How am I supposed to feel about the fact that there are trannies with larger cocks than mine?
How am I supposed to feel about the fact that there are trannies with larger cocks than mine?
Fuck them all OP
I don't know, how do you feel about dudes with a bigger dick than you? It is pretty much the same thing. Does it matter though? Trannies are a sexual fetish more times than not and aren't ever treated like a human.
Why does it matter? You aren't supposed to feel anything at all.
fuck dude that girls body is perfect
user... there's something you should know.
did i fucking stutter or something
>huge dick trannys
Proof that God hates us.
Well you see user there's penises and vaginas..
fuck you dumbass playing the role of a goddamn idiot like i don't know that
I mean I'm not the one who mixes up girls and boys.
she's obviously presenting as a female with the fake tits and the stockigs so im just assuming a preferred gender pronoun
>obviously presenting as a female
>pic related
>preferred penis
>obviously female
>female penis
>female penis
pic related
Fuck them anyways.
things you do on purpose
>having a dick
not something you do on purpose
that they have really good surgeons who can pull this off
>How am I supposed to feel
now get on your knees and open your mouth like a good boy
More importantly, how do you feel about the fact that I used to have a 9 inch dick but I got vaginoplasty, lol?
that's not a surgery cock
I fail to see what intention has to do with anything, but regardless, he clearly presented his penis. I circled it in red since you couldn't see it earlier.
It's kind of like how you're presenting your retardation (although I don't think you are doing on purpose, but either way you are still retarded).
haha I'm not gay or anything but god I want to jerk off that big beautiful cock so bad lol
presenting is something you do not something you have in terms of biology.
why the fuck would you assault everyone's eyes with pics of your mom?
>Thread immediately turns to discussing whether you are gay for liking trannies.
For fucks sake. The answer is yes.
yea ikr, shit's so fucking hot.
What is the fuckin sauce
ella hollywood in a samus cosplay i think
unless you are truly, truly, truly exceptional in regards to something, odds are that someone in the world (or your country, city, town, or even extended social circle) is going to be more extreme than you in whatever way. No point sweating it, just focus on reaching your own maximum for whatever you can
don't get jelly, there are pics of your mommy on the internet too, like pic related
I'd say you shouldn't give a fuck about someone elses genitalia unless you're thinking about going out, then its based on your sexuality.
but like hey, you do you fellow anons
Presenting as something doesnt mean you are that thing in reality