How do you feel about beng in alliance with pol and b as the internets hate trio?
How do you feel about beng in alliance with pol and b as the internets hate trio?
How do you feel about Mexican dick?
Its s4s r9k pol, pleb
Yas Forums is full of newfags, Yas Forums is full of coomers, and Yas Forums is full of trannies and normies. It's a few years too late
It's funny because the posts can be so similar I forget which board I'm on
You mean the reddit ball pit of Yas Forums?
All three of the boards have gone to shit. I used to really enjoy Yas Forums but now it is all porn. Yas Forums is full of boomer faggots who do not understand the JQ and Yas Forums has a huge tranny problem along with all the constant tfw no gf threads. All of these boards have been ruined yet I am still here we really are here forever.
She was right all along
Yas Forums honestly has way too much porn, I basically never go there.
I am a left-wing race-realist, so I have kind of a complicated relationship with Yas Forums. I wouldn't call it an alliance... maybe an adversarial kinship?
Yas Forums ruined this website
This board is for feels not a playground for retarded larpers
True Robots shun politics and society. Yas Forums is full of normalniggers.
Keep blaming us faggot enjoy your tranny spam and pretend like we are not always right.
Yas Forums is the worst board on Yas Forums. Electionfags made this place shit.
>reddit ball pit of Yas Forums
that's Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Personally, I am different to "Mexican dick," as you so eloquently put it. For that matter, I feel the same way about penises in general (of all races), as long as they maintain a safe distance away from my face and body. Upon failing to do so, I will likely experience great discomfort and possibly rage.
Although I would rather not see these penises in the first place, I understand their presence in certain situations and acknowledge their existence as a whole.
Trap/tranny threads have been on these boards for ages, Yas Forums is the shitshow thinking they are trying to revert this site back to a time that never existed.
Fuck those shitholes. We are not in an alliance. Yas Forums especially can suck my dick for invading every board, and constantly spouting faggot-ass authoritarian nazi bullshit.
I'll join if it means my 20% whiteness allows me into the ethno state
No, it was plebbit and you probably came with it you faggot
The tranny fag shit started on Yas Forums as an ironic joke and unfortunately too many dumb faggots took it seriously. Hate Yas Forums all you want but we are always right and we run this site.
>as the internets hate trio?
Exposing jews, niggers, women and faggots for the degenerates they are isnt hate my friend.
Yas Forums has always been a Yas Forums board. the left tried in vain after gamergate and the election to subvert and co-opt the board but it didnt work.
Does reddit even exist?
s4s is just a reddit fag place, they're mostly newfags anyways
Yas Forums here
please dont bring more incels to Yas Forums, they are ruining the place terribly.
this containment board is already leaking all over 4chin
Something in the world is changing. Trannies and incels are becoming the norm. Keep in mind traditional robots are neither.
A poster claiming to be an autistic female give insight to this cosmic shift. She said at her autistic support group it is now totally trannies, that it became that way over the past 2 years. Just like whats going on here, the parallels are uncanny.
Transsexualism is a disease, its spreading as society degenerates. Be safe out there.
pol and r9k are natural allies
both however are infested with jewish-led communists who despite waging their retarded campaigns of internet domination cannot fucking meme to save their god damn lives. sad..
I think there might be a legitimate connection between autism and tranny shit. I know a shit ton of actual autists that have become trannys. It is one of the strangest things I have noticed. I wonder if it is because they are so easily lead astray. It is a strange phenomenon
don't use that word when describing your or anyone else beliefs. its a tool used by talking heads and leftist commies to delegitimize any argument that goes against their status quo.
>man is disenfranchised>Self loathes and feels worthless>political climate favors women, saying they are innately valueable>no positive idea of manhood>becomes incel>wants to be special like the women he orbits>becomes closet homo>LARPs as a cute anime trap>turns into abominable tranny (point of no return)
The process is twisted and sick, those who are already twisted and sick are more vulnerable. Without masculine values such as strength, philosophy, discipline and hard work its only a matter of time before we all become trannys. Dont let the pol flame die out.