>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 25
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>lives in a city
>fat or underweight
>went to university/wants to go to university
>listens to hiphop/rap
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are fine, no loops)
>dyes her hair
>wears makeup
>has painted and/or fake nails.
>eats fast food
>is an atheist
>is a liberal
>homophile friends
>whore friends
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
These are my red flags for females. What are your red flags for females?

Attached: 1453417695660.jpg (1280x720, 75.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>What do you mean you wont fuck a girl whos had 50 partners
>You cant just go around having unrealistic expectations like that.

Attached: CHfrvNi.png (604x630, 363.49K)

>has dark skin
>older than 25
what is she supposed to do about these things...?
red flag doesn't mean "things i don't like"

shut the fuck up Jason


>what is she supposed to do about these things...?
Find a guy with lower standards?
>red flag doesn't mean "things i don't like"
That is precisely what it means, but the two red flags you replied to are objective negatives like not being a virgin or using drugs.

I won't be interested in a girl that has fucked one person.

one thing that makes me extremely happy is the fact that youll die alone and a virgin
thats at least somethin

That's a pretty pathetic mindset. I hope you get over your mental illness one day.

lol good luck. that's at least 95% of girls over age 20

i eish that youd kill me so you go to jail and get raped for being a disgusting pedophile

I'm not restricted to girls over 20 and I don't need 95% of women, just one(1)

More like most girls over 14 sadly.

>piercings anywhere but earlobes
>gauges in earlobes
seriously a nose ring or gauges drop a 10/10 to a -1/10 for me
>drug addict/heavy smoker or drinker
normal to underweight
>"a nice girl" i.e. boring as fuck
>no hobbies
>body count above 1 or 2 long term monogamous relationships
>listens to rap or overly pretentious hipster bullshit
>long fingernails
>completely impractical clothing

>>"a nice girl" i.e. boring as fuck
You just described a meaningless word with another meaningless word.

I look for interesting chemistry or personality traits. Someone who can actually hold a conversation and doesn't regurgitate shit from the radio or buzzfeed article. I wanted to clarify this but the thread was seconds away from death so I opted for a summary.

A lot of girls are just fucking boring/NPCs and I specifically look for someone with a bit more bite. I'll take a "bitch" with a spicier personality than a doormat.

>uses contraceptive drugs/device (my period is really bad + my mom has endometriosis which i probably have)
>fat or underweight
im underweight
>dyes her hair
i dye it darker brown bc i think it fits me better
>wears makeup
i wear eyeliner sometimes
>eats fast food
who doesnt lol
>has painted and/or fake nails.
i like my nails long and they look ugly unpainted while long so
>is an atheist
my parents just didnt teach my religion so idk how to get started with it

i dont understand how my "redflags" are red flags besides the atheist one ...

>i dont understand how my "redflags" are red flags besides the atheist one ...
Why aren't you a healthy weight? Why do you dye your hair? Your normal color is fine. Why do you wear eyeliner? Why do you eat fast food? I don't, and many people don't. Why do you like long painted nails? What is wrong with normal nails?

OP must be a 10/10, fit Chad with a successful career, education and rock solid moral values to have a list like that.
You are a 10/10 Chad, aren't you OP? You wouldn't happen to actually be a scrawny, 2/10 faggot who lurks on here and jerks his cock to 8 year old cartoon girls, would you?

why do you go on Yas Forums? why do you wear the clothes you wear? why do you style the hair the way you do?
I do those things because I like them ??
no girl will ever fit all those standards

My list is very basic standards. Your assertion that only a top tier male would be deserving of a woman that meets basic standards is very telling.

Please leave my thread, I don't talk to feminists.
>I just do it teehee
Okay, so you're retarded. Thank you for answering. Are you sure you don't fit the 9th flag?

u must be a nigger or something if you dont understand I do them because I like doing them

>I'm not restricted to girls over 20

You'll be restricted to prison rape soon enough.

> I don't need 95% of women, just one(1)

You'll never meet her and you don't know how statistical probabilities work.

>My list is very basic standards
You list excludes virtually anyone who leaves their house or has a life at all. You're going to die alone buddy.

>>uses contraceptive drugs/device
I take high estrogen hormonal bc for my cystic acne
>>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
I drink wine with dinner
>>went to university/wants to go to university
I need a uni degree to make good money
>>wears makeup
if I didn't wear makeup the aforementioned cystic acne would prevent me from getting competitive jobs
>>has painted and/or fake nails.
see above, this is part of professionalism when you're a woman
>>is an atheist
I was raised atheist, never saw a reason to convert to anything else
>>is a liberal
yes because capitalism is the only viable economic system

die mad about it. these are only red flags if you're a dumb fuck alt-righter

I understand that you like it, you mouth breather. I asked for you to explain why, and you're such a shallow NPC that you can't even examine your own motives.
You're a low IQ feminist.

1. ive always been underweight all my life i cant help it
2. i dye my (dark brown) hair to be darker brown/black because I dont like my lighter brown hair that much
3. i wear eyeliner because I think I look better when I wear it. I've only worn it in public 3 times though.
4. I like the taste of some fast food but I try not to eat it too much
4. I find longer nails more feminine thats why i grow them out a bit + nail polish

Actually you're the one that will die mad and childless. I'm sorry your parents didn't love you, pizza face.

>lives in a city

Not a problem if you don't live in a city. If you live in a city that red flag also applies to you. Unless you only do e-girls then that's another red flag

>I'm sorry your parents didn't love you, pizza face.
And you wonder why no nice girl ever wants to date you...

male red flags
>posts in red flags for females threads

if youre on r9k posting in red flag threads youre most likely in the lowest pecking order already. i dont think any of you have the balls to genuinely stand up against any of the "red flags" if any female were to ever give you attention.
bait thread honestly

These are always fun, lemme see what applies
>wants to go to university
Not as much as I thought desu.

Hey OP, I know where you can find a woman that does have any of these red flags.

>i can't help it
Refusal to take responsibility for yourself
>I dye it because I like it
>I wear eyeliner because I like it
>I like the taste of shit
Double digit IQ.
>I find longer nails more feminine
You're wrong.
You know humans can travel very easily, right? A human can live in a city and drive to a different geographic location, you know?

OP, you should really stick with 2D girls. That way they never have opinions, thoughts or lives that could upset you.
Pic related, your ideal waifu and future.

Attached: FoxworthandYuki2.jpg (588x467, 65.06K)

I don't wonder that. I've had nice girlfriends before.

u replied to the wrong thing. what other reasons would i dye my hair and wear eyeliner. ur honestly retarded. Long nails are more feminine btw! thats why you never see men with them :) (and im not talking about long ass acrylic nails that niggers wear)

what do you want to study at university and will you marry me?

There are plenty of 3D women that meet my standards. I'm sorry you live around low quality people, but don't feel bad, most people do.

>I've had nice girlfriends before.
lmao you wouldn't be here posting a list of red flags and sperging out over every dissenting reply if that were true

>what other reasons would i dye my hair and wear eyeliner.
Because you're vain and have a poor sense of aesthetics and use "beauty" products to try and fill the void left by your vacuous personality.

>That girl that got expelled from middle school because she blew a guy in the middle of the field
Thay was almost 20 years ago, I don't want to know how bad it can get today.

why are you trying this hard to defend yourself? no one in this thread is gonna fuck you anyway

Should I just ignore people that disagree with me, or should I pretend to agree with them? Cope and seethe, incmell.

History, purely because I find it really interesting. I'm aware that isn't really a good enough reason to go though which is why I haven't already.
>will you marry me?
Honestly probably no user.

i have nothing else to do ^^ and besides i dont need any of u to fuck me im waiting until marriage :))

So many female apologists in this thread. If you're a man why shame him? Less competition for other women for you. Only a woman that hits most of these would lash out due to their insecurities.

I'd have considered her if she had been less combative and showed a bit more intelligence.

There might be 3D women that meet your standards, but I'm going to guess you probably don't come close to meeting theirs.
Unless they're a sex doll. You should probably look into those, they sound like just your type.

i just hate when incels have impossible standards, makes them more of a volcel. its annoying to hear them complain about not getting their perfect stacy ^^

People on this site don't know the difference between red flags and criteria, but these are kinda excusable.
Like looking black is a red flag for acting black i guess.

edating is pathetic grow a pair

No a red flag is something small that indicates a larger problem

They're simps, you think they compete with anyone? They are waiting patiently for Becky to turn 30 and settle for them.

I don't "edate", I'd ask a girl online if she is in my state and if not that'd be that.

>Honestly probably no user.
Are you sure? I'm a doctor.