Because of Coronavirus, I've lost my job, half my friends have caught it and the outlook is Grim for them...

Because of Coronavirus, I've lost my job, half my friends have caught it and the outlook is Grim for them, even because of this fucking quarantine my own Girlfriend left me for her roommate. Because i have no fucking money I'm 4 weeks overdue on rent and i got my eviction notice 2 weeks ago. I even had to take a loan out before everything got locked down to buy Pic Related. I'm sick of this world Anons and it doesn't look like its getting better. Tonight i'm ending it all in a livestream. The link can be found in the pastebin. Look for XXVI, Ill be going live in a bit. This is it Anons I've had enough, i'm not cut out for the collapse of the world.

pastebin com / L6ZNx0J0

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where the fuck do you faggots live where this virus is fucking shit up so badly? ive been under stay at home order for 4 weeks now but i still have my friends (the spider in the crack and the house sparrow with a broken whistler) and i still have my job. people are still living their lives as usual here, just with more free time.

>where the fuck do you faggots live where this virus is fucking shit up so badly?
literally anywhere in america lmao

>I've lost my job, half my friends have caught it and the outlook is Grim for them, even because of this fucking quarantine my own Girlfriend left me for her roommate

Aww that sucks fucking poor normie.

Meanwhile dole bluging neets like me who were already on welfare are set. My nation doubled the fotnigrhtly welfare and we can now with draw our retirement funds if we wish. YFW Im actually benefiting from this shit.

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>where the fuck do you faggots live where this virus is fucking shit up so badly?
they don't, they're paid posters/trolls spreading covid propaganda
nothing about this is real, but if it is then it was bioweapon designed in the US and released in Wuhan as a false flag and an excuse to crash the entire world economy for whatever reason (I believe its to usher in a new digital currency, which will be linked to the chip they're going to make you get when the vaccine rolls out)

Any they call California a shithole? The weather is great, my weed stash is full, traffic on the way to office has never been better. Wow I guess other people got it rough

Its a very elaborate ongoing spam tactic, they do this on all boards, they make very elaborate stories and link to a discord server. I think it is some kind of honeypot. The post always leads to the link to a discord server. Why? I am not sure. The posts are way too hand-crafted to be made by a bot, and I dont see any reason to advertise a server in such a cancerous way. They usually are along the lines of
>im live-streaming my suicide here is the link
Or they will even make fake news headline images and say
>extreme mass murder/crime just occurred, perpetrator released a manifesto here [link to server]
Its very strange.

Fake and gay the link just leads to a website that has another link to a discord server

yeah, im in the US. got papers from the government stating i was "essential", was given the option to work from home, grocery stores are still open, people still commuting, only change is that i need to get my food to go. how is this ruining your lives?

>they're paid posters/trolls spreading covid propaganda
bro my actual real-life best friend had it and by all accounts it was a real thing
his dad is still in the ICU on CPAP, thankfully he hasn't deteriorated further

>can't afford to pay rent
>no savings if SHTF
>takes out a loan for a handgun
T O P K E K. Guess you'll have a reason to use it if things continue this way for you, though.

No, this type of spam has been posted around Yas Forums for months, way before corona became a thing. Im guessing they can get better ID/verification of a Yas Forums user by getting them to join a discord server. They are almost certainly data-mining for some purpose.

I live in America, everyone is walking around with masks and some stores are closed, and its less crowded
other than that nothing is happening, hospitals are empty and the nurses look bored out of their mind
everything to be seen is not the result of a virus, but the result of government instructions and media-agitated hysteria

this must seem nice if you're a NEET. it is not nice when you've been fired and there are no jobs in your industry because everything is shut down.

>nothing about this is real, but if it is then it was bioweapon designed in the US
a fascinating peak inside the brain of the conspiratard

Holy heckin bros, he's actually heckin doing it

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holy shit bro this dude i know had it believe me trust me man its real bro

(smart) people have been aware of Agenda 21 at least since 2012

Why would being useless NEET ever be nice? I like making money thanks

western US? same here.

>holy shit bro this dude i know had it believe me trust me man its real bro
what level of magical thinking do you have to reach to think that someone is paying people to spread propaganda on an imageboard as irrelevant as r9k at 3am eastern time

How dare you claim its a larp. Ive fucking lost everything you fucking asshole. If i tried to stream it anywhere else it would get banned.

"how dare you claim the holocaust was a joke", or how to invalidate yourself in 30 seconds or less

>what is shareblue
>what are focus groups
>what is cointelpro
>what are the snowden leaks
>why have FBI agents been caught posting on Yas Forums

DYOR, but you won't, so keep letting the news media think for you

nice trips
east coast, southern

it's a shitty shill so they can get more users on their discuck, i've seen it used many times already, saged.

>half my friends have caught it

having house parties when you re supposed to be in lock down. has money and a gf, and is attention whoring a Sui

cointelpro was a program where feds posed as members and leaders of anti-government movements to discredit those movements. the rest of those programs are surveillance not astroturfing.

by your logic, the people posting crackpot "corona is a myth" theories and proposing an end to the lockdown are most likely to be feds

Not even him but as insane as it sounds that absolutely is an ongoing occurance and it has been for a long time. A lot of the posts/threads that seem like pointless spam are actually motivated by more malicious entities. It is easier to spot on larger/faster boards. Astroturfing is real, and Yas Forums is not somehow magically immune to it. As retarded as it sounds, lots of groups and factions have very real interest in this shithole, for various reasons.

>Astroturfing is real, and Yas Forums is not somehow magically immune to it.
yeah that's true but no one needs to astroturf this debate, it would be a waste of money. everyone already believes in corona except for a few conspiratards.

we know who does your thinking for you

Ah yeah, I agree with you there. Cant see why anyone would bother shilling corona-conspiracies. But I do think they use discord to data mine in some way. Likely to build a better profile of users, as I imagine the amount of information they can get from discord is greater than what they can gather from Yas Forums. I bet someone on /g/ would have a better idea of whether or not that is a plausible theory. I do not know much about that sort of thing.

>alf my friends have caught it and the outlook is Grim for them
>outlook is grim
lmfao are all your friends fuckin immuno deficient or boomers? The chance a healthy person in their 20's or 30's dies from corona is a fraction of a percent.

I honestly don't know what i'm going to do anons. Suicide seems like the only way out