate health risk to your community.

American right wing is retarded and constantly wants things "both ways". For example, hating blacks but also hating abortion (which kills blacks).

If you're okay with herd immunity shit, try picking out which susceptible people in your viscinity you would nominate for sacrifice for your right to go outside.

Sweden is considered an advanced, developed, progressive country. They specifically went no-lockdown. Discuss

lmao @ faggots who pulled money from the market. My returns have already gone back to black and are rising every day.

The whole american political system is a joke. Both the sides' general opinions are mental gymnastics. They would rather oppose something universally beneficial, simply because the other side supports it.
Hence you have traditionalists acting like they're willing to throw their elders under the bus for the coronavirus, or lefties supporting religious opression, or traps dabbing on actual women in sports.