All the pedos come out of the woodworks when you acknowledge they all deserve pain and suffering

all the pedos come out of the woodworks when you acknowledge they all deserve pain and suffering.

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I want to eat MRE's with Steve.

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>noooo it'y freedom to fuck and/or jerk off to kids
>Pedos only rebuttal are whataboutisms

Like pottery

who is steve? I see him posted a lot.

Guy who eats MRE's and old rations. Has a really positive attitude, even when trying to eat something that's decades out of date.

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Your time is coming normalnigger
Pedos will take over the world soon

wow this is the most boring shit
what's the catch?

Nothing as far as I'm aware, just some guy who some may consider a Chad eating old military rations. I like his personality, plus it's interesting to see this kind of stuff.

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Take over the world with regards to suicide rates maybe

So BTFO you left your thread because you were too scared to argue. LMAO

>Says group deserves death.
>pretends to still have the moral high ground

you people are fucking rotten I just want you to know that

>Spews non arguments
>O I won

>runs away like a pussy into a new thread
>y-you lost though

Fucking young girls has been the norm of the world for millions of years. Mary was 14 when she gave birth to Jesus, Muhammed married his fav wife when she was young. Pedos are kings

>Young girls
That's more normal than fucking 8 year olds. No reason to do so in first world countries now

>No reason to do so in first world countries now
Why not?

>Fucks kids
>U r teh pussy

We aren't a majority Muslim

whats with these new pedo bait threads, shitty bait threads have been shitting this board, first it was the trannies
then roasties (which are still going)
then woman with jungle fever
and now pedos and a few dogpill bait threads?
you baiters are literally scum, go kys yourselves

You could fuck 7 year olds in the U.S. in the 19th century. There were no muslims in the country. Muslims have had zero influence on any western laws regarding sex.

>He thinks the US comprises the entire western world


The fuck do you have against Steve? He's a good guy!

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You could also fuck 7 year olds in every other western country in the 19th century, I only mentioned the U.S. because some people seem to think it's a euro thing, and that their concept of pedophilia existed back in the U.S. always and always, and that the strange thing wasn't AOC laws in the U.S. being made ridiculously high.

>Stating facts
Holy moly

What do you consider to be pedophile territory?

>hurr durr you aren't a pedo so you're a normalfag
Neckyourself retard. People like you always try to start infighting amongst actual robots. There is only one side you belong on, and it's with the rest of the cattle.

Do you have sexual thoughts about children?

Getting angry at pedos is mostly an American thing. This is what happens when you are brainwashed by feminism.

>>hurr durr you aren't a pedo so you're a normalfag
God I wish we still had the loli and cp spammers, they kept retards like you away

>Anti pedos are Feminists

pedos already control the world
you literally are just not allowed because you dont have enough money, the uber rich hoard the cunny for themselves and make the cattle underclass kill theirselves for having the same attractions

user go outside and tell people you like underage kids I'm pretty sure you'll get the same negative reaction even outside of America

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No they didn't, they just made up my mind of the people i'd hate the most. You faggots are weak and underweight niggers, I'd knock you out and slit your stomach open, just to pull out all of your insides.

Originally answer my original question.

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Personally, I think everyone in this thread is retarded, including me of course.

Well actually user

Yeah well it seemed to work pretty well so id say it worked if it has you this riled up.

So quit jerking it to the thought of punishing them

>he Iacks the knowledge

Where is the line drawn between just disdain and legitimate persecution? You're chalking up a person's whole character to the actions they either have taken or you suspect they've taken, and your judgement is being clouded by emotions at the mere mention of the name. One could argue they aren't persecuted by the government, but the people have a tendency to respond with cruel vitriol and mire as opposed to helping reconcile them.

if you look into the history of age of consent laws, actually yes, feminism has been the drive the entire time