We talk about the worst aspects of men.
Moids are the worst hypocritical creatures alive. Anything they accuse women of, they are just as guilty of being, if not worse.
Men hate thread
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I'm not perfect but even on my best day I could not create the schemes of passive aggression and dismantling that women have done to me
Why can't women come up with their own Vernacular? Holy fuck. On all the woman man hating subs like trufemcels and fds, they all say based and "moids" which is clearly a copy of foids. If u hate us so much stop copying our shit you uncreative leeches.
i like men
they're catty, sure but i'm the only woman at my job and i prefer it like that
they get angry and say their shit and get over it which is very unlike women who just stew and grudge
i wish they weren't so stupid an immature though
i could have a beautiful life with my ex right now but he has to ruin it for a fling with an ugly jewish slut
A reminder, the term incel was first coined by a woman in the 90s
man here.
you are correct. but i try my best.
So you're creating men hating thread in Yas Forums where majority of people here a male? You sure have something inbetween your ears?
was she on joe rogan or am i imagining things?
this is what i've been saying for years.
men will constantly complain about how society doesnt care about them when it was their fathers and grandfathers who perpetuated the notion that men must be stoic nonemotional providers. it was men who decided that only men get drafted. it was men who decided that women ought to stay home and raise the kids/take care of the house while men dig ditches and work the factory lines and do the "horrible dirty work" that contemporary men are upset that women dont typically do
men caused their own problems and then blame women because women dont want to fuck them. you cant throw a stone on the internet without it hitting an ugly lazy man blaming society for his circumstances
>nooooo you cant say bad things about the majority, only bully minorities, noooo my board
we have to do everything because youre basically just worthless for anything other than giving birth and you can't even do that right because without modern medicine a large % of you die in childbirth you fucking losers, fix your pussy
>using kys as an argument
So you do have nothing inbetween your ears, huh? If you hate men so much, why do you use memes that has been created by male and sitting on Yas Forums board that has been created by male?
I hate men for giving roasties attention
ugh my dad and his brother are like that it pisses me off so much
especially my uncle
he has a beautiful wife and successful beautiful adult daughters and a multimillion dollar home but all he does is cry about native indians getting free university or some irrelevent bullshit that doesn't effect him at all
oops we triggered a man and lets see... he says that women die in childbirth because theyre losers and that men have to do everything. well if men have to do everything then that means they must be the majority of doctors helping the women give birth, and it looks like a large % of them fail and let their patients die, so wow thanks men for being so good at your job lmao
yea i agree male doctors shouldn't help women at all
i would be scared to death if i had a male doctor. please give me a woman doctor so she wont let me die lol
agree fully, male doctors should absolutely not help women at all. male doctors are still males, they still have male drives, which means some of them are rapey. stay away from male doctors. women should make their own medical schools too, stay away from men entirely. oh and also don't use any education material created by men, that has rapey vibes all over it, you need to start from scratch
i'm generally ok with men but they treat ugly girls like dogshit
they bitch and moan about vapid stacies causing drama and being shallow but bully the fuck out of ugly girls
obviously not all men do, strawmen arguments are retarded but as an ugly chick delivery driver i can tell you some guys won't even make eye contact with me or respond when i say have a nice day
unfortunately because women were denied access to education and discouraged from pursuing a medical career for a large portion of history, most medical knowledge, resources, and institutions were created by men. so no working around that sadly. but it would be ideal
Have you ever thought that maybe it's not the men who is hypocritical, but just humans themselves? There as many awful male people just as female people and who ever can't comprehend that in their brains just blindly hate on each other just because they're male or a female. You're making men hating threads and whining about their hypocritical behavior just as they do, which makes you no better than them.
create your own medical knowledge then? how is this our problem? pull yourself up by the bra straps, you can do it sis, i believe in you
i'm pretty sure we're working on it dude, just got a late start! but we always appreciate encouragement from patronizing slimy men so keep it coming
we have the data
women have lower IQs than men, smaller brains, fewer neurons and do worse on SAT math
women go further in school than men on average but can't compete with boys in elite STEM classes so they resort to writing thinkpieces whining how boys aim their dicks to pee so this gives them an innate advantage in physics
women also have worse hand-eye coordination, making them less fit for surgery and dentistry
PLEASE show more, user. I would pay her money just to talk to me.
waaa I hate how men are better than me waaa
slimy? youre the one with a slimy slut hole between your legs, not me
>without modern medicine
learn to read foid
also i totally wouldnt eat your pussy, pffft, totally wouldnt
i am a man you retard
theres also a higher concentration of low IQ men on the bell curve than women. so i'll concede that there are more exceptional men than women, but i'll take having an average IQ gender over having way more insanely stupid people. also, congrats on excelling in math, i'll give you that, just as women are better in fields that require a more empathetic approach
>women also have worse hand-eye coordination, making them less fit for surgery and dentistry
i think this is the reach of the century lmao. i expected more from someone of such intellectual prestige but oh well
>just as women are better in fields that require a more empathetic approach
yea like HR right? lol
shit, it took you ten seconds to reply to me. are you refreshing this thread every second drooling over yourself anxiously waiting for your chance to pwn a woman?
friendly reminder that men can range anywhere from extremely based to extremely dogshit while most women are consistently mediocre
i am going to reply to you as fast as i possibly can just to annoy you now
i only posted once, that is another user
i'm and i was just blowing off some steam... i'm sorry