Be black

>be black
>had to give a business presentation in university (pre-covid)
>group is an arab guy, a white guy and a chinese girl
>have to shake hands with all group members at the end of presentation
>she shakes every guy's hand except mind, just hovers over it instead
>does this in all practices and the actual presentation in front of the class as well
God I hate being a nigger, I literally JUST had to not be born black

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find black role models, like royce da 5'9

sorry bro
Shit like this is why I vowed to never have children with a girl who doesn't at least have blue eyes. I don't want to fuck up my offspring by making them unnatractive

shit like this is why i don't even talk to anybody

>Royce da 5'9" has expressed anti-vaccine views.[35]

No thanks most of them are retarded

My father should have married that white woman in STEM who hit on him really hard in university, he's 55% european and I could have at least looked ambiguous enough

you know just because someone says something you disagree with doesn't discount everything else they say

Chinese people are pretty racist in my experience.

Also, chinese literally live like insects and often times do not have sympathy for others. Was she chinese living in america?

eh, sometimes it does
for one, being (((anti-vax))) is smart
you have to be an actual idiot to trust anything a government is compelling you to do

No, Canada
She was born in China though and has a thick accent
I'm also aware of that, I live in a city full of Chinese people
Literally Indians are the friendliest people towards me because they think I'm one of them but that's not really something you want to be mistaken for

Chinks are 100x more subhuman than even the most ghetto black person. You should only feel bad about experiencing racism when it comes from a human being. Chinks are simply not human beings - they are, as Morrissey put it, subspecies of humanity.

Anyone who disagrees A. Has not had the displeasure of working with Chinese people, and B. is probably a low test anime virgin

>not Lupe

That's pretty fucked user, I would've instantly agreed to kick the chink out of the group. Fuck roasties

>not black thought

I'm from Rexdale, and can confirm that brown people are much easier to get along with
But really, absolutely everyone is easier to get along with than chinkscum

Indian people seem pretty wholesome to me, but I could be wrong. Only problem is they seem very unsanitary, but I don't know if that's because of their shithole country or their culture.

Tfw black and lived in a house full of Chinese people. Wasn't too bad.

It was the quietest house I had ever lived in, though. Pin drop tier. Loved that part of if

Are you living in a chinese country? Very weird to see an arab, a jew, and a chink

They're very nice to me, but both genders smell really strongly like BO
If this were 6 years ago, I would have said yes but since Trudeau became PM I've been seeing more and more indians

The Toronto area (assuming That's where he is from) is often cited as the most diverse place on Earth


I've only hung around Markham Village (the white part) because I have some buddies there.
That said, anything west of Main Street, driving along Highway 7, looks like a CCP controlled dystopian shithole. The buildings are absolutely soulless! I'm not even kidding when I say that Rexdale would be an improvement over that hellscape - and you could rent here for cheaper, I'd bet

Friendly reminder black people are the most unattractive race not even our women value us.

I know I've considered plastic surgery

How many blacks are there on r9k?
I've long believed blackbot threads are some of the best on this board and I'm glad that they're relatively infrequent.

Last time I lived with a Chinese woman she was very loud

how did this happen?
>tfw black and dated a chinese girl
it sure gets loud when they play mahjong though

Whoever invented captcha needs to die

China a society that is 100% okay with torturing and eating animals alive.

There a video of a chink making a dog fight a tiger .

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>Friendly reminder black people are the most unattractive race not even our women value us.

Why are you like this . I am getting tired of Yas Forums binary view life . You guys are so retarded that you live in absolution . no sense of nuance. Cherry picking data and using personal stories to justify your belief.

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White people have done (and still do) far, far, worse

I lived in their as an airbnb for a week then I asked him if I could live there lol. He was a bit apprehensive at first but I got to move in. It wasn't terrible but it was so fucking quiet as I said. Maybe they were racist idk nor do I care

>I lived in their as an airbnb for a week
>then I asked him if I could live there lol

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Because it was so fucking quiet. I keep saying this bc I really mean it. It was so fucking quiet and I usually only lived with other black people where they would scream on the phone and shit like that which annoyed the shit out of me. It was quiet as hell and the room had this desk that was huge and cash as fuck. I wish I could move back to be honest. I live with Hispanic people now and it's hell.