smart/intelligence anons, can you please share your secret? Certainly you MUST do something different than the rest of us.. what do you eat? How is your diet? What do you eat? Do you meditate? Do you dream often? Please, I want to be smart like you!
Smart/intelligence anons, can you please share your secret...
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There's no secret just don't be a retard and eat whatever the fuck you want
do any of you guys have any experience with nootropics? I am desperate
doing big think early enables you to be able to do bigger think later
it is a cumulative advantage that has been building up since I was a tiny little boy
I have an IQ of over 500 because I use incognito tabs
>smart/intelligence anons, can you please share your secret?
the secret is that most anons think they are smarter than anyone else when in fact they aren't
bro try these. this guys content is great, but replace "online business" with "doing anything of meaning in your entire fucking life". trust me my guy, this guy knows what's up. his newer stuff is really good too.
the secret is to divide unmanageable problems into manageable portions. This applies to absolutely everything and has worked for me well. I lost weight this way, I practice piano this way, and I do my job this way. It's not rocket science
This, OP, to be smart means that you know there are a lot of things you must learn. In my case I dream a lot, normal diet, meditation can be good, but there's no way to be smart, only try to be one
Nice screenshot of a reddit meme post, phoneposting faggot
Both of these. You have to have a lot of humility and self awareness to be smart. You have to learn from your mistakes, and you have to do your thought processes, and anything in your life in an organized fashion.
aspergers, im 130 iq, no memes i could tell i processed things alot differently than anyone my age and most adults, i will immediately find the most efficient way to do any task
idk its random, my brothers legit dumb as fuck and has trouble reading
dont worry about it so much, it only increases your capability of understanding sadness
I didn't mean you HAVE to do all these things to be smart, but it's going to help you learn about stuff
In college/high school I did well because I paid a lot of attention in class and had a feeling of duty that pushed me to accomplish everything that was asked of me.
I dont know if it's just because I naturally can pick up on things fast, but I found that as long as I made a genuine effort to understand something or work on something, I would do alright on it.
That being said, since I graduated ive found it harder to focus on things, so I dont know.
it depends what you mean by smart
you dont need to be terribly intelligent to go very far in life - the average iq at university is typically only 1 standard deviation above the mean
moreover, intelligence is actually correlated negatively with the typical metrics of success once you reach the extreme bounds and even before then there are hugely diminishing returns
i will not profess to be exceptionally intelligent - though i have a degree i know ill never make any great contributions to anything - so perhaps youre not asking me anyway but, in my experience, people who were exceptionally diligent and studious managed to achieve just as much, or possibly even better, than people who were very apparently more intelligent than themselves at university. I recall one girl who could hardly write above a high school level, needed constant 'help' with homework and almost never understood a new concept after a lecture but did virtually nothing besides work and so ended up with a very good qualification at the end.
although this comes with the provision that you must be at least not-stupid and if you are stupid consider your realistic capabilities because it is incredibly likely you will not become substantially more intelligent
For all your supposed intelligence you have abominable grammar.
>i will immediately find the most efficient way to do any task
and apparently ridiculous pride and a lack of introspection.
Don't follow other people's rules. Try to understand everything as intuitively and deeply as possible. This means you have to learn things the hard way. Memorization is cheating and won't get you anywhere. Once you've done that, you can start to make connections and shortcuts. This is how you can learn things without compromising your creativity.
no wonder why you claim to be asperger
Here's the true big think:
You don't want INT, you want WIS and CHA. You can be a literal supergenius and still be a complete retard where it matters.
It's like Dilbert: all the characters (except the boss) are quite smart, but most of them are suffering wagies while the boss, the dog, and the garbage man are all successful and relatively happy.
>proof reading a Yas Forums post
brainlet detected, nice collegiate words
>am extremely verbose, have great vocabulary and speak in a very literary fashion because I have always read constantly
>people think I'm really smart
>am actually fucking retarded
genes. sorry
what goes on in the heads of smart people? Do you hear voices like when you're about asleep but 24/7? Do you constantly have random words, images, or sounds blasting around in your head? Or is it the opposite where your mind is empty but the right things just fall out?
>Do you hear voices like when you're about asleep but 24/7? Do you constantly have random words, images, or sounds blasting around in your head?
I've been called smart before, and yes, but I unironically have schizophrenia so it might just be me.
i have very strong association skills, if a phrase or situation reminds me of a scene ive ever seen in media, the connotation goes off in my head
im really into actual photography and the same association thing goes off when i see something interesting line up
i see patterns in things people cannot, it helped me meme my way into a city planning engineering position from digging holes without going to school
Here's the main difference I see.
>have an idea
>"derp time to start making decisions!"
Not stupid:
>have an idea
>"wait, is that right?"
Also letting yourselves be brainwashed by fuckheads on television.
don't really have a secret, things usually just make sense, if they don't I get obsessed until they do.
I dont consider myself very smart at all but ive been told by my peers and teacher throughout my life I am. So I'll part this bit of advice onto you. Never stop learning absorb as much actual knowledge as you can this can be through books or videos or audio drama's etc. It doesnt have to be one specific medium just start off with general knowledge and if something piques your interest try to learn more and find out if you have a passion for the subject. or you can try eating your own cum I think that works too
I pay attention to and engage in what I'm trying to learn.
what if you do this but have horrible memory? Is it really worth consuming everything if it merely passes right through you?
just watched a documentary about sex
it seems females like men with big brains... I don't have a big brain, my head is always empty, I am not creative, witty, or funny... I will die alone if I can't improve my mental capabilities...
literature art and music
physical activity
genuine interest in people and things
constantly hone your critical thinking skills
question everything and fact check
Bro some people are smart and some people aren't. You can't make yourself smart.