Post a picture that describes how you feel about yourself

Post a picture that describes how you feel about yourself.

Attached: 1586738556110.jpg (1154x1200, 194.77K)

I just keep getting worse and worse

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Attached: 1559133851675.png (629x1173, 131.09K)

I guess that's just how things go sometimes

Attached: DIMSWilWAAAgwwF(1).jpg (500x365, 32.03K)

Everything has become terrifying and I don't know

Attached: 1577743613761.jpg (250x250, 14.45K)

This pretty much, yeah yeah yeah

Attached: Operation_Downfall_-_Map.jpg (1260x970, 325.88K)

im all shook up

Attached: 1584870497896.jpg (750x750, 78.02K)

Happy, but ultimately not fulfilled.

Attached: Ceci n'est pas une Garf.jpg (400x400, 4.67K)


Attached: 1575344137806.jpg (640x603, 43.85K)


Attached: 1584902638252m.jpg (1024x486, 72.04K)

I'm not feeling any emotion after six years of constant curveballs life could throw at me. The most stupid crazy shit happened.

Attached: b50d91d5-5064-4ed4-ba5f-28a8865488c6.png (931x1600, 1.11M)

Be confident, my dudes

Attached: 20190924_160310_F83DEB33-C43E-40E5-B059-45E606B58020-8080-000005F4D872F5C6.jpg (589x800, 136.06K)

I can't get more accurate than this, it fits me to a T.

Attached: 1586851562828.png (696x931, 608.79K)

Picture I took describes me now

Attached: Snapchat-1204093625.jpg (1398x2688, 769.69K)

i feel good hehe

Attached: 1550680750877.png (832x894, 462.08K)

oh god, not that bad

Attached: smug.jpg (201x174, 10.73K)

textless posts are originallee not allowed

Attached: 360 and walk away.gif (270x252, 971.25K)

Fuck, 90% of that is true for me as well

Attached: 1587104550759.jpg (600x600, 36.57K)

This hurts more and more every single day.

Attached: 1586940964530.png (1000x602, 966.29K)

in a non meme way. my life is fucked. I'm 26 and it won't get better.

Attached: 1587159715308.jpg (1384x640, 44.99K)

There you go, I don't know how to answer that.

Attached: 1587238046767.jpg (418x488, 45.32K)

Now that I don't have to leave the house there is no immediate negative to ignoring everything I have to do. So I'm not doing anything and will probably fail my 3rd year of university.

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Me on r9k at all times explaining to women theyre sluts and that its jews fault

Attached: 677A3D20-88E6-4646-A61C-C406D5700C71.jpg (680x680, 65.57K)

Always, never not.

Attached: images - 2020-03-05T020806.054.jpg (232x217, 13.4K)

Basically this, but older and more alone

Attached: social anxiety.jpg (1018x626, 53.01K)

Got house and some land,got a girlfriend a job i love and bow fishing season just kicked off, lifes good desu

Attached: 1585248784103.jpg (800x534, 85.79K)

>mom taught me that people hating me = good when i was a child and also meant that i was above them
>modern day
>tfw asshole
>lost many friends, most stopped being my friend by hating me because of either my behaviour, opinions or already existing drama
>normalfag of a friend constantly giving me generic advice as a "lecture" to help me somehow (lol)
>quite fine with my life already, have a lot of hobbies i enjoy doing
>a few friends and good relationship with mom that helps me not feel lonely
>tfw still not fulfilled
>tfw like wanting to cause drama somewhere on cuckcord just for chaos
>still feels like its a bad thing to do morally
>likes trolling but always feels huge anxiety and troll's remorse when actually doing it
>tfw not enough people hating my existence
>other ways to get validation seems shitty and cringy to me

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this is me scrolling through the shitshow that is this website

Attached: walter.jpg (1580x2048, 500.67K)

Life is fine. It could always be worse.

Attached: him.png (128x128, 23.22K)

(jannies and mods suck nigger cock.)

Attached: 1585083393839.jpg (229x220, 7.63K)

My life is bleak and empty compared to my peers

Attached: thombensad.jpg (1200x900, 143.41K)

Originally spaghetti nigger boy

Attached: fVkLqzUuUi6l.jpg (480x360, 23.49K)