I can't imagine Sisyphus happy

I can't imagine Sisyphus happy.

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why has this happened to us

He was. Camus was coping. Euphoria wears off eventually.

*He wasn't happy

cause it's a manlet cope

look at that tiny man he was condemned by the gods himself

I think the Germans got it right: "work sets you "

you should imagine sisyphus laughing at the repetitive doom of his situation rather than imaging that he is happy. he isn't happy, he is just laughing

>Manlet cope
>Had tons of flings until his death
>Got married and convinced his wife to let him keep slaying pussy


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*work sets you free* that's what I meant

In the end, although, his insistence that we must imagine Sisyphus as happy is as impractical as it is feculent.

Camus believed we can assume a view of life that can content us with the tragedy, nightmare, and meaninglessness of human existence.

Camus may have been able to assume this view of life before his life ended in a vehicular misadventure, but he must have been jesting to pose it as a possibility or a duty for the world.

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Then you must not be as dumb as Camus

Sometimes when I reflect on ideas like whether Sisyphus can be happy, I let go of my own concern for happiness. I think I might be happy in those moments hm.

[I guess this really misses the point, the more I think about it, though somehow it makes me appreciate Camus' more.]

Of course Sisyphus was not happy. He was compelled to seek meaning and happiness in a world that would not provide it.
We live in a meaningless and unhappy condition, and we reflexively seek meaning and happiness. The idea that we can accept or embrace the meaninglessness is a performative contradiction. To assert and defend absurdism, one is endeavoring to find meaning, even if his attempt involves accepting a lack of meaning. It's a paradox.
However, we're lucky in a way Sisyphus isn't. We get to stop searching for meaning and happiness. We get to die.
This isn't to say we should kill ourselves, even though we'd be better off for it. Life is a wretched and painful thing but we have a duty to each other to act as a kind of hospice nurse. Try to alleviate as much suffering as possible until we get our time to rest.
Dying of suicide will cause the people I left behind an incredible amount of suffering. Waiting it out until my time will leave the people in a slightly better state. Our purpose is to try to do right by the other victims around until extinction. Nihilistic altruism.
If I ever saw Sisyphus, I'd hand him a glass of water.

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>The most sublime character is the wise hero. He knows about the worthlessness of life, and does not wait in resignation for death, but tries to use his life as a useful weapon, to fight for the good of humanity. He dies with the sword in his hand (figuratively or literally) and is every minute of his existence ready to surrender blood for it. He is in possession of the sweetest individuality.
t. philipp mainlander

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>nobel prize winner


Happiness is a meme, duty and meaning isn't. Camus took away from observations he made talking about the elusive concept of happiness.

Gratitude for your post, bodhisattva.

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>sweetest individuality.

Duty and meaning are absoluteIy memes

There is no person more boring than a boring grateful Buddhist. It's almost like a death sentence in getting laid

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sisyphus is about as happy as oedipus it's a total meme

Camus was a pussy and so are you.

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You retard do you realize Muh nieztsche was a pussy

>And the greatest Evil was the last and it was Hope. Zeus didn't want man to kill himself. He wanted man to play his games and entertain him with his sorrows, again and again. That's why he gave people Hope: In truth it is the greatest Evil for it prolongs human suffering.
nietzsche was too pussy to an hero

Maybe I'm just a brainlet but I disagree with Camus. I don't think there's anything absurd about human life, as this search for meaning the existencialists worry about is really only a human projection onto the world, a way ro cope with a modern world that we aren't adapted to living in, and that stresses us out to no end.

We really are very simple creatures, we want to live out our basic instincts but our living conditions don't allow for that to happen, leading us to over rationalise this and try to cope through other ways, like art and media consumption. I think Nietzsche concept of Will to Power was the most accurate. If you don't get to exercise your will to power because you're stuck in a situation about it, you are going to become stressed out and depressed because your brain thinks you shouldn't be living like this.

>this search for meaning the existencialists worry about is really only a human projection onto the world, a way ro cope with a modern world that we aren't adapted to living in, and that stresses us out to no end
thats literally what makes it absurd
i think its because we are too intelligent for the world, like how we ask questions that dont matter where no other creature does, and some questions have no answers
our consciousness also hides our instincts away behind ideas and beliefs to justify having them

>thats literally what makes it absurd
Yeah, I realised this right after posting it.

Sometimes I wonder whether I wasn't meant to be a warrior or a conquerer, to go in real adventures, to live a life of actual freedom. I think we live in a prison of our own making, the modern society, and are left with nothing but consuming media to cope with losing the life we were supposed to have.

>tfw too intelligent for the world

Didn't Mainlander hang himself on top of his books

yeah lol, he was neither pro nor anti suicide, he just said that if someone didnt want to die, that should be how they live

This is the final black pill. Philosopher called Zapffe figured it out just before Camus wrote his magnum opus. Type in "the last messiah". If you haven't killed yourself by the end of the week, I take my hat off to you.

you're goddamn right, based user

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