>finally find a fembot who's around my age to talk to
>stay up all night talking to one another for the past few weeks
>she lives on the other side of the world
;_; of course
Finally find a fembot who's around my age to talk to
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same here, user. Just remember that a girl likes you for who you are :)
This always happens user, I can only find cute good fembots from the US
>t. user from Europe
I only ever find EU fembots, Can we trade?
I stopped adding US ones for a while now to avoid that bad feeling of being thousands of km away but if I would have any good now we could
>Yas Forums the card trading game
though how you find femanons from the EU? I usually find US ones at around 1-2am my time
well im a fembot and boys judge me for looking "normie"/girly and call me a stacy =(
I wouldn't judge you
I would say thats a good thing because they think you look good, so good they label you as Stacy (who can get Chad), though why do you feel bad from being judged for it?
really? thats sweet of you and it would be really refreshing.
because it sucks knowing that im not this bimbo popular girl that fucks every guy in sight and goes out every night and gets anything she wants that people try to pain me as
im literally a fucking loser femcel.
so i cant even fit in with other losers =(
been matching up with quite a few qts from across the world on tinder. i try not to talk to them i dont need it on my conscience
How old are you? If you're old enough I'll chat with you since on the outside I'm a normie but on the inside I'm pretty much a sperg
I definitely wouldn't label you as that though just good looking, and how are you a loser femcel? :( I am a total loser user who is even scared many times of posting on an anonymous imageboard
im 18.. it told me to type more
damn. too young ;_; was hoping you'd be mid to late 20's
want to play world of warcraft
>talk to fembot for 4-5 days
>she lives a couple hours away
>she ghosts me for no reason
at least yours talks to you i guess
im pretty mature for my age, i have a job and go to school and stuff.
my wow sub ran out =( thanks for reminding
Sweet bro same age. How are you? Anything got you down? I'll hear you out like a true user.
I'm 29 so it'd be too weird unless you're into older guys
>tfw even gets ignored in a thread
tfw fembot from the USA but anons i run across tend to be european for some reason
i genuinely didnt know how to reply to that sorry. i just dont go out or hook up with guys. i literally just study, use the internet, go to work and repeat.
thats not weird to me.. as long as you aren't weirdly immature or a pedo i dont mind older guys at all..
nice! today wasnt great.. just dealing with a lot of creepy attention currently and im like.. on the cusp of getting HR involved.
what did you play in wow
let's resub together
Well isn't attention what you want? It isn't negative attention is it? I mean, for me I would always like to have some sort of recognition in any of my hobbies or pastimes and I'm very passionate about the series I watch and the games I play. It's nice to have someone to share it with.
Do you have WOW? Is it any good?
alliance and i played on a server in a different continent but my friend edated one of the best players and then they moved in together and it didnt work out so i dont wanna go back to it lol.
Want to play vidya with an Americanbot, fembot?
attention is nice when its wanted or reciprocated. its not nice when its an owner of a company you work for and hes constantly making you uncomfortable in your work environment.
I don't think those would mean you are a loser though, I for one find that way cooler than girls who do hookups, what do you work as? Also do you still study in hs or already uni/college? And well since others asked about wow, what kind of video games do you like?(I also used to play it both retail and classic)
Maybe if you stopped looking around the world and looked more in your area, you would find what you're looking for.
>live alone
>work in vidya industry
>no fembots to talk to ;_;
Feel free to email me your discord if you want to chat. I'm bored
where are all the south american fembots?
I know how it sounds but fuck I want to edate in wow so badly
dead from corona
you are going to die alone fuck you for ruining games
I do it just for you
they never existed in first place
what do you play user? i tend not to play videogames with anons because of potential stalking though
How does it feel working for such greedy jews? What do you do?
if anyone wants to drop their discord i will add you. im the 18 year old femcel lol.
i would drop mine but i have FR that im never going to accept cause i kinda keep to myself on discord and prefer talking to one person at a time.
but im mature and not going to get triggered or randomly ghost if any of you wanna talk x
Potential stalking? It depends on what I'm feeling like, I like a lot of genres. FPS, MMO, RPG, MOBA, etc
Is this the same person? Here's my discord: robotanon#2763
So the team I'm on is pretty chill. But the shit that comes from the top down is terrible. Execs never wanted to make Apex Legends free, it was such a "battle" to get them to agree to make it free to play.
I've been here for 6 years. Seen some shit man
I would like to try it Drilas#1925
more like:
>afraid to put yourself out there with people you could actually end up with because you aren't ready for a real relationship
>only seek out people who live too far away to have a real relationship
why would they be here instead of sucking dicks for coins in favelas
Not her but what mmos do you play?
>Potential stalking?
people can stalk you through your game accounts and such. id rather not have my steam shitposted everywhere if things do not work out
i literally have the same problem but not a fembot
because it's quarantine time, thats why
yeah im and im south american..