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\cut your dick, wear pink hat, sexually identify as non-trump supporter, spread communism, congratz you're popular

I live in a republican state

well then you will be even more popular. just not in the nice way

join the fucking club OP

i tried so hard in high school to be a stacy, i bleached my hair, stopped eating, wore all the right clothes, listened to different music. and still no one fucking liked me

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get good at music
everyone loves musicians even if they're retarded

Tried doing that, couldn't learn how to play the guitar properly after like 4 fucking years. Total waste of money

hello female version of me (kept my bleached hari tho coz i like it)

>i bleached my hair
1st mistake right here. Stay with your natural hair color. Blond girls aren't necessarily more popular or well-liked as other girls

its nice being popular and wanted and liked even by strangers. i was a fat awkward kid growing up and ugly ducklinged my way up in my early 20s. its crazy how different life is when you are attractive

Fuck you, stop fucking bragging. If you wanna brag, then FUCK OFF!!!!!!!

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have you done anything to become more popular? you cant expect life to just hand everything to you

Trust me, I fucking tried. I went to the gym, tried to improve my social skills (with only partial success, I'm a sperg after all), tried getting good at shit (and failed). Nothing worked. Still got bullied by just about everyone and never had any friends

what did you do and how aggressively did you go after it and have you thought about why you failed?

it's actually very possible to become popular even if you're autistic

my friend is on the spectrum and he got voted onto my university's BNOC list because he got the highest marks in his course and turned himself into a meme

just be kind and funny and people will like you (I realize the "just" there is presumptuous, but still)

I tried learning how to play the guitar, tried playing a few sports, tried skateboarding. Never got good at any of them, and that's not without trying
I even got professional lessons for some of this shit, and I still didn't learn a lot for how long I was in these lessons. Literally fucking everyone was ahead of me, even people who joined later. I was always behind. Don't even get me started on sports. I will never play a sport again because of how hard I got my ass kicked in all of them

it sounds like you were chasing some cool guy sterotype youve seen in movies or tv and wanted to emulate. all you need to do to be cool is to be not fat and able to talk to people. if youre not atheletic dont force yourself to do shit youre not into. work on parts of your looks you can change instead for now user

That's because no one likes autistic redards who spend their entire day playing vidja and masturbating to porn


Also, I tried learning better social skills to talk to people better. I didn't comprehend much because I'm severely autistic, but I still tried my best to learn how to talk to people

Tits show tits u whore

You are literally 16 yo

Nah, I'm just autistic. Autists tend to act younger than they actually are

>I will never play a sport again because of how hard I got my ass kicked in all of them
Fucking pussy thats part of the learning you fucking lobotomized troglodite

i just want to be held by a feminine being

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I didn't get beat once and then quit. I kept on playing and playing and trying my fucking best. Even when I was getting thrashed about while getting insulted by both my team and the opposing team

everyone knew you were a dude
sorry faggot hormone injections and dick mutilations do not make a man into a woman

Not every ugly girl is a tranny. It's possible to be an ugly-looking girl without being a tranny

yeah i'm just an ugly girl unfortunately

Are you sure you're not a sperg and that's why you're not popular?

I guess I should just give up on trying to become popular and just not socialise at all...