Now that I've got your attention, post your:
>virginity status
>views on the opposite sex
>views on the same sex
I'm a femanon who exclusively sleeps with black men, AMA!
Their emotional logic can be difficult to track, but I recognize their humanity.
They can be just as confusing as the opposite sex at times. I've an easier time around them socially.
>very nice and cool when healthy, i wanna choke one and make him cry. in a good way
>very nice and cool, make me feel comfortable and are good friends. wish they were less self conscious/anxious
I think a lot of criticisms of women on here are double standards because any guy here would sleep with as many girls as possible given the chance. Bodycount means literally nothing.
I think all guys are born inherentyl misogynistic to an extent because it's become so casual that we don't even notice. Also I'm bisexual
No strong views
No strong views
>any guy here would sleep with as many girls as possible given the chance.
Other male poster here. Was only a single instance, but I've rejected advances from a girl. There are also plenty of girls that don't appeal to me in that sense.
I am a black Male virgin
Please contact so I can see bobs and vag
Other other male poster, and I, too, have rejected advances.
>>very nice and cool when healthy, i wanna choke one and make him cry. in a good way
what does she mean by this?
>virginity status
>>views on the opposite sex
>about 70% of them are vapid cunts that are surface level in everything they are "interested in and rarely can hold a conversation on the topics
>views on the same sex
a bunch of enablers who are pretty much responsible for encouraging ethots and their attention whoring just because "OH MY GOSH SHE DRESSED UP AS [ANIME CHARACTER] SHES JUST LIKE ME AND I TOTALLY HAVE A CHANCE WITH HER" despite it being clear theyre all being played
>>virginity status
Done everything except the full deed
>>views on the opposite sex
>>views on the same sex
I have the same view of both sexes. Negative.
>lost it
>trash. They have destroyed the fabric of western society. Will never date again
>also trash for letting them do it.
This is why I work with animals
exactly that my nigga
nice an hiv whore
Male (biological)
>virginity status
>views on the opposite sex
Women are very selfish. only ever thinking about themselves. that's why femanons won't date robots and only go for chads that lurk here.
>views on the same sex
most guys are cool. chad is cool and helpful. ive had a few chad friends in the past that helped me a lot but eventually we just moved on. wish still had chad as a friend. maybe he saw I was too far gone though
alright, alright, but you've got to acknowledge that given the posting habits of the users here that MOST would sleep with as many as possible and still hold women to a different standard
Would you punish me for being a nonvirgin male, fembot?
some women are ok, but overall they're pretty fucking dumb
guys are pretty fucking dumb too
I'm not sure what people say on here, especially outside real world context, translates 1:1; however, I'll grant you that I know a good number of guys irl who behave this way. I agree about the double standard. Women I've met seem to respect that quality in a man, provided he's not what they consider a "fuckboy" (and even then sometimes). The whole "tried and true" verification maybe.
Yes because i have an inferioriy complex and non-virgins make me feel insecure
Straight Male
>virginity status
>views on the opposite sex
>views on the same sex
Subhumans but some them are based
What would that entail? Do you think you could make me cry?
Mostly no interest, like a few in a non sexual way, for example family or random females I met online
Mostly no interest, am friends with a few plus like family
>virginity status
>views on the opposite sex
They are awesome
>views on the same sex
We are fairly less awesome
>virginity status
KHV, literally never had a female interested in me
>views on the opposite sex
Don't hate them, but they're so vapid and banal that I don't bother interacting with them
>views on the same sex
Better personalities, but not attractive in a physical/sexual way
virgin, 24yo
some are great, some are terrible
some are great, some are terrible
ive had girls being nice and friendly to me and ive had girls laugh at me for being ugly.
same with dudes.
people generally suck but you only have to find handful of the good ones.
>virginity status
KHV, never had a woman interested in me.
Prostitutes don't count.
>views on the opposite sex
Useless whores that live life on easy mode, Completely ignore average men because they are always getting fucked by a drunk Chads and waiting for prince charming to come along.
Malicious, manipulative, deceiving, lying and always do everything with ulterior motives.
>views on the same sex
Perfect gentlemen, veritable kings.
Mostly a bunch of well meaning morons. Not given to malice and pure evil, unlike women.
>tfw no potbelly queen of spades gf to cuck me
non virgin
disghusting cunts
>virginity status
Lost, in the process of being issued another.
>views on the opposite sex
Dyed-in-the-wool liars, spiteful, cowardly, avaricious. Undeserving of kindness, utterly incapabIe of feeling lasting contentment or gratitude.
>views on the same sex
Opportunistic predators, morons, losers, scum and trash. Just as morally bankrupt as women, but occasionally honest about it.
>virginity status
>views on the opposite sex
Want to marry u n have kids
>views on the same sex