Still Quarantined Edition
Still Quarantined Edition
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Sooo.... what do we do in these threads?
itt you stirb
Discuss Agatha and other e-girls.
The rope awaits you
ah yes do what you must to uphold the jewish run slave trade
>muh pee pee poo poo slave trade
I just want to breed jewesses
The most perfect woman I've ever witnessed.
>>muh pee pee poo poo slave trade
whom are you quoting?
The voices in my head, definitely has no relation to whatever the user I replied to said.
my love for her is still intact
>/agatha/ - Agatha General
I've never orbited girls before and I'm not the type for simping however, I've watched most of her videos and hate that I wasn't there when she was active. She is cute and I love the ASMR videos. I don't know why but I really like her. I've seen the attic threads and been to the /Agatha/ boards when they were up. I hope she is okay. Anyway, where is the decryption key for the video archive?
my favorite video of her
I dont know anything about agatha, i saw she had an image board and skipped around some videos and saw her cover vanessa by grimes, im all in
Where do i start
>Where do i start
Watch her videos. Not much to it other than that, really.
bump for the queen of r9K
What a hideous goblin. She should stay far away from her
bump for the end to antisemites
we are simps of class. most low iq normies simp for generic caked stacies
Why'd you crop it like this? It looks find as is.
it feels like she'll pop out of my screen. im so.. close to her..
ok i've thrown this girl aside since the 8ch days. give me stats and where to start
OK. Here's the straight dope, my friend: __Lurk more.__
r9k is too stinky to lurk. i'll' find my way though
any recent photo? the other day I was thinking that a year has passed since his descent into madness maybe now her is better.
she's back in the track of the holly black sheep
I never really understood this meme. Why the combo of anne frank and south?
its a nonsensical meme being forced by a single retard from /his/
Pls post rare aggas. I habe none:(
Sorry, but I'm not down with spoonfeeding. You seem like a cool guy, though, so here's a helpful tool you could use to find them: