Do all Latina girls in Texas under 35 years old act black?

Do all Latina girls in Texas under 35 years old act black?

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how the fuck do you post this exact same thread every day?

OP, why do you keep posting this thread?

Do most Latinas wear cute underwear?

The vast majority of poorfags act like niggers, regardless of their actual race

Do all faggots repost the same thread over and over?

yes, they do

Poor whites usually don't black

yes they do
t. live in the southern US

Not really, most of them have their own redneck culture

Don't mess with texas doesn't even fuckin rhyme peep peep fight me fucko

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sage in all fields and report, hopefully he'll get range banned eventually.


There's two types of Latina:

Self hating and nigger loving. It's like a spectrum. The more they hate their race, the more they hate black people and vice versa.

>the more they hate their race
That part doesn't make any sense

explains why i often see cletus and steve bumping rap music in a rusty pickup

Yeah but Cletus doesn't use ebonic and wear Jordans

>ywn have a racist latina gf that hates you for being black but loves your dick
>ywn have a racist latina gf who doesn't see you as a person so you don't get all the usual perks of dating a latina gf, she just uses you for dick and makes you paint her toenails

yeah they do
on rainy days you can see the Jordans sitting outside next to their boots
i wish i was meme-ing

Black guys coon so hard for Latinas

Lol that only applies to wiggers, not the regular Cletii

Jesus fucking Christ this thread again you fucking psycho

I hate that I ever told you about Texas girls lmao. I created a fucking monster.

Did you tell me about Texas girls? I'm not sure what you're talking about

Would you sniff an aroused Latina butthole?

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I told you a few months ago. Posted pictures and everything. You've been spamming the same shit since.

>no, there are emo and weeb latinas too

when they're cute and also a weeb, they're sexy af

I don't remember that. Are you sure I'm the same person?

I really like the alt Latinas but seems like they're outnumbered by the Mayateras

Latinos in Texas vary a lot
Yes there are a lot of wannabe blacks throughout, but there also ones that are more like white people
Like you will find plenty that are more like good white people who drink lots of beer at watering holes and smoke Marlboro Reds
And hipster/alternative type ones are also common depending on where you are

>like good white people
No such thing.

Either troll or pink haired tranny who needs to dilate right now