How does this nigger normie make you guys feel?

how does this nigger normie make you guys feel?

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Other urls found in this thread: people&src=typed_query

He's right. This place is like reddit except the people on here are racist
It would be lit if they weren't bigots

>go on reddit
>posts need to be approved
>for some reason I'm shadow banned
>need to have an account for a certain amount of time before posting

It's not, nigger.

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>talking about Yas Forums anywhere
>screencapping twittershit on Yas Forums


>This place is like reddit
i mean, i just feel like thats inappropriate. yikes not cool

> people&src=typed_query

Yas Forums constantly saying racist edgy shit is supposed to deter retards like you.

If a Simple word (nigger) keeps you from using a website, you have bigger problems.

i am genuinely glad from the bottom of my heart that we can keep people away who use words like "lit" and "fye" by constantly ranting about niggers and kikes
even if i wasn't actually racist, it would be worth it at least for that

I eat my own fucking shit who cares what this guy thinks of us

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Yeah you can tell there is potential for an imageboard with heavy moderation to once again do all those things sites like Reddit or Twitter are incapable of doing because of the system they manage.
If you think about it, zero of Yas Forums best moments involve bigotry.

This place is like reddit. No matter how many effort posts I make nobody bothers to give me a (You) and that isn't even considering how many people here love black people and cuckoldry and how every other post on r9k or Yas Forums is about women and relationships. I mean it's all women. I mean you can't even say "nigger" on most boards here.

lol shut up nigger


filtered lol. glad the surface edginess is still deterring actual niggers

if u browse twitter you've openly submitted to niggers

haha you so edgy and cool because you say nigger!!! xDDDD

>implying bigotting is not justified

>Yas Forums is exactly like reddit but with racism
>without the racism it would be great
Ergo, you're saying reddit is great, so why don't you go back, faggot?

Good. the truth keeps these weak faggots out.

I'm politically conservative and have been posting on Yas Forums for 14 years.
He is absolutely fucking right.

Shut up Reddit nigger zoomer.

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go the fuck back. this place is nothing like reddit faggot. on reddit you get downvoted for not thinking trannies should be teaching children, butt naked.

he literally could just use reddit what is his issue finding a site like this

it would be lit if you weren't a nigger

peggy got them Yas Forums crackers goood lmao

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>influx of anti-white nigger zoomers crying about das racist

Niggers you guys are such shallow idiots. OP's pic related is right, damn it. look at the catalog of all NSFW boards and tell me whether you see a hivemind similiarity between all the fucking threads on the boards. tell me if you can spot the way all the threads on the catalog are similar in some way. It's fucking obvious.

The format is not, but the people are very similar, one major difference being the propaganda that is peddled. Either way, you still have a giant echo chamber as the majority,dissenters as a minority. Yas Forums handles minorities far better than reddit however by showing no favoritism mechanically to the majority.

This. I don't want Yas Forums to ever be a place where people give a fuck.

He's right. This is why you stay away from shit boards like Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and Yas Forums. The site becomes usable.

Yas Forums and Yas Forums are fine what are you talking about?

Even better than 8kun weirdly

>Thinks Yas Forums is a good board
Yep, you're retarded.

Yas Forums is the board you go to if you hate video games. its just shitposting no discussion

The edginess seems to prevent the etiquette enforced in the vast majority of the internet from taking hold, and that alone makes it worthwhile. I do not want to see this place turn into another reddit or black twitter.

more people need to fucking here this message man couldn't agree more

We can be edgy without projecting the worldview of middleschoolers from bumfuck AL

Yas Forums protects us from the normies. Thank's Yas Forums.

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Gonna third this, though one can defy the etiquette without being edgy, the edge is just a great deconstructor of the etiquette